




EE 101: "Sustainable Farming through Agroecology" by Stephen Gliessman with Mark Bittman

Lecture: "Sustainable Farming through Agroecology" by Stephen Gliessman with Mark Bittman
2015 - Edible Education

Syria, FAO discuss developing agricultural cooperation

Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Eng. Ahmad al-Qadri said work with FAO will focus on promoting future cooperation between both sides through setting joint programs targeting agricultural sector in Syria to achieve positive outcomes. During a meeting with UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Assistant Director-General for North Africa and...
Syrian Arab Republic

Proalimentos incluye otra fruta en la alimentación escolar

El Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos), entidad adscrita al Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), benefició a 108 familias productoras con la compra de 1.002.536,25 unidades de naranja, por 80.202,84 dólares. Los pequeños productores de los cantones Flavio Alfaro, Junín, Santa Ana, Jipijapa y Bolívar entregarán 13.367,15 gavetas con...
2015 - Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (PROALIMENTOS)

Zimbabwean Smallholder Support at the Crossroads

Diminishing Returns from Green Revolution Seed and Fertiliser Subsidies and the AgroEcological Alternative
This research report is the first piece of research being conducted in Zimbabwe by the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB). It follows on from initial engagements with Zimbabwean civil society organisations (CSOs) regarding seed policy and is a preliminary scan for orientation and the identification of possible areas for further...
2015 - African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

Seed systems smallholder farmers use

Seed can be an important entry point for promoting productivity, nutrition and resilience among smallholder farmers. While investments have primarily focused on strengthening the formal sector, this article documents the degree to which the informal sector remains the core for seed acquisition, especially in Africa. Conclusions drawn from a uniquely...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Kenya - Malawi - South Sudan - Zimbabwe

Con perseverancia y compañerismo se cultiva la fresa en Nabón

El esfuerzo y dedicación de 52 familias integrantes de una asociación, permitieron que la misma sea identificada por el Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos) para la compra de fresa a ser incluida en la alimentación de 4.533 estudiantes del Azuay. La presente nota refleja la perseverancia y esfuerzo diario de Nancy...
2015 - Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (PROALIMENTOS)

Agroecology is Working – But We Need Examples to Inspire Others

Forms of agroecological transformation are already happening. But more must be done to bring examples to light, and to garner the political support that agroecology deserves and needs.
2015 - Foodtank

Agroecology: Key Concepts, Principles and Practices

The current challenges to agriculture posed by food insecurity and climate change are serious. There is a paradox of increased food production and growing hunger in the world. The global food production system is broken as we are destroying the very base of agriculture with unsustainable practices. Conventional agriculture has...
2015 - Third World Network (TWN)

Somos PROALIMENTOS - Día Mundial de la Alimentación

Mediante este video, El Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos, Proalimentos, reconoce el valor de la tierra ecuatoriana y el esfuerzo de los agricultores, quienes generan los más frescos y sanos productos para la alimentación escolar de alrededor de 2.8 millones de niños y niñas del país. Proalimentos, a través de políticas...
2015 - Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (PROALIMENTOS)

Cuaderno La Vía Campesina n°7, Agroecología campesina por la soberanía alimentaria y la madre tierra

Este cuaderno de la Vía Campesina describe que "Como La Vía Campesina pensamos que en este momento de disputa por la agroecología, es importante compartir avances en nuestros procesos para identificar, documentar, sistematizar y compartir los éxitos de la agroecología campesina. Con este cuadernillo, ofrecemos una selección inicial, una primera...
2015 - La Vía Campesina

Manual de determinación de la condición biológica de suelo in situ e in visu

Este manual surge del requerimiento de contribuir a que los productores agrícolas y otros actores percibamos al suelo como un organismo vivo, fijando en el centro de la naturaleza de los suelos, la Vida. Desde aquí se fundamentan e integran todos los contenidos actitudinales, conceptuales y procedimentales que se presentan...
2015 - Centro Ceres

Guide des pratiques agroécologiques

Ce guide, en français et en wolof, capitalise les pratiques agricoles teste es et valide es avec les exploitants dans le cadre du projet REFSA. Loin d’e tre exhaustif, il aborde essentiellement les techniques de maraî chage et ne se veut pas un recueil scientifique.
2015 - Agrisud International

Country report on the implementation of the new CAP and its possible effects on permanent pastures: ESTONIA

Small family farms are in general extensively managed in Estonia and are in general structured in a way which facilitates outdoor systems (e.g. pastures convenient to the animal housing). Having said that, there are no specific conditions in the Pillar 1 payment rules which would exclude intensive or indoor farming...
2015 - European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism

Food Plants for Healthy Diets in Vietnam

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
Viet Nam

Final Recommendations of the Regional Seminar on Agroecology in Latin America and the Caribbean

Agroecology in the region has been carried out in practice for decades; by social movements of small-holder farmers, rural groups, traditional communities, indigenous peoples, artisanal fisher folk, herders, and gatherers. It has a strong scientific base and is increasingly receiving support from governments through new public policies. The practices and...
2015 - Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe (FAO/RLC)

Enhancing multifunctional benefits of cover crops − vegetables intercropping

From 2011 to 2015, in the frame of InterVeg project, four field experiments were carried out in Italy, Slovenia, Germany and Denmark in order to study the effect of the living mulch introduction.In 4 different European climatic areas, ecological services have been exploited by use of living mulches in intercropping...
Denmark - Germany - Italy - Slovenia
2015 - University of Bologna, Italy

Food Plants for Healthy Diets in Vietnam - Vietnamese

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
Viet Nam

Taller de intercambio de experiencias en agroecología y soberanía alimentaria en Patagonia

El objetivo del taller es consensuar los fundamentos de la agroecología y la soberanía alimentaria y su relación con los procesos de Desarrollo Rural desde un enfoque socio – territorial, para reflexionar sobre la necesidad de articulación entre sistemas de conocimiento y estrategias de intervención institucionales. Este evento tendrá lugar el...

From relief to recovery

Conservation farming in Zimbabwe
Thomas Machokoto surveys his farmland – three hectares of bare soil neatly dug with ditches, pits and furrows in preparation for the rains. Together with other members of a small group of local farmers, he has been digging these contour bunds and infiltration pits to capture and store rainwater. The...
2015 - United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Feiras agroecológicas

O material que agora se torna público em forma de livro consolida o que resultou de quatro estudos sobre feiras agroecológicas estabelecidas em municípios dos estados do Ceará, Pernambuco (Recife), Paraíba e Rio Grande do Norte. Trata-se de pesquisas desenvolvidas conforme uma pioneira linha de trabalho, estabelecida via parceria entre...
2015 - Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Trabalho Núcleo de Economia Solidária da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Total results:4096