




Short chain delivery of food in urban and peri-urban areas

Report on a project looking at three enterprises involved in short supply chains: Willem & Drees in the Netherlands, Pico Bio in Switerland and Cooperativa Agricoltura Nuova in Italy.
Italy - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Switzerland
2015 - supurb Food

The farmer who’s starting an organic revolution in Cuba

Fernando Funes Monzote’s theories of ‘agroecology’ bear fruit as he aims to inspire others to make the most of their land Like all homestead stories, Fernando Funes Monzote’s starts with an epic battle against harsh elements and long odds. Funes, a university-trained agronomist, settled on a badly eroded, brushy hillside outside...
2015 - The Guardian

El sustento de mi familia está en mi parcela

Esta noticia informa que el Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos), entidad adscrita al Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), adquirirá 3.900 Kg de uvilla por un valor 70 mil dólares. La fruta se adquirirá  para la alimentación escolar de niños y niñas de 26 unidades educativas de los...
2015 - Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos)

Pacto Territorial San Genaro

Hacia la búsqueda de un desarrollo local sustentable
En San Genaro, típica localidad agraria del área, a partir de la restricción del uso de agroquímicos en una zona circundante a la ciudad, las autoridades municipales convocaron a instituciones locales y no locales a participar de un Pacto Territorial para promover un "nuevo modelo de Desarrollo Local". Allí cada...
2015 - Grupo de Estudios Agrarios (GEA) de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)

In the process of acceding the EU Serbian agricultural sector is to align a set of regulations and standards and adopt certain requirements compliant with the objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), inter alia, to establish Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). This system enables recording transactions at farm level...
European Union
2015 - European Commission

Émergence de l'agroécologieet perspectives pour le futur

Les programmes add systerra agrobiosphère
Le Cahier de l'ANR "Émergence de l'Agroécologie" revient sur dix ans de projets de recherches financés par l'ANR dans le domaine de l'agriculture et des écosystèmes. Ces projets relevaient des programmes ADD - Agriculture et Développement Durable (2005-2006), SYSTERRA - Écosystèmes, territoires, ressources vivantes et agricultures (2003-2010) et AGROBIOSPHÈRE -...
2015 - Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)

Agroecology and Sustainability of Agriculture in India: An Overview

Agroecology is the application of ecological concepts and methodological design for long-term enhancement and management of soil fertility and agriculture productivity. It provides a strategy to increase diversified agro-ecosystem. So it is benefiting the effect of the incorporation of plant and animal biodiversity, nutrient recycling; biomass creation and growth through...

"Proud to be Lucan," Organic Farm Vignola

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2015 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy

Regional Seminar on Agroecology in Latin America and the Caribbean

Representatives from South America, Central America, and the Caribbean; from the public, private and academic sectors as well as integration organizations, will participate in the Regional Seminar on Agroecology in Latin America and the Caribbean, to be held in Brasilia, Brazil.   The seminar is based on a regional as well...

La agroecología es una larga aspiración de los mapuches

El principal conductor del MUCECH, el líder mapuche, Manuel Llao, recuerda que hace mucho tiempo  su pueblo, viene llamando la atención reiteradamente ante las autoridades políticas sobre la necesidad de tener una  visión estratégica de largo alcance para proteger los recursos naturales que producen el alimento de los chilenos. Después...
2015 - Movimiento Unitario Campesino y Etnias de Chile (MUCECH)

Газетная статья
Contribución del conocimiento y tecnologías tradicionales a la adaptación al cambio climático en las montañas de América Latina

En este documento se discute acerca de la alta variabilidad del clima que ha caracterizado a los ecosistemas de montaña incluso antes de que surgiera la preocupación por el cambio climático. Las culturas indígenas de los Andes y América Central han vivido en estos entornos impredecibles durante siglos, por lo...
2015 - Soluciones Prácticas

"Free", Paolo Maria Mosca Farm

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2015 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy

The case for agro ecological local food systems

“Eating is an agricultural act” as the American novelist, farmer and poet Wendell Berry stated in his 1989 essay ‘On the pleasures of eating’. But what does this actually mean? According to Berry: “Most people think of food as an agricultural product, but they do not think of themselves as...
2015 - Friends of the Earth Europe

"The farm of a thousand stories" The Old Homestead

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2015 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy

Recomendaciones finales del Seminario Regional sobre Agroecología en América Latina y el Caribe

La agroecología en la región viene siendo construida en la práctica desde hace décadas por los movimientos sociales de agricultores y agricultoras, campesinos/as, comunidades tradicionales, pueblos indígenas y originarios, pescadores y pescadoras artesanales, pastoras y pastores, colectores e colectoras. Tiene una fuerte base científica y recibe cada vez más apoyo...
2015 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Terra Madre - We Feed the Planet. The event on the future of food and farming

Terra Madre Giovani - We Feed the Planet will be held in Milan from October 3 to 6, 2015. The event will give a starring role to the young people working in food production, with thousands of farmers, food artisans, fishers, nomads, Indigenous Peoples, cooks, students and activists from all...
2015 - Terra Madre, Slow Food

Sustaining momentum for organic farming in Kenya

Formal organic agriculture (OA) in Kenya dates back to the early 1980s when the first pioneer organic training institutions were established. Major pioneers being driven by the belief that OA system is the best in solving the rural and smallholder problems of food insecurity & soil degradation. The organic sub-sector...
2015 - Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM)

Serbia Rallies to Grow Again - FAO and the European Union help farming families recover from 2014's devastating floods

After last spring’s record rainfall in Southeast Europe, Serbia watched historic floods submerge towns and overrun the countryside. Rural villages and farms took the brunt of the impact, as high water and landslides drowned livestock, destroyed crop seed and animal feed supplies, and washed away newly sown fields along with...
2015 - FAO Europe and central Asia

Sustainability and quality of organic food

Is quality one aspect of sustainability or is quality an all-encompassing term? This dossier provides a contemporary, holistic concept for the assessment of food quality and highlights the differences between organic and conventional food based on selected aspects of sustainability and various examples. The expectations regarding organic food are high: organic...
2015 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL),

Agri-tourism boarding house, a finality of the investment in animal husbandry

The history of the farm begins immediately after the Revolution, when Sándor Kálmán claimed the land belonging to his family, which was collectivized at that time. “I received back 7.5 hectares, and in 1991, I bought the first tractor. It was then when I started working in agriculture. I was...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network
Total results:4096