




Local Seed Bank in Palestine

In the world of agriculture, all too often we stop cultivating a vegetable or raising an animal breed simply because they are not profitable enough. The economic market is oriented to maximizing yields at all costs, concentrating on a small selection of the most “productive” species. Though it may warrant...
2017 - UAWC

Branding Natura 2000 products

A branding campaign and a dedicated website to promote Natura 2000 products with the aim of showcasing their socio-economic benefits and triggering new partnerships between site managers, farmers and local businesses has been launched.
European Union
2017 - EuroSite

Civil Society Mechanism - Annual Report 2015/2016

The Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) for relations with the CFS is the largest international space of civil society organizations (CSOs) working to eradicate food insecurity and malnutrition. The purpose of the CSM is to autonomously facilitate civil society participation in policy processes of the CFS. During the reporting period, the...
2017 - Civil Society Mechanism

Innovations in Agroecology – a case study from the Netherlands

In Noord-Brabant, a region in South-West Netherlands, Govert van Dis and his wife Phily Brooijmans are running an organic arable farm of around 100 hectares. They run the farm together and actively follow innovations in agroecology. Crops are grown without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, therefore crop rotation forms the...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

AFA Conducts Cooperative Development Forum in Vietnam and Nepal

One of the five point priority agenda of the Asian Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) is to build and strengthen farmers’ cooperatives and their enterprises that will give farmers a stronger involvement in value chains and increase their market power. Thus, AFA has established a Cooperative Development Program...
2017 - Asian Farmers Association AFA

Farming Matters - Building food sovereignty

This issue of Farming Matters is about food sovereignty. Food sovereignty is a self-organised, grassroots response to today’s problematic food and farming system. Diverse people, such as producers, consumers, peasants, migrant farm workers and urban citizens, to name a few, are uniting around initiatives to regain control over their food...
2017 - ILEIA

Smart solutions for on-farm water management

Irrigation efficiency essential to optimise yield and quality of crops under climate change
Climate change resulting in flooded lands, droughts, water shortages and poor water quality has a direct impact on farming in Europe. Farmers need to manage the water on their farms, without compromising farm viability. Concrete on-farm solutions ranging from active cooperation to water sensing systems, multi-functional wetlands and rain harvesting,...
European Union
2017 - EIP Agri

Learning Journey on LSPA in Lebanon

Learning Journey on Local Solidarity Partnerships for Agroecology between producers and consumers in Lebanon, November 22-25, 2017
Urgenci, the international network of Local Solidarity Partnerships for Agroecology between producers and consumers (LSPA) and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). As part of the 3-year mutual commitment, the Mediterranean network, including members...
Algeria - Egypt - France - Greece - Italy - Jordan - Lebanon - Palestine - Tunisia - Türkiye
2017 - Urgenci

The World of Organic Agriculture 2017

Statistics and Emerging Trends 2017
The study (336 pages) contains reports, authored by experts, on the organic sector and emerging trends in all regions and selected countries. The statistics are supported with graphs and tables. In addition, background information on issues such as standards and legislation is provided. New additions to this edition are an...
2017 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FIBL

La Tierra del Agricultor y Ganadero - 264

Número 264 de la revista oficial de UPA “La Tierra del agricultor y ganadero'' -  UPA elabora un documental sobre la difícil convivencia entre ganadería y lobos ; UPA insiste ante el Gobierno y la Unión Europea en exigir más presupuesto para la PAC del futuro y ayudas directas prioritarias a...
2017 - UPA

AFA Vice Chairperson Receives Prestigious Rtv Award in Bangladesh

Ms. Shazada Begum, President of Kendrio Krishak Moitree (KKM) and Vice President of the Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA), has been honoured with the “RTV Alokito Nari 2017″ (Enlightened Woman) award. This is one of the most prestigious awards in Bangladesh that honours change makers like Shazada.
2017 - Asian Farmers Association AFA

Learning journey to Lebanon

Between November 22 - 25, 2017 Lebanon hosted the 2nd Learning Journey on LSPA: Local Solidarity Partnerships for Agro-ecology between producers and consumers. Around 20 facilitators from 11 Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia, Turkey, Syria) participated and shared their experiences through meetings and site...
Algeria - Egypt - France - Greece - Italy - Jordan - Lebanon - Palestine - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - Türkiye
2017 - Urgenci

Success Story (Cambodia): Toek Thla Samaki Saving Group

The Toek Thla Samaki saving group Toek Thla Village, Trapaing Krosaing Commune, Prey Kabas District Takeo Province was established in 2008 with 16 members and a saving capital of $40. With the support of AFOSP-MTCP2 through the Farmer and Nature Net in Cambodia starting 2014, the group conducted training and...
2017 - Asian Farmers Association

Learning Journey on LSPA in Turkey

Towards a Mediterranean Training for Local and Solidarity -based Partnerships for Agroecology
How to strengthen producers-consumers relationships ? This activity is one of the numerous exercises to be tried out during Urgenci's learning journeys. The latest of these journeys took place in Turkey 4-8 October, thanks to the support from the Civil Society Team of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Some tasks...
2017 - Urgenci

Capitalizing Bitter Bamboo Group Experience and Improving Marketing of Bitter Bamboo Shoots (Lao Farmer Network)

Non-timber forest products such as bamboo shoots are a very important food and source of income for farmers in rural areas of Laos. Sustainable management of bamboo is important for food security, and improvement of the bamboo value chain can help increase incomes for rural people. That is why the...
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2017 - Asian Farmers Association

Moving forward strategically towards sustainable, just and nutritious food systems in Africa

This document elaborates the outcomes of the Addis Ababa Conference on “Changing Food Systems in Africa: Agroecology and Food Sovereignty and their Role in Nutrition and Health”. The three-day conference brought together representatives of civil society organizations, farmers, fisherfolk, pastoralists, indigenous peoples, consumers, youth networks, women’s networks, food processors, practitioners,...
2017 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Газетная статья
L'agriculture biologique, un outil de développement de la filière dattes dans la région des Ziban en Algérie

Les difficultés de commercialisation entravent le bon fonctionnement de la filière dattes en Algérie, particulièrement pour les cultivars à faible valeur marchande. Afin de tirer profit des expériences extérieures, et notamment de celles des agriculteurs des pays européens et des pays voisins (Maroc et Tunisie), de nombreux mécanismes et outils...

Organic Farming, climate change mitigation and beyond

Reducing the environmental impacts of EU agriculture
Sustainably feeding the growing world population and preventing dangerous climate change are two of the major challenges facing society today. While there is a growing understanding of the complexity of the links between these challenges and of the global degradation of the environment, the contribution of food and farming to...
European Union
2017 - IFOAM

Addis Ababa declaration on Agroecology, Ecological Organic Agriculture and Food Sovereignty: The Way Forward for Nutrition and Health in Africa November, 2016

Civil society organizations, farmers, fisherfolk, pastoralists, indigenous peoples, consumers, youth networks, women’s networks, food processors, practitioners, government, academics and researchers, recognizing that food systems in Africa have dramatically changed over the last century, gathered in Addis Ababa in November 2016 to deliberate the theme, “Changing Food Systems in Africa: Agroecology...
2017 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

实 践
Training Young Burmese Farmers on Agriculture for the Future

The Agriculture and Farmers Federation of Myanmar (AFFM) saw low participation of youth in agribusiness, which is attributed to the limited access to key resources, such as land, start-up capital, business mentors, and increasing number of youth moving from rural to urban areas as well as to other countries to...
2017 - Agriculture and Farmers Federation of Myanmar
Total results:3980