




Indigenous Peoples’ food systems

the many dimensions of culture, diversity and environment for nutrition and health
This book, from project formulation to final publication, and all the heroic efforts in between, is the result of the resolve, vision and hard work of Harriet V. Kuhnlein. She praises and credits the vast network of indigenous leaders and their communities, the chapter authors, and collaborators around the world,...

Mountain Areas / Mountain farming

This paper provides a summary of the results of an analytical review of EU Member States support for mountain areas under EAFRD (2007-2013). The analysis was conducted by the ENRD Contact Point. The main purpose of the review was to provide an overview of the different RD support measures available...
2009 - European Network of Rural Development

Peak Performance - New Insights into Mountain Farming in the European Union

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was the first policy to specifically address mountain regions at European level, through Directive 75/268/EEC on mountain and hill-farming in less favoured areas (LFAs). Since 1975, the CAP instruments promoting the sustainable development of mountain agriculture and the well-being of mountain rural areas have significantly...
2009 - European Commission: Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Livelihoods

Challenges and Trends in Central Asian Mountain Regions
The history of Central Asia reveals a complex patchwork of tribes, ethnicities and nations bound together in a struggle to survive in some of the region’s most harsh and unforgiving lands. Only those who knew the secrets of living in harmony with their environment were able to survive and eventually...
Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan - Uzbekistan
2008 - CAMP Program 208

Land and cattle, a farmers wealth

Farming in the area of Maramureş has created a land of impressive scenery and rich cultural heritage. The unique patchwork of forests, orchards, wetlands and grasslands forms the second largest protected area in Romania. This is a semi-natural landscape, the result of a long tradition of traditional farming and shepherding,...
2008 - WWF

Recognising the importance of South East European landscapes

FINAL SUMMARY REPORT (Bulgaria & Romania)
This report is produced as part of collaboration between the European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (EFNCP) and WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme (WWFDCP). Both organisations recognise the importance of certain farming systems for nature conservation. Between 2006 and 2008 a project was executed aiming at finding out at a local...
Bulgaria - Romania
2008 - WWF Danube-Carpathian Programm

Soberanía alimentaria y la descolonización del saber. "Vivimos criando la chacra"

La experiencia de Sablog Chico y Sablog San José, Guamote, Chimborazo
Sablog Chico y Sablog San José son dos comunidades andinas que viven auténticamente el ser campesinos. Su territorio es el lugar en donde las prácticas de sus abuelos y sus saberes locales, recobraron valor para continuar regenerando la vida comunera. Es el lugar donde cotidianamente se tejen relaciones de producción...
2008 - Fundación Heifer Ecuador

Газетная статья
Efecto ambiental y social por la variación de los niveles del lago Junín en las comunidades campesinas aledañas y su efecto en el costo de la energía eléctrica en el Perú

(Páginas 175 - 186 de la publicación). El impacto ambiental producido por las actividades económicas, principalmente extractivas, es estudiado y evaluado en forma conjunta a su impacto social, fundamentalmente en situaciones en que la actividad se desarrolla en un área geográfica poblada o en relación a ésta;  a fin de...
2007 - Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM)

Caravan - High-value crops, value-added crop and livestock products

ICARDA’s mission is to alleviate poverty by improving the livelihoods of farming communities. Often, the key is to add value to primary crop and livestock outputs. This issue of Caravan provides glimpses of the Center’s work to help farmers and pastoralists add value to their products, and thereby improve their...
Tunisia - Türkiye
2007 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Albania -- Country Report

Albania is situated in South Eastern Europe in the West of the Balkan Peninsula. It covers an area of 28,748 square kilometres, with a maximum length from north to south of about 340 kilometres and a maximum width of about 154 km. It is bordered to the northwest by Montenegro,...
2006 - ARCOTRASS- Consortium

Acondicionamiento de la chacra productiva sustentable en las cuencas de Cajamarquino y del Jequetepeque

 Desde hace más de 25 años, la Asociación para el Desarrollo Rural de Cajamarca (Aspaderuc), viene trabajando en hacer una propuesta para generar un sistema de gestión productiva del agua, del clima y del suelo, aplicando la estrategia de cosecha de agua y del sistema silvoagropecuario, que consiste en cubrir...
2006 - Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP)

Газетная статья
Small ruminant production systems in north Lebanon: technical and economic analysis

 study was conducted to evaluate small ruminant production systems and productivity in the northern area of Lebanon. Fifty-one small ruminant holders were monitored over two years focusing on the technical and economic situation of the herd. Another 19 farmers were covered by a technical and economic questionnaire of analysis in...
2006 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

The Nature of Irish Farming

Farming in Ireland in recent decades has not escaped the trend towards intensification. But despite this, a large proportion of Irish farmland is still managed in a way that works with nature and the landscape. This type of farmland is referred to as High Nature Value (NHV) farmland. What the...

The Role of Agriculture in Central and Eastern European Rural Development: An Overview

Building on existing models for the role of agriculture in industrialized and developing countries, this chapter examines a number of critical aspects of agriculture’s role in Central and Eastern European (CEE) rural development. By reviewing the contributions of this proceedings volume, we focus on the perspectives of small farms, rural...
2004 - Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO)

Measures of Rural Development Policy in Russia

Russian rural areas (populated areas outside towns and cities) occupy two thirds of the country territory. Practically all Russian constituent regions have rural areas, though varying by their share in a region’s total area and by their population number. In the Southern and European Russia and Siberia the former reaches...
Russian Federation

Газетная статья
Linking ecologists and traditional farmers in the search for sustainable agriculture

For centuries, traditional farmers have developed diverse and locally adapted agricultural systems, managing them  with  ingenious  practices  that  often  result  in  both  community  food  security  and  the  conservation  of agrobiodiversity. This strategy of minimizing risk stabilizes yields, promotes dietary diversity, and maximizes returns using low levels of technology and limited...
2004 - The Ecological Society of America

Mercadeo de los productos orgánicos en Bolivia

El caso ASOPEC
De acuerdo con los análisis de la FAO y otras instituciones, la información de mercados (Market Information) ayuda a los agricultores en la toma de decisiones sobre aspectos importantes del proceso de mercadeo. Además contribuye a: la reducción del riesgo asociado con la comercialización; la selección de mercados convenientes para...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - Cuba - Ecuador - Honduras - Mexico - Peru - Uruguay
2004 - Università di Perugia

Conservación y abandono de andenes

Los andenes en el Perú son considerados un legado tecnológico ancestral a la producción agrícola ya que representan modelos de sistemas tradicionales de adaptación ecológica, por esta razón, se encuentran incluidos dentro de los Sistemas Ingeniosos de Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM).  En la presente publicación se presenta una revisión acerca...
2004 - Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM)

Agricultural Problems in Georgia and Strategic Policy Responses

Georgia is one of the poorest countries in the former Soviet bloc. Over half of its 4.7 million people live below the poverty line, second only to Romania among central and eastern European countries. The purpose of this paper is to describe the grassroots reality of the country’s agricultural sector...
2004 - Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe

Viable Small Scale Farming in Norway

Norway, on Europe’s northern fringe, is characterised by small-scale farming. The choice of crops and their yields are limited by the Nordic climate. Farm policies promote decentralisation and a varied farm structure in order to secure rural settlement, food security, food safety, environmental quality and sustainability. Agriculture receives substantial public...
2003 - Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute
Total results:359