




Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) in farmer field schools on food security and adaptation to climate change: pilot testing of a framework in Malawi

The farmer field school (FFS) has been promoted as an approach for educating farmers on making adaptive farming decisions. In Malawi, the FFS has been used to enhance food security within the context of adaptation to climate change. Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) extends the learning cycle from the core...
2023 - Food Security

Upskilling Community Skills Development Centre teachers in Malawi

Fourteen representatives from five Community Skills Development Centres (CSDCs) participated recently in a hands-on training session organised by Access Agriculture in Zomba, Malawi, as part of an AFC/GOPA consulting group project under the GIZ-Empowering Youth in Agribusiness (EYA) initiative.
2023 - Access Agriculture

Malawi: Equal work, unequal earnings

A recent case study in Malawi explores the trading roles of women in fisheries in quantitative and qualitative terms.  Women play important roles in fish food systems, especially post-harvest processing and trading of fish products. However, gendered inequities in fish food systems are common around the globe, limiting livelihood benefits for...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Legal empowerment with a gender lens: how women tea farmers in Malawi are claiming their rights

Tea is a major cash crop in Malawi and the industry is one of the country’s biggest employers. For small-scale farmers, it is an important source of cash income. But deep gender inequalities prevail at smallholder level, and women tea farmers are being left behind. As part of the Empowering Rural Producers...
2022 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

Reaping benefits of digital extension

The first cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Malawi in early April 2020, and the numbers went up subsequently, leading to Government-instituted COVID-19 lockdowns, which disrupted almost all aspects of normal life in the country.  One of the most affected sectors by the lockdowns was agriculture, as contacts between extension workers...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Access Agriculture makes its mark at Malawi Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

The Malawi Forum for Agriculture Advisory Services (MaFAAS) held its Farming and Extension Conference in Lilongwe, Malawi, from 19 to 22 July 2022. The conference brought together various stakeholders, who are working in the agriculture space in Malawi, from farmer groups to extension service providers (both state and non-state) and...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Газетная статья
Farming for Change: Developing a Participatory Curriculum on Agroecology, Nutrition, Climate Change and Social Equity in Malawi and Tanzania

How to engage farmers that have limited formal education is at the foundation of environmentally sound and equitable agricultural development.  This study describes the process of development of an innovative curriculum, which integrates agroecology, nutrition, climate change, gender, and other dimensions of social equity across 2 weeks of training explicitly for...
Malawi - United Republic of Tanzania

Supporting small-scale farmer agency in commercial agriculture

Small-scale farmers in low- and middle-income countries face vastly different realities, which translate into diverse challenges and opportunities. Some businesses, governments and development agencies have been promoting smallholder inclusion in global value chains and smallholder commercialisation as an essential part of addressing challenges and creating opportunities. This is happening against a backdrop of growing corporate concentration in agri-food...
Malawi - Nepal
2022 - International Institute for Environment and Development


Healthy Soil Healthy Food Initiative: Three African agricultural development organisations from Uganda, Kenya and Malawi present their experience of testing new farming principles learned from the Community Managed Natural Farming initiative in India.
2022 - AFSA Africa

Potentially Important Food Plants of Malawi

This guide is based on information from the Food Plants International (FPI) database developed by Tasmanian agricultural scientist Bruce French.The source material and guidance for the preparation of the book has been made possible through the support of Food Plants International, the Rotary Clubs of District 9830, particularly the Rotary...
2022 - The Rotary Club of Devonport North

FAO working to increase women participation in Malawi’s fisheries value chain

Women are involved in many activities along the value chain of fish trade in Africa including post-harvest handling, processing, branding and marketing. However, limited access to and control of key assets such as capital, skills and technologies limit their engagement in formal fish-related businesses. Women work under critical conditions using...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Agriculture outperforms imagination

A Farmer Field School in Malawi helps Jeffrey Chimenya attain more than he dreamed he could as a farmer
Jeffrey Chimenya could not imagine that agriculture could one day allow him to own a decent home and have a thriving milk supplying business. Farming meant subsistence for Jeffrey; it didn’t mean success. Yet today, four years after joining the Nyadanawo Farmer Field School (FFS), Jeffrey says that his dreams...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Supporting small-scale farmer agency in commercial agriculture

Collective learning on the role of socio-legal empowerment from an international action-research project
Small-scale farmers in low- and middle-income countries face vastly different realities, which translate into diverse challenges and opportunities. Some businesses, governments and development agencies have been promoting smallholder inclusion in global value chains and smallholder commercialisation as an essential part of addressing challenges and creating opportunities. This is happening against...
Malawi - Nepal
2022 - e International Institute for Environment and Development

Газетная статья
Improving efficiency of knowledge and technology diffusion using community seed banks and farmer-to-farmer extension: experiences from Malawi

Agri-innovations are mostly delivered to farmers through private and public sector-led institutions around the world, with various degrees of success in Malawi. These distribution systems, on the other hand, do not meet everyone's production and productivity needs, particularly those of smallholder farmers. Alternative gap-filling systems are therefore required. Over the...
2022 - Agriculture & Food Security

Challenges and opportunities for small-scale tea producers in Malawi

Tea production accounts for 9%  of Malawi’s foreign exchange earnings and is a major employer, but smallholder farmers are struggling. While those in neighbouring Kenya are adding value to their tea crop for their own benefit, Malawi’s smallholder farmers — the majority of whom are women — gain far less...
2022 - International Institute for Environment and Development

A return to agroecology traditions points the way forward for Malawi’s farmers

MONGABAY's Charles Mpaka authored an excellent piece on Malawi's 3.3 million smallholder farming families, which comprise the country's economic backbone, yet many are underprivileged and facing food scarcity. Agroecology has proven to be a lifeline for some farmers, enabling them to increase yields and revenue while lowering the usage of...

Spotlight on strategies to support farmers in Malawi

At the recent launch of the new strategy for the National Agriculture Extension and Advisory Services in Lilongwe, Malawi, Access Agriculture (www.accessagriculture.org/) was invited to participate in the exhibition titled “Agriculture Extension and Advisory Services within reach: Key to Improved Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition.”
2021 - Access Agriculture

KULIMA: Revitalising agricultural clusters and ulimi wa m'ndandanda through farmer field schools in Malawi

Learn more about the project 'Revitalising agricultural clusters and ulimi wa m’ndandanda through farmer field schools in Malawi'. This project is part of the wider European Union (EU)-funded KULIMA programme, a five year programme that is being implemented between May 2017 and June 2022 with the aim of achieving improved...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Disentangling food security from subsistence agriculture in Malawi

Malawi’s many smallholders rely heavily on rainfed, low-input subsistence farming to meet their food needs. Yet for most rural Malawian households, subsistence agriculture cannot consistently produce enough food to ward off hunger. Nor can they rely on the country’s weak markets to buy additional food they may require or to...
2021 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

What can smallholder farmers grow in a warmer world? Climate change and future crop suitability in East and Southern Africa

According to a new study, rising temperatures and decreased rainfall in eight Southern and East African countries are likely to reduce the production of vital food crops in the region by 2050. The International Fund for Agricultural Development has issued the scientists' report, which covers Angola, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda,...
Angola - Lesotho - Malawi - Mozambique - Rwanda - Uganda - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2021 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
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