




Газетная статья
Persistent myths about emergency seed aid

Seed interventions are the major agricultural response during emergency and recovery phases of humanitarian relief. They are implemented by diverse agencies, and widely promoted: for instance the FAO alone managed 400 such projects between 2003 and 2005. However, seed aid suffers from a lack of critical attention, perpetuating widespread myths...

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Understanding and strengthening informal seed markets

Informal markets receive little attention from governments and researchers, despite their centrality to farmers’ seed security. This paper documents the importance of informal markets for supplying seed and restocking critical plant genetic resources in normal and stress periods. It analyses farmers’ rationales for using such markets and their strategic actions...

Increasing Incomes And Food Security Of Small Farmers In West And Central Africa Through Exports Of Organic And Fair-Trade Tropical Products: Project Impact Study In Ghana - Mango

The project has supported the Volta Mango Growers Association (VOMAGA). This report presents the results of a survey among a sample of the mango farmers on the impact of the project. The report first gives an introduction to the mango sector in Ghana and the project partners and activities. Subsequently...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Increasing Incomes And Food Security Of Small Farmers In West And Central Africa Through Exports Of Organic And Fair-Trade Tropical Products: Project Impact Study In Ghana - Pineapple

The FAO project “Increasing incomes and food security of small farmers in West and Central Africa through exports of organic and fair-trade tropical products” has supported the Ekumfi Atwia WAD Organic Farmers Association (EAWOFA) and its exporter Weya Agricultural Development/African Foods Ltd (WAD). This report presents the results of a...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Politiques agricoles africaines et développement des exploitations agricoles familiales

Déclaration liminaire à la conférence publique animée par la Coordination régionale de la Coalition pour la Protection du Patrimoine Génétique Africain-COPAGEN à Cotounou, Bénin, sur les politiques agricoles africaines et le développement des exploitations agricoles familiales.

Increasing Incomes And Food Security Of Small Farmers In West And Central Africa Through Exports Of Organic And Fair-Trade Tropical Products: Project Impact Study In Sierra Leone - Cocoa

The project has supported the cocoa farmers association Kpeya Agricultural Enterprise (KAE). This report presents the results of a survey among a sample of the cocoa farmers on the impact of the project. The report first gives an introduction to the cocoa sector in Sierra Leone and the project partners...
Sierra Leone
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dimitra Newsletter: Communicating gender for development

At the end of 2009, despite the international commitments made to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, over a billion people are going hungry and 70% of those women and men who suffer from hunger live in rural areas. These alarming results inevitably raise questions as to the effectiveness of the...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Madagascar - Morocco - Niger
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dimitra Newsletter: New Listeners’ Clubs in Katanga

Welcome to Dimitra Newsletter No. 16! This issue is devoted – as all our newsletters are – to the empowerment of women and men living in rural areas. FAO’s efforts in the Great Lakes Region highlight the fact that Farmer Field Schools can be instrumental in addressing a range of...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ghana - Kenya - Senegal - Uganda
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dimitra Newsletter: Economic empowerment of rural women

On 16 October 2008, FAO celebrated World Food Day with a parallel event entitled “­Women have solutions to the food crisis: towards long-term structural changes”. This issue of the Dimitra newsletter focuses in particular on how – in an international context of rising food prices and raw material shortages –...
Burkina Faso - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ethiopia - Niger - Senegal - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dimitra Newsletter: Rural radios and participatory communication

Among the experiences shared in this newsletter, we would like to focus on Dimitra and its partners’ work in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the field of rural radio and participatory communication. A rural radio and listeners’ club project, conducted in South Kivu province with SAMWAKI and GTZ-Santé, is...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ghana - Uganda
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Conservation Agriculture toolbox for Zimbabwe

This Toolbox has been designed to assist stakeholders (government research and extension departments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), donors and farmers) in developing sound Conservation Agriculture (CA) extension programs/projects in Zimbabwe.

Integrated Crop Management Vol.6-2008

An international technical workshop Investing in sustainable crop intensification: The case for improving soil health
This publication is a report of a Workshop that brought together people from a wide range of institutions - farmers, researchers, ecologists extensionists, policy makers, donors – from 40 countries who share a common concern about the non-sustainability of ways in which farm land is now being used and who...
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Growing Health

A guide to Establishing Sustainable Food & Medicinal Herb Gardens in Southern Africa
Permaculture Trainers Reference Manual.
South Africa
2008 - GardenAfrica

Planting ideas

How agricultural subsidies are working in Malawi
This paper examines the role of fertiliser subsidies in Malawi, the world’s fifth poorest country. Malawians depend on domestic crops from over-cultivated soils. Recurrent poor harvests have had disastrous consequences for food security, but yields have improved significantly since the introduction of a government scheme to improve access to fertiliser...
2008 - Africa Research Institute

Linking African smallholders to high-value markets

Practitioner perspectives on benefits, constraints, and interventions
This paper provides the results of an international survey of practitioners with experience in facilitating the participation of African smallholder farmers in supply chains for higher-value and/or differentiated agricultural products. It explores their perceptions about the constraints inhibiting and the impacts associated with this supply chain participation. It also examines...
2008 - World Bank

Land redistribution and poverty reduction in South Africa

The livelihood impacts of smallholder agriculture under land reform
The first objective was to develop a comprehensive picture of each project in terms of its membership, its activities and its internal organisation. The second was to situate the projects within their wider context, which included the local community, local government (represented by officials and councillors of local and district...
South Africa
2008 - Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)

Conseil agricole au Cameroun : une pièce maîtresse du développement rural

Article sur une table ronde au Cameroun qui a rassemblé une quarantaine d’acteurs autour de la question « Place et rôle du conseil agricole dans les politiques agricoles ». L’occasion de débats animés et ouverts, où ont été abordés de multiples sujets comme, entre autres, celui de la définition, du rôle,...
2008 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural (IR)

A scientific conceptual framework and strategic principles for the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems Programme from a social-ecological systems perspective

In developing the Scientific Conceptual Framework for the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Programme, FAO seeks to accomplish the challenging task of integrating perspectives from those sciences that are most directly concerned with conservation and development: ecology, agronomy and forestry, economics, and anthropology. The goal is to scientifically conceptualise...
Ethiopia - Kenya - Nepal - Peru - Uganda

L’agriculture familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest concepts et enjeux actuels

L’agriculture demeure un élément central de l’économie ouest-africaine, assurant 30 à 50 % du PIB de la plupart des pays et représentant la plus grande source de revenus et de moyens d’existence pour 70 à 80 % de la population, ainsi que d’approvisionnement alimentaire et de recettes d’exportation issues des...

Organic agriculture and food security in Africa

This  study examines the relationship between organic agriculture and food security in Africa, particularly East Africa, which is where the CBTF has been implementing a project on organic agriculture since 2004. Organic agriculture is a holistic production system based on active agro-ecosystem management rather than on external inputs, and it...
2008 - United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
Total results:3606