




Por qué debemos evitar consumir las tortillas que compramos en el supermercado

El artículo aborda como la tortilla, el alimento principal de México, Mesoamérica y varias ciudades de Estados Unidos, contiene transgénicos y glifosato, producto de la mezcla de harina de maíz con maíces forrajeros importados de Estados Unidos. Esto por parte de transnacionales como Maseca, que controla el mercado de tortillas...
2022 - Vía Orgánica (VO)

Systèmes participatifs de garantie, un modèle de certification à (re)découvrir

Cet article présente le fonctionnement des systèmes participatifs de garantie (SPG) qui constituent une alternative, plus accessible pour les petits producteurs, aux certifications privées et labels. Selon l’Ifoam, il existerait 242 SPG agricoles dans 78 pays, engageant près de 1 200 000 producteurs. L’article présente aussi les avantages et défis...
2022 - CIRAD

Partnering with agri-enterprises to support cocoa business in Papua New Guinea in sustainable approach

 The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), under EU-STREIT PNG Programme, in its mission to increase the production of high-quality cocoa that will improve the agribusiness of rural communities in the Sepik, signed agreements with over 30 registered nurseries and now these enterprises are distributing (CPB) pest-tolerant...
Papua New Guinea
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Video Promocional 37° Conferencia Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe - Ecuador 2022

Durante la Conferencia Regional, los países analizarán el trabajo hecho por FAO en los dos años previos en la región, y acordarán recomendaciones de iniciativas y prioridades que guiarán el trabajo de la Organización durante el período 2022-2023.  
2022 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Contexto de cadena café

En esta ficha de contexto se mencionan los aspectos importantes de la cadena de café enfocados a su marco productivo, regional, económico, comercio internacional, así como sus perspectivas y tendencias frente al mercado, dando a conocer su entorno de Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación. Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

实 践
Estrategias de manejo y mantenimiento: Primer aprovechamiento y planificación del pastoreo

Primer aprovechamiento y planificación del pastoreo. Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio Institucional (BAC) Podcast Dimensions Agriperfiles Google Scholar LaReferencia Redalyc Redcol ResearchGate WhastApp Noticias científicas AGROMETRICS CRIS AGROSAVIA: https://vivo.agrosavia.co/
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Link between agrobiodiversity, livelihood and climate resilience

SIANI’s Expert Group in Nepal, led by Oxfam Novib and the Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD), has produced an infographic to highlight ten agro-biodiversity components in the farming system that contribute to secure food and nutritional needs. Smallholder farmers and agrobiodiversity are critical and directly linked with agricultural production. However, there is...
2022 - Siani

Aquaculture value chain actors enhance knowledge of post-harvest management practices

The international fish trade is expanding due to sustained demand, trade liberalization policies, globalization of food systems, and technological innovations. To address these and other issues arising from post-harvest management among actors in the aquaculture value chain, FAO’s timely FISHCap project conducted a three-day regional workshop in Bodrum, Turkey, which concludes today....
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Digital innovation strategy for agrifood systems in Africa

The Digital Innovation Strategy (DIS) of the Regional Office for Africa (RAF) of FAO has been prepared to respond to critical challenges facing inclusive and sustainable agrifood system transformation in sub-Saharan Africa. It is enshrined in the new Strategic framework 2022–2030 that aims to accelerate the "transformation to more efficient,...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Газетная статья
The State of Play of Copper, Mineral Oil, External Nutrient Input, Anthelmintics, Antibiotics and Vitamin Usage and Available Reduction Strategies in Organic Farming across Europe

Although input use in organic agriculture is strictly regulated, and significantly less contentious inputs are applied in organic than in conventional farming systems, copper, mineral oil, external nutrient input, anthelmintics, antibiotics and vitamins are still commonly used among organic farmers in the EU, partly due to the scarce availability of...
2022 - Sustainability

Farmer Field Schools: building capacities to achieve a successful agroecological transition

   The agroecological transition implies rethinking the way farmers are supported in their changes in practices. Farmer Field Schools are an effective mechanism in this respect, since they build farmers’ capacity to experiment, to produce knowledge and to innovate independently. However, it is essential that these advisory services are correctly implemented,...
2022 - CIRAD

LANDNET workshop in Skopje focuses on land consolidation and banking

Sharing regional experiences and best practices on land consolidation, land banking, and land abandonment will be the focus of the 13th international LANDNET workshop. Targeting in particular countries of Europe and Central Asia, the event takes place in a hybrid format from 25–27 May in Skopje. About 180 land management professionals from around...
North Macedonia
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Results for FAO in Latin America and the Caribbean region 2020-21

This document presents major developments and results achieved in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) during the 2020-21 biennium. It also highlights FAO’s new ways of working, modalities and initiatives introduced in 2020-21 to contribute to supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through the transformation to MORE efficient inclusive,...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Contexto de cadena carne porcina

En esta ficha de contexto se mencionan los aspectos importantes de la cadena de carne porcina enfocados a su marco productivo, regional, económico, comercio internacional, así como sus perspectivas y tendencias frente al mercado, dando a conocer su entorno de Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación. Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

实 践
Generalidades del cultivo: Condiciones edafoclimáticas

Biomas, Suelos, Requerimiento hídrico, Temperatura y Radiación solar Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio Institucional (BAC) Podcast Dimensions Agriperfiles Google Scholar LaReferencia Redalyc Redcol ResearchGate WhastApp Noticias científicas AGROMETRICS CRIS AGROSAVIA: https://vivo.agrosavia.co/
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Institutional and methodological recommendations for the measurement of indicators for the disaster-related Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

This document outlines institutional and methodological recommendations proposes six methodological steps for measuring indicators for the disaster-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and defines a number of global, regional and national criteria and instruments. The document is accompanied by a Matrix of Requirements,...
2022 - Working Group of the Statistical Conference of the Americas on Measuring and Recording Indicators related to Disaster Risk Reduction

Quand les paysans Indiens passent au bio, le pari de l’agroécologie

  Dans les campagnes de l’Andhra Pradesh, cet Etat agricole du sud-est qui a lancé depuis 2018 le plus grand programme d’agroécologie au monde. Près d’un million de paysans y sont déjà passés au "natural farming", délaissant OGM, pesticides, fongicides, et engrais chimiques. Cette ”agriculture naturelle” veut réparer la terre et relever les...
2022 - La Terre au carré

How can the farmer field school approach be used to support agroecological transitions in family farming in the Global South?

Recommendations for farmer field school facilitators, agricultural development project designers and managers
The key to implementing farmer field schools (FFS) is to trigger an experimentation process based on collaboration between a group of farmers and a facilitator. The purpose of this document is to provide project managers, technicians and designers with practical information on how to use the FFS approach and adapt...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Des céréales locales pour la transition climatique et alimentaire. Pratiques paysannes et pratiques féminines sur les sorghos et les mils du Sahel sénégalais au Deccan indien

Cet article met en perspective les résultats de deux projets. L’analyse montre que l’intensification du riz dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal et celles de la révolution verte en Inde font non seulement décliner la biodiversité agricole des céréales locales, mais endommagent les capacités d’adaptation et la qualité nutritionnelle des...
India - Senegal

Upskilling Papua New Guinean youths to empower rural communities in transport infrastructure works

The EU Funded UN Joint STREIT Programme continues to train more young people from rural Sepik with the skills required for decent employment opportunities in road transport infrastructure development in Papua New Guinea. In its latest step, the Programme organised a 4-day training on ‘Occupational Safety and Health Hazards.’ Delivered...
Papua New Guinea
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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