




Salud y Derecho a la Alimentación - Bienestar, equidad y sosteniblidad a través de las políticas alimentarias locales

La salud y el derecho a una alimentación adecuada son derechos que se encuentran avalados y secundados por numerosos tratados, acuerdos y jurisprudencia desde el nivel internacional hasta el local. Sin embargo, a pesar de los compromisos, nos encontramos ante una situación de emergencia debido al ininterrumpido aumento de la...
2018 - Fundación Entretantos, con la colaboración de la Red de Ciudades por la Agroecología

The Zambia food change lab

Maize is the predominant crop in Zambia, both in terms of production and consumption, and levels of crop diversity on Zambian farms tend to be very low. The country’s maize-centric food system contributes to poverty, malnutrition, and vulnerability to drought, pests and diseases. Growing a wider variety of nutritious crops...
2018 - Hivos-IIED

Romanian National Rural Network Newsletter

Romanian Rural Network News no.6/2018.  a 
2018 - Romanian Rural Network

Políticas Alimentarias Urbanas para la Sostenibilidad

Análisis de experiencias en el Estado español, en un contexto internacional
El informe ha sido elaborado por la Fundación Entretantos, con el apoyo de la Red de Ciudades por la Agroecología y la Fundación RUAF. Consiste en el estudio comparado de políticas alimentarias desarrolladas en once ciudades integradas en dicha Red, partiendo de un análisis de políticas alimentarias urbanas a nivel internacional y...
2018 - Fundación Entretantos

Agrobiodiversity in Southeast Europe - Assessment and Policy Recommendations

The three-year project “Rural Development through Integrated Forest and Water Resource Management in Southeast Europe (LEIWW)” is jointly implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Standing Working Group for Regional Rural Development (SWG RRD). The project aims to improve the regional capacities for sustainable management of...

Газетная статья
Challenges and Action Points to Amplify Agroecology in Europe

Agriculture in Europe results in the production of food for both the European population and for the export sector. Significant environmental and social problems have emerged with the intensification of European agriculture. These include the loss of biodiversity, the contamination of soils, water, and food with pesticides, and the eutrophication...
European Union
2018 - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute ( MDPI) - Sustainability

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Using comparative historical analysis to compensate shortcomings of crosssectional methods in explaining causal mechanisms: Lessons from a study of rice farmers in Vietnam

The benefits of mixed methods are well recognised. Using mixed methods, researchers are able to overcome shortcomings inherent in individual methods while enhancing the validity and reliability of their research findings. Mixed methods are commonly used in cross-sectional studies – to answer research questions, and/or explore contemporary social issues. However,...
Viet Nam

AGROECOLOGY IN ACTION: The Women of Kampong Speu, Cambodia

In the villages of Samrong Tong, district of Kampong Speu province, Cambodia, women vegetable farmers are at the forefront of promoting agroecology. In this short documentary, watch how the Women Organic Vegetable Producer Group, with the support of the Cambodian Center for Study and Development in Agriculture (CEDAC), are able to...
2018 - PAN Asia Pacific

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Multi-actor networks and innovation niches: university training for local Agroecological Dynamization

The global environmental and social-economic crises of industrialized agriculture have led to the emergence of agroecology as an alternative approach aiming to increase the ecological, social and economic sustainability of agri–food systems. The ‘multi-level perspective’ is now a widely used framework to understand and promote the upscaling of local innovation niches, such as...

Romanian Rural Network Newsletter No. 4

Romanian Rural Network Newsletter, with a lot of news from Romania and EU
2018 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Газетная статья
Agroecological Transition - What can sustainability transition frameworks teach us? An ontological and empirical analysis

In the next section, we analyze some ontological mismatches of the main sustainable transition frameworks and identify debates and gaps in current research. Instead of reinforcing the understanding of sustainability issues, we conclude that a hasty combination of frameworks without critical reflection on their ontologies generates theoretical inconsistencies and the...

Romanian Rural Network Newsletter No. 3

Romanian Rural Network Newsletter, with news article regarding Rural development in Romania and in EU
2018 - Romanian Rural Network for Rural Development

Agroecology- Innovating for sustainable agriculture & food system

A growing body of scientific evidence shows that agroecology innovations and practices are technically feasible, affordable, politically socially and culturally acceptable, adaptable to local circumstances and environmentally sound. This paper presents a set of evaluation criteria with which to assess innovations against such conditions.
2018 - Friends of the Earth International

Organic Sector in the European Union

Organic farming is one of the most dynamic sectors of the European agri-food industry. Organic farming means producing food respecting the natural life cycles, minimising the human impact on the environment. The European Union organic logo guarantees production and quality standards for organic farming, such as sustainable production, strict limitations...
European Union
2018 - European Commission

Potentially Important Food Plants of Nepal

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

An overview of legal and institutional frameworks and opportunities, challenges and recommendations for geographical indication products in Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation

Geographical indication (GI) schemes can play a special role in promoting sustainable rural development, improving farm income and opening new export potential. Natural factors such as soil, climate and plant varieties play a major role in producing a unique product. Usually, GIs comprise knowledge and skills passed on from generation...
Armenia - Georgia - Kyrgyzstan - Republic of Moldova - Russian Federation
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Potentially Important Food Plants of Nepal (Nepali)

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Robust & Resilient dairy production systems

The competitive environment of dairy cattle production systems is often linked to increased pressure on animal welfare due to various stress factors. It is argued that there is trade-off between production and animal welfare, which includes animal health. However, this is not always the case. The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on...
European Union
2018 - Eip Agri Agriculture&Innovation

Cas national sur l'agroécologie au Maroc

Les agriculteurs-trices des zones rurales de montagne au Maroc sont confrontés à de nombreux défis parmi lesquels la pauvreté, la dureté des conditions de vie et la dégradation de l’environnement suite au changement climatique. Le projet d’agro-écologie au Sud du Maroc a été lancé en 2015 par l’Organisation Non Gouvernementale...

Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). Combining agricultural biodiversity, resilient ecosystems, traditional farming practices and cultural identity

For centuries, farmers, herders, fishers and foresters have developed diverse and locally adapted agricultural systems managed with time tested, ingenious techniques. These practices have resulted in a vital combination of social, cultural, ecological and economic services to humankind. “Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems” (GIAHS) are outstanding landscapes of aesthetic beauty...
Algeria - China - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Japan - Kenya - Mexico - Peru - Republic of Korea - Spain - Sri Lanka - United Republic of Tanzania
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:4097