




The remarkable history of polder systems in The Netherlands

The traditional polders in The Netherlands have been formed from the 12th century onwards, when people started creating arable land by draining delta swamps into nearby rivers. In the process, the drained peat started oxidizing, thus soil levels lowered, up to river water levels and lower. Throughout the centuries farmers...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Газетная статья
The restoration of traditional agricultural systems damaged by hurricanes: the case of the Sierra del Rosario

The restoration of damaged agricultural systems, especially in the traditional agriculture is one of the challenges that impose the changing conditions of the planet in the last decades. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the sequels of these phenomena and to put into practice measures to mitigate...
2010 - Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical (INIFAT)

Agro-ecologie et developpement durable

De façon à répondre aux exigences d’économies d’échelle manifestées par les grandes firmes semencières et agroindustrielles, nombreuses ont été les agricultures ayant connu récemment des évolutions non compatibles avec les exigences du développement durable, tant par la dégradation des agro écosystèmes qu’elles induisent, que par le primat des logiques de...
2010 - ISDA 2010

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Agroecology and sustainable development

In order to meet economy of scale demands made by large seed and agroindustrial companies, many areas of agriculture have recently evolved in ways which are incompatible with sustainable development, both in terms of damage to agroecosystems and by the continued belief in principles of land concentration and underuse. Farming...
2010 - Archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire (HAL)

Desempeño agroproductivo de las parcelas urbanas del Consejo Popular Santiago de las Vegas

Se caracterizó el comportamiento socioproductivo en las parcelas del Consejo Popular de Santiago de las Vegas. Se realizaron entrevistas directas y observación directa a una muestra representativa del 20% de los parceleros. Se efectuó un análisis de componentes principales como herramienta en la agrupación de los parceleros para la caracterización...
2010 - Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical (INIFAT)

Rotational Farming: A Knowledge Intensive System to cope with Climate Change

Rotational farming is an agricultural practice that involves alternating cultivation between different plots within the same location whilst leaving the other plots fallow. It is often misunderstood, and is considered to be a destructive farming technique which depletes soil nutrient content as it often involves the clearing of land by burning....
2010 - Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research PAR

Challenges for succession in family farming – Perspective and research question

Agriculture, particularly family farming, has had, and still has, an important role in many rural communities as a basis for economic activity, local social organization and as a lifestyle, although its economic role has declined over time. The development of agriculture has turned into an industry where profitability is linked...

Reclaiming life in marginal areas

Reclaiming life in marginal areas and fragile ecosystems through innovative solutions: The case of bocage perimeters in Burkina Faso
Human activities have helped to speed up the process of desertification in Burkina Faso. In order to curb this scourge and its disastrous consequences, the NGO “TERRE VERTE” has, since 1989, carried out a rural development project referred to as bocage perimeter, (“Wegoubri” in the Mooré language). This new concept...
Burkina Faso
2010 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

Calidad de suelos en una situación de producción de cerdos sobre pastoreo

Actualmente en nuestro país se están tomando medidas que fomentan y exigen un desarrollo sustentable en el manejo de los suelos del país. A lo largo de la historia hubo períodos de expansión agrícola que fueron acompañados de severa degradación de los suelos, llegando inclusive a dejar grandes áreas inutilizadas...
2010 - Universidad de la República de Uruguay. Facultad de Agronomía

Four Acres and Independence - A Self-Sufficient Farmstead

Take a tour, accompanied by curious sheep and geese, of Mark Cooper's self-sufficient small farm. Over several years, he transformed a rundown house and hillsides of berry brambles into pasture and gardens where he produces and preserves most of his family's food. Visit the Goose Grotto in a constructed pond,...
European Union

Restoring ecological balance and bolstering social and economic development in Niger

Located in the center of Niger, Keita Department is a 4,860 sq km plateau with rocky slopes and valleys forming a complex system of watersheds subject to strong winds and water erosion. Plateau slopes covered by forests in 1962 were completely deforested by 1984. As in other Sahelian nations, droughts...
2010 - Oakland Institute and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA

Soil and water conservation techniques in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso has few natural resources and a weak industrial base. Approximately 90 percent of the population is engaged in subsistence agriculture. Food insecurity is commonplace in many parts of the country.1 During the 1960s, Burkina Faso’s rainfall averaged 700 mm/year. Along with other countries in West Africa’s Sahel, the...
Burkina Faso
2010 - Oakland Institute and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Agroecology, best practices

Agroecology is the application of ecological principles to the interactions between human beings and their environment, as well as to their consequences, with the goal of minimising the negative effects of certain human activities. It aims at protecting the environment, ensuring the sustainable renewal of the natural resources (water, soil,...
Angola - Brazil - Cambodia - Congo - Gabon - Haiti - India - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Madagascar - Mauritania - Morocco - Niger - Sao Tome and Principe - Senegal - Sri Lanka
2010 - Agrisud International

Overcoming the constraints of agriculture

Senegal, like all Sahelian countries, suffers from the combined effects of population growth and climate disturbances that affect its productive bio- system and induce degradation. This is manifested in different forms depending on the physical environment and production systems in different eco-geographic areas. Several factors are responsible for the degradation...
2010 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

Agro-ecology and water harvesting in Zimbabwe

British colonial rule and the white Rhodesian Government made Zimbabwe one of the world’s most inequitable countries. The Land Apportionment Act of 1930 gave white settlers control of more than 51 percent of the country’s land, leaving areas less fertile and more arid to the native population. Despite the land...
2010 - Oakland Institute and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Making ARD More Pro-Poor Improving Accessibility and Relevance of Results to the Poorest

The Food Security Thematic Programme (FSTP) is a programme of the European Union (EU) that aims ―to improve food security in favour of the poorest and the most vulnerable, and contribute to achieving the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG), through a set of actions which ensure overall coherence, complementarity and...
2010 - Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich,LEI – Part of Wageningen UR

Газетная статья
Integrating agroecology and landscape multifunctionality in Vermont: An evolving framework to evaluate the design of agroecosystems

Agroecosystems cover vast areas of land worldwide and are known to have a large impact on the environment, yet these highly modified landscapes are rarely considered as candidates for landscape design. While intentionally-designed agricultural landscapes could serve many different functions, few resources exist for evaluating the design of these complex...
United States of America
2010 - Elsevier Ltd

Газетная статья
Análisis financiero del sistema de producción cafetalera en seis municipios de la provincia de Vélez (Santander, Colombia)

La producción cafetalera en Colombia es una actividad de gran importancia; cuenta con un área sembrada de 873.000 ha y una producción anual de 12 millones de sacos de 60 kg, y de ella dependen en forma directa cerca de dos millones de personas. En particular, el departamento de Santander...
2010 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Romania and the Common Agricultural Policy

The future of small scale Romanian farming in Europe
Romania is a country of peasants, with a long deep history in peasant agriculture, which effects everything in the country, including its art, culture, and the way Romanians think. This has survived despite the best efforts of past empires and communists to destroy it. Today peasant culture remains the bedrock...
2010 - EcoRuralis

Carta Agroecológica de Curitiba 2009

Os cerca de 3.800 participantes inscritos no VI Congresso Brasileiro de Agroecologia e II Congresso Latino-americano de Agroecologia, reunidos em Curitiba (PR), Brasil, no período de 9 a 12 novembro de 2009, tendo como tema central “Agricultura familiar e Camponesa: experiências passadas e presentes construindo um futuro sustentável” vêm através...
2009 - Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (ABA)
Total results:4080