




Farm-success project fourth transnational meeting, Naklo, Slovenia

The fourth Farm-Success transnational meeting was held in Naklo, Slovenia on the 9-10th March 2017. The first day of the meeting commenced with an overview of the project work completed recently, followed by a presentation of the case studies. The remainder of the morning session was spent discussing the project...

CEJA-ENRD Workshop on Generational Renewal through Rural Development

The ‘Generational Renewal through Rural Development’ Workshop, jointly organised by the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA) and the ENRD Contact Point focused on identifying how various Rural Development Programme measures could support generational renewal. Specifically, the workshop facilitated debate on the challenges of generational renewal faced by young farmers...

The CAP: Have your say

On 2 February 2017, Commissioner Phil Hogan launched a major consultation on the future of the common agricultural policy (CAP). The three-month consultation allowed participants to share their views on the challenges faced by the EU agricultural sector, its rural areas and society as a whole, and on how a simpler,...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Young Zambian doctor swaps hospital rounds for horticulture

Dr Tamara Kaunda, 27, a medical doctor who studied in China, made a fairly dramatic career change when she switched from medicine to the farming of seedlings.
2017 - Africanfarming.com

Jóvenes rurales de América Latina y el Caribe definen una agenda regional de cara a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

Con el propósito de construir una agenda de trabajo para las juventudes rurales en la región, se reúnen en Panamá más de 70 representantes de organizaciones de jóvenes rurales, de los Ministerios de Agricultura y organismos internacionales y de integración regional de América Latina y el Caribe. De acuerdo con la...
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

ENRD Workshop on ‘Generational Renewal through Rural Development’

This workshop, jointly organised by the ENRD Contact Point and the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA), focused on identifying how various Rural Development Programmes Measures could support generational renewal. The workshop discussed challenges faced by young farmers and new entrants, such as access to land, finance, training, and knowledge. It...
European Union

New Entrants with no Farming Background

Generational renewal on farms addresses both farm succession and set up. This trend has been researched through a LEADER-funded project with the title “Creation of farming activity by entrepreneurs outside the family framework: specific needs, levers of action, complementarity between the different support tools” implemented in France by the Jeunes...
2017 - ENRD

EU support to young farmers should be better targeted to foster effective generational renewal

EU agriculture is facing a decreasing farming population. The overall number of farmers in the EU-27 has rapidly decreased in the last decade, falling from 14.5 million in 2005 to 10.7 million in 2013, i.e. a reduction of one fourth in less than a decade. All age groups of farmers...
European Union

Regional Initiatives for Africa

FAO has focused and integrated its work in the Region through three Regional Initiatives. The Initiatives respond to the priorities of member-states and will achieve demonstrable impact in a time bound manner, whilst responding to FAO’s Strategic Objectives. In Africa, the Regional Initiatives were developed based on an in-depth cross-sectoral...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2016

The facts speak for themselves: more than half the global population now live in urban areas. According to forecasts, three-quarters of the global population, i.e. around 7 billion people, will be living in cities by 2050. Alongside globalisation, urbanisation is indisputably one of the main trends of our time. Everywhere,...
2016 - Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Consideraciones sobre juventud rural de América Latina y El Caribe

El presente documento ha sido preparado para el I Congreso Mundial de Jóvenes Empresarios y Pymes, y reúne algunas consideraciones sobre la importancia de la incorporación activa de la juventud Rural de América Latina y el Caribe en todas las instancias orientadas a trabajar en la superación de la inseguridad...

La situación de la Juventud Rural en el Área del Sistema de Integración Centroamericana

El presente documento, corresponde al resultado de la colaboración entre FIDA SECAC, y la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), de Costa Rica. Se centra en la recopilación y sistematización de la información existente sobre aspectos demográficos, políticos, económicos y sociales, que describen la situación de las juventudes rurales de...
Belize - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Panama
2016 - Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA)

Business start-up support for young farmers

Justina grew up on her family’s farm in the Ukmergė region of central Lithuania and she wanted to continue in her family’s footsteps by becoming a young farmer. Initially, she had access to land and some older equipment. However, being an ambitious young person with a lot of ideas and...

Sead contribui para o desenho de políticas para a juventude rural

O Brasil tem contribuído de forma efetiva para a consolidação de políticas públicas para a juventude rural no Mercosul. Um exemplo de ação foi o 5º Encontro Sul-americano de Jovens Rurais: Caminhos para o Desenvolvimento, realizado pela Reunião Especializada para a Agricultura Familiar do Mercosul (Reaf) no início de novembro,...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Farm-Success project newsletter - 1st edition

This newsletter is the first edition of the Farm-Success Project newsletter. The Farm-Success Project newsletter outlines all of the most recent Farm-Success Project developments, detailing the Project’s road to creating strategies to train farmers for a sustainable succession process in order to enable and to motivate young farmers to continue...
European Union

Encuentro Sudamericano de Jóvenes Rurales: caminos para el desarrollo

Encontro Sul-americano de Jovens Rurais: Caminhos para o Desenvolvimento, realizado pela Reunião Especializada para a Agricultura Familiar do Mercosul (Reaf) no início de novembro de 2016, com apoio do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Agropecuário (INDAP-Chile), Organização das Nações Unidas para Agricultura e Alimentação (FAO) e Instituto Interamericano de Cooperação para a...
2016 - Reunião Especializada para a Agricultura Familiar do Mercosul (Reaf)

Youth mobility, food security and rural poverty reduction. Project Brief

The FAO Youth Mobility, Food Security and Rural Poverty Reduction (RYM) project aims at mitigating distress economic mobility in Tunisia and Ethiopia. With the support of the Italian Development Cooperation, the project will promote innovative mechanisms and rural development strategies with the objective of mitigating distress migration for rural youth...
Ethiopia - Tunisia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Casa de pe Deal - Innovative markets: Private enterprise

With the help of the young farmer grant, the producer has installed a processing unit for the production of ice cream, enabling him to sell ice cream at local events. He has also made two rooms available for guests and runs a bike rental service.
2016 - Adept Foundation

Thematic regional seminar: Youth, women and rural development: agricultural policies paving the way forward

Launched in 2011 by the European Union (EU) with the support of the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Studies in Agronomy – Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (CIHEAM – IAMM), the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development South (ENPARD – South) wishes to reinforce the partnership between the...
2016 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Газетная статья
Le rôle du faire-valoir indirect dans le renouvellement générationnel des agriculteurs irrigants en Tunisie

L’accès des jeunes agriculteurs aux ressources foncières est peu pris en compte dans les débats sur la durabilité des agricultures dans les pays du Sud. Les dispositifs de transfert foncier vers cette catégorie sociale, importante sur le plan démographique, restent rares et peu opérants. Nous montrons ici, à travers l’étude...
Total results:486