




Public procurement in Africa benefitting family farmers and schools

Innovative partnership operational in five countries
10 March 2015, Rome - An innovative partnership spanning five African countries is providing important lessons on how governments can procure food for public institutions, such as schools, directly from small-scale family farmers. Modelled on Brazil's achievements in fighting hunger and poverty, the Purchase from Africans for Africa programme (PAA...
Brazil - Ethiopia - Malawi - Mozambique - Niger - Senegal
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


Biowatch is among the organisations and international social movements that see agroecology as a means to realise the goal of food sovereignty. In 2007 civil society and social movement organisations representing millions of farmers met in Nyéléni in Mali to launch an international movement for food sovereignty. This movement views...
South Africa
2015 - Biowatch South Africa

AGROECOLOGY - Environmental, social and economic justice

Biowatch advocates for agroecology as a proven, multi-faceted approach to creating a sustainable, diverse, just food system that applies ecological principles and methods to farming, while addressing wider environmental, economic, social, cultural, and political dimensions in order to transform the industrialised food system.
South Africa
2015 - Biowatch South Africa

Lutte contre la famine et la malnutrition

L’agroécologie, nouveau levier de la FAO
L’Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (Fao) explore de nouvelles pistes pour mieux lutter contre la faim et la malnutrition. Elle semble vouloir activer un nouveau levier, notamment l’agroécologie. «L’agroécologie est une des solutions qui sont faites pour un monde libéré de la faim. Elle permet également de...
2015 - Le Quotidien

Cereal productivity and its drivers: The case of Ethiopia

Cereal production has exhibited unprecedented growth in Ethiopia, leading to important welfare improvements in the country. However, it is not well understood what the drivers have been of this growth and how it can be sustained. In particular, there is a lack of evidence on the contribution of improvements in...
2015 - Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI)

Forests, trees and agroforestry

Livelihoods, landscapes and governance
With over 230 researchers working in more than 80 countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America, the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) responds to the urgent need for a strong and sustained research focus on the management of forests and trees. Trees on farms and in forests play a crucial role...
2015 - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

Food security and climate change

Farmers in Madagascar adopt agro-ecological practices A film by the Research and Development Institute and the French Global Environment Facility. In Madagascar, new farming practices are being introduced to combat climate change and maintain food security in rural areas. The French Global Environment Facility is funding a development project implemented by...
2015 - Institut de recherche pour le développement

Pathways to lasting impact for rural dryland communities in the developing world

Annual report 2014
This research aims to provide the evidence required to help put dryland issues firmly on the development agenda at national, regional, and global levels. Dryland Systems research informs the interventions required by providing international public goods – tools, methods, practices, policies, and technologies – to enhance the economic and social...

Africa’s smallholders adapting to climate change

The need for national governments and international climate finance to support women producers
Climate change is undermining the ability of African nations to feed themselves. Women smallholder producers are on the front line of dealing with the impacts, but are not first in line for international climate finance. Wealthy countries have committed to helping countries in Africa to adapt to climate change, but...
Ethiopia - Ghana - Malawi - Mozambique - Nigeria - South Africa - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2015 - Oxfam International

Газетная статья
Economic analysis of the role of farmer organizations in enhancing smallholder potato farmers’ income in Middle Guinea

Farmers’ organizations are inclusive of the poor and are charged with the purpose of becoming a market outlet for smallholder farmers in Guinea. Improving farmers’ income earning capability and agricultural productivity has been an important strategy of Guinea’s agriculture development policy. However, despite their growing importance, empirical studies on how...

Agroecology: a success in Africa

November 2015: On the 5th and 6th of this month, a unique Africa-wide seminar on agroecology took place in Dakar, Senegal. We are proud to present 7 inspiring agroecological initiatives driven by farmers from across Africa. 
2015 - AgriCultures Network

Mulch and seed banks: conservation farming in Zimbabwe

Launched in 2006, a conservation farming project has transformed hundreds of farmers’ lives in Zimbabwe’s Nkayi District. Once food-aid beneficiaries, these farmers now produce enough maize to cover family needs, with some producing an excess for sale. Farmers produce their own maize seed each year, which are made available to...
2015 - Alliance for Foos Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Sweet success story from family owned strawberry farm

A couple who are first generation farmers knew that strawberries would be a difficult crop, but were undeterred when told it was impossible to grow them in Ballito which is just north of Durban. The couple has proved experts wrong by successfully growing the crop on their 17 hectare farm...
2015 - CGTN Africa

Improving traditional systems of soil fertility to increase quality agricultural production in the Savannah region of Togo (Oti and Tandjoar districts)

The project is a response to land degradation in the Savannah region and its impact on agricultural production. The area suffers from overexploitation of natural resources, particularly forest products, linked to human activities. The result of these activities is the destruction of vegetation, leaving the soil bare and highly eroded....
2015 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Gender and rural development brief

East and Southern Africa
The countries of East and Southern Africa have made major commitments to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment, and they are starting to pay off. A number of countries have achieved substantial progress towards gender parity in primary school enrolment. Nearly all countries have adopted quota systems requiring women’s participation...
Angola - Botswana - Burundi - Comoros - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Kenya - Lesotho - Madagascar - Malawi - Mauritius - Mozambique - Namibia - Rwanda - Seychelles - South Africa - South Sudan - Eswatini - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Agricultural growth in West Africa (AGWA)

Market and Policy Drivers
West African Agriculture is at a turning point. The combination of strong demand growth, sustained economic growth, higher global agricultural prices, and an improved policy environment has generated the most conducive conditions for Agricultural growth in over 30 years. West African countries and their Development Partners now clearly recognize the...
Benin - Burkina Faso - Cabo Verde - Gambia - Ghana - Guinea - Guinea-Bissau - Liberia - Mali - Niger - Nigeria - Senegal - Sierra Leone - Togo
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Protection sociale et sécurité alimentaire au Burkina Faso

Les cantines scolaires
Dans le Sahel, les politiques de protection sociale en lien avec la sécurité alimentaire ont un rôle fondamental quant au bien-être de la population. Étudier ces politiques ainsi que leurs mesures profite aux organisations qui œuvrent pour la sécurité alimentaire de la région et peut contribuer à la conception de...
Burkina Faso
2015 - Oxfam International

L’agro-écologie, une solution pour éradiquer l’insécurité alimentaire, selon la FAO

La lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire prend une nouvelle orientation écologique, plus naturelle et moins coûteuse, si l’on en croit l’Organisation des nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO). Cet organisme, prône l’agro-écologie qu’elle considère comme une solution pour lutter contre la faim et la mal nutrition.  
2015 - Financial Afrik

Restitution des résultats d'enquête dans le cadre du projet "Identification d´options politiques et stratégiques pour une meilleure adoption des technologies par les exploitations familiales"

Article qui décrit un atelier qui s'est déroulé du 30 mars au 02 avril 2015 à Chadakori (Région de Maradi), au Niger. Cette rencontre organisée conjointement par l´Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique du Niger (INRAN) et la Fédération SA’A qui a regroupé les producteurs, les médias, les autorités administratives...
2015 - Agrifam-Niger

Poverty reduction for smallholder farmers, Brazilian-style: Can it work in Africa?

Pilot project in Malawi
Brazil has achieved impressive results in reducing poverty with “Fomento,” a set of large-scale, government-run social programs targeting smallholder farmers. Rural poverty in Brazil dropped dramatically from 51.4 percent in 2002 to 29.1 percent in 2011; during the same period, family farmers’ incomes also grew by 50 percent. When an...
Brazil - Malawi
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Total results:3653