




Improving livelihoods of indigenous women in Nicaragua

Over 370 million indigenous peoples live in more than 70 countries across the world. While they constitute about five percent of the world’s population, they account for approximately 15percent of the world’s poor. Such is the case with indigenous Mayangna women living in the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve in northern Nicaragua,...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Supporting indigenous women in Nicaragua: the Mayagna women of the Mayaring Cooperative

he Mayagna group is the second-largest indigenous group in Nicaragua, with over 18 000 people located mostly in or near the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve. Their community faces significant problems with illegal timber extraction and agricultural expansion in its territories. FAO's Forest and Farm Facility works with the Mayagna community, including the Mayaring Cooperative,...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Why India's farmers want to conserve indigenous heirloom rice

While India was home to more than 100,000 rice varieties only 50 years ago, today more than 80% of the area dedicated to grow rice is planted with hybrid varities. Thanks to the efforts of about 1,400 farmers in the Koraput region (Odisha state), traditional varieties of "desi dhaan", as they...

Strengthening women’s roles as risk and resource managers at the frontline of climate change

Research shows that in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) climate variability already influences water availability, ecosystem services, and agricultural production. According to downscaled climate projections, the risks of climate-induced hazards such as floods, landslides, and droughts are projected to increase significantly by 2050. To an increasing degree, rural women in...
2017 - International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal

What are the main UN bodies mandated to focus on indigenous peoples?

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples are the three bodies that focus on indigenous peoples in the UN system.
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO

Газетная статья
Contribution of local peasant innovations to the re-configuration of endogenous rural development

In Colombia, Rural Development Institutional programs have made of local agents imperceptible since their trajectories have not been considered in the search for solutions to the problems in their territories. The present work introduces an innovative system to the production of the leaves of the plantain variety ‘Cachaco’ (Musa ABB S). This improvement, which was...
2017 - Revista Agronomía Colombiana

Encuentro de semillas locales, valorizando la identidad cultural del territorio, San Pedro de Atacama, Región de Antofagasta

Dentro de la estrategia de medio ambiente de la región de Antofagasta se ha enfocado en el ser humano de manera integrada y no aislada en su relación con los recursos naturales, como el agua, el viento, el suelo, etc. Es así que se valora al hombre y mujer de campo en...
2017 - Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP)

Sociedade discute clima e florestas

Os povos tradicionais e a sociedade civil discutiram com o governo formas de aprimorar as medidas de redução de emissões provenientes do desmatamento e da degradação florestal. O conceito, conhecido como REDD+, reúne também o aumento de estoques de carbono florestal e foi tema de oficina realizada nesta semana pelo...
2017 - Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA)

Convocatoria III Escuela Internacional de posgrado y campesina

Configuración del capital y del poder en los territorios rurales de América Latina. Extractivismo, agrohidronegocios y propuestas de resistencia e integración desde abajo
El Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO), el Grupo de Trabajo Estudios Críticos del Desarrollo Rural y el Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Costa Rica convocan a estudiantes avanzados de maestría y doctorado, dirigentes sociales, investigadores, responsables de políticas públicas de América Latina y el...
Costa Rica
2017 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - CLACSO Grupo de Trabajo Estudios Críticos del Desarrollo Rural

Biodiversidade Brasileira

O Brasil é um país de proporções continentais: seus 8,5 milhões km² ocupam quase a metade da América do Sul e abarcam várias zonas climáticas – como o trópico úmido no Norte, o semi-árido no Nordeste e áreas temperadas no Sul. Evidentemente, estas diferenças climáticas levam a grandes variações ecológicas,...
2017 - Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA)

Peasants need rights!

A large coalition for Peasants’ Rights, with Eco Ruralis Association as a member, launches today, the 28th of March 2017, the Petition for Peasants’ Rights (peasantsrights.eu) and asks the EU and its Member States to actively participate in good faith in the elaboration of the "UN Declaration on the Rights...
2017 - Eco Ruralis

Aprendizajes compartidos (Shared learning)

Indigenous peoples from different countries (Peru- Latin America, D.R. Congo- Africa and Thailand- Asia) share some of their main issued related to tenure of, respectively, land, forests, and fisheries. They explain, in simple words, the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO

19th Organic World Congress

An Organic World Through an Organic India / 9 - 11 November 2017, New Delhi, India
Every three years, the organic sector comes together at the Organic World Congress (OWC), the world’s largest and most significant organic gathering, to discuss and deliberate issues of the day. The OWC is an unique opportunity to share experiences, innovations and knowledge about organics and also take part in the...
2017 - IFOAM Organics International

Promoting Indigenous Knowledge and Good Agricultural Practices in Climate Change Adaptation

Climate change is one of the most important challenges to sustainable development in the Northern mountainous region of Vietnam. IK is also used in cultivation techniques in extreme climatic conditions. With cultivation conditions are mainly sloping land, many traditional techniques have been applied to limit soil erosion due to heavy rainfalls...
Viet Nam
2017 - ALiSEA

Indigenous food: More than taste buds tingling

The hotspots of food biodiversity often coincide with regions inhabited by indigenous peoples. Old animal breeds, plant cultivars or traditional processed specialties like cheeses, breads or cured meats survive in these areas because they form an integral part of indigenous peoples’ identities. Traditionally, food used to be strongly linked to...
2017 - Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative SIANI

Nourishing the world, organically | Organic farmers dealing with drought

Farming organically, using indigenous crops, can contribute to food security and be part of a climate change solution.In this video, organic farmers in Kenya share their experiences with drought, and the benefits organic farming provides for them to building healthy soils and continue producing food.
2017 - IFOAM Organics International

Indigenous Peoples can feed the world

FAO is one of the leading organizations for its expertise in natural resources management, including food systems. Given the inextricable relationship which exists between nature and indigenous peoples’ livelihoods, FAO plays an important role in protecting the environment and those who depend on it for survival. Many FAO projects relate...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Una agenda política para las mujeres indígenas se consolida en Encuentro Nacional

El Encuentro Nacional de Lideresas Indígenas de Chile “Empoderamiento y dialogo para una agenda de desarrollo sostenible” se realizó en Santiago el 11, 12 y 13 de octubre de 2017 a partir de la colaboración entre CONADI, RIMISP y ONU Mujeres. Este buscó promover el empoderamiento de mujeres indígenas mediante la generación de...
2017 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)

Indigenous peoples are key to protecting wildlife and rural livelihoods

Actively involving indigenous peoples and local communities in wildlife conservation is key to maintaining biodiversity and ensuring sustainable rural livelihoods.The urgent challenges that the world faces in maintaining biodiversity worldwide requires that indigenous peoples are empowered to act at the national level with assistance from the international community.Sheila Wertz, FAO...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation FAO

7th International Conference, La Via Campesina: Euskal Herria Declaration

Delegates of La Via Campesina, representing our organizations and movements, are gathered in the Basque Country to celebrate our 7th International Conference from the 16th to the 24th of July of 2017. After four days of collective discussions and reflections on Food Sovereignty, peasant agroecology, autonomous training networks, migrant rights, trade, climate justice...
2017 - La Via Campesina
Total results:978