




Report of capacity development workshop on the voluntary guidelines for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries in the context of food security and poverty eradication for indigenous peoples of Central America

For centuries, fishing has been an activity of great importance for indigenous peoples. They inhabit and relate to water ecosystems, which conserve their cultural heritage, food sovereignty (the right to access healthy and culturally appropriate food) and in many cases are a main source of income. In Central America the...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO

Traditional agricultural heritage systems grab spotlight in Europe and Central Asia

Traditional agricultural systems can sustain biodiversity and conserve genetic resources for food and agriculture, building resilence to climate change while respecting and promoting rural livelihoods and knowledge systems. It was to identify, support and safeguard these systems that FAO launched the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) programme. An event starting today in...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Lanzamiento del primer foro por un programa agrario nacional

Más de 60 organizaciones de la Agricultura Familiar, Campesina e Indigena de Argentina comenzaron a reunirse a mediados del año 2018 con las miras puestas en consolidar un Programa Agrario Nacional.  Para debatir los puntos de ese programa se realizará el 7 y 8 de mayo de 2019, en el Microestadio...

Strategies using floriculture to improve livelihoods in indigenous Australian and Pacific Island communities

The ACIAR project ‘Strategies Using Floriculture to Improve Livelihoods in Indigenous Australian and Pacific Island Communities’ utilised value chain analyses as a unifying framework in and across participating countries. The overall aim of this multifaceted project was to identify constraints and opportunities for indigenous enterprise development through floriculture. The potentially...
2019 - Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Interview with Indonesian Kapuas Hulu Indigenous Imanul Huda

The national Indonesian organization of indigenous peoples, Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN), estimates that between 50 and 70 million indigenous peoples live in Indonesia, accounting for up to 25% of the country’s total population.
Ahead of Indigenous Terra Madre Asia and Pan-Pacific, running from October 11-14th 2019 in Hokkaido, Japan, we spoke to indigenous delegate Imanul Huda, member of the Kapuas Hulu Slow Food Community in Indonesia. In our interview, Imanul discusses his involvement with Slow Food and his work to protect natural resources and sustainable food sources...
2019 - Slow Food

Seeds of the past adapted to the present and future

Little black millet and white onion, two farmers’ seeds returning to Niger
In Niger, climate change and economic factors are affecting the living conditions of agricultural producers. Distorted by the promise of better yields, many Nigerien producers have abandoned their farming practices and peasant varieties to adopt new and sometimes inappropriate practices. This case deals with black millet and white onion, two...

FAO calls to respect indigenous peoples’ collective rights to lands, territories and natural resources

From 16-27 April 2018, the Seventeenth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is taking place under the theme: “Indigenous peoples’ collective rights to lands, territories and resources”. As this theme directly links to FAO’s mandate, FAO Director-General, José Graziano da Silva, delivered a video-message in which he stressed the need...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Regional campaign for the full autonomy of rural and indigenous women in Latin America and the Caribbean – 2018

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Central American Agricultural Council of the Central American Integration System (CAC/SICA), UN Women, Mercosur's Specialized Meeting on Family Farming (REAF), Brazil's Special Secretariat for Family Farming and Agricultural Development (SEAD), as well as Uruguay's General Directorate of Rural Development in...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documental El Futuro Está en el Monte (Parte 1)

Este video resume el trabajo de El Futuro està en el Monte, movimiento que impulsa en la región del Gran Chaco modelos de negocios que promuevan un desarrollo sustentable, competitivo e inclusivo, a través de la puesta en valor del capital natural y cultural, combinando la innovación con los saberes...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Paraguay
2018 - ACDI

Spiritual and Cultural Value of Seed

The seed, like the big bang, or evolution, or the atom … bears the mystifying tale of a beginning. We fill our bellies on the seed, heal our wounds, build our homes. Upon sight, or smell, or taste, perhaps we let our minds drift to the smallscale farmer who prepares...
South Africa
2018 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Participatory Plant Breeding and Smallholder Farmers

Participatory Plant Breeding and Smallholder Farmers video – the third in a series of six videos from ACB’s National Seed Dialogue and Celebration At the National Seed Dialogue and Celebration, hosted by the African Centre for Biodiversity at Constitution Hill in December 2017, this session on Participatory Plant Breeding and...
South Africa
2018 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Campaña de revaloración de identidad cultural y la auto identificación étnica "Raíces que cuentan"

Una campaña de incidencia es una estrategia de acción para influir en el ámbito de la política y de la opinión pública. Tiene la característica de que combina distintas actividades, sostenidas durante un periodo de tiempo y realizadas por un grupo amplio de personas que trabajan a nivel local, regional...
2018 - Iniciativa basada en compromisos (CBI) "Mujer Rural y Derecho a la Tierra"

Documental El Futuro está en el Monte (parte 2)

En este video se describe el trabajo de El Futuro está en el Monte, movimiento que impulsa en la región del Gran Chaco modelos de negocios que promuevan un desarrollo sustentable, competitivo e inclusivo, a través de la puesta en valor del capital natural y cultural, combinando la innovación con...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Paraguay
2018 - ACDI

Family Farming in the Pacific Islands Countries

Agriculture in the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) is largely dependent on family based small-scaled farms. Smallholder family farmers often have access to less than two hectares (ha) of land and depend on labour supplied by household members, and few other inputs. Despite their small size and limited input resources, family...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations FAO

Documental El Futuro está en el Monte (parte 3)

Este video describe el trabajo de El Futuro está en el Monte, movimiento que impulsa en la región del Gran Chaco modelos de negocios que promuevan un desarrollo sustentable, competitivo e inclusivo, a través de la puesta en valor del capital natural y cultural, combinando la innovación con los saberes locales.  ...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Paraguay
2018 - ACDI

Газетная статья
Exploring the spatio-temporal processes of communal rangeland grabbing in Sudan

The persistent policy of successive Sudanese governments in favouring large-scale agricultural investments at the expense of traditional land use is creating material differences among significant groups of the population. A significant share of this type of investment falls within the territories of the communal rangelands of the country. The aim...

Atlas de los pueblos indígenas de México

La Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas y el Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas, te dan la bienvenida al Atlas de los Pueblos Indígenas de México, en el que encontrarás materiales de audio, video, fotografías y la descripción etnográfica que te permitirán acercarte al conocimiento de los...
2018 - Gobierno de la República de México

Regional Consultation of Asia and the Pacific on the Implementation of Indigenous Peoples & Peasants’ Rights to Plant Genetic Resources for Food & Agriculture

In this document, ‘farmers’ includes those who produce and/or use seeds in both industrial and cultural seed systems in line with Article 9 on Farmers’ Rights in the Seed Treaty. The custodians of cultural seed systems are referred to as ‘indigenous peoples and peasants’, and more broadly also include smallholders,...
2018 - International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty

Resisting Corporate Seed Laws in South Africa

Resisting Corporate Seed Laws in South Africa - the fourth in a series of six videos covering discussions from the ACB hosted event, National Seed Dialogue and Celebration On 22nd May 2018, South Africa’s draconian corporate seed Bills were approved by the Parliamentary Select Committee, after a lengthy review process....
South Africa
2018 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Value of Household and Community Seed Banks

Video: Value of Household and Community Seed Banks – the fifth video release in a series of six videos from the ACB Availability of and access to diverse, quality seed is a key element in successful crop production. Commercial seed systems focus only on seeds where profits can be made. Over...
South Africa
2018 - African Centre for Biodiversity
Total results:979