




Challenges and opportunities for small-scale tea producers in Malawi

Tea production accounts for 9%  of Malawi’s foreign exchange earnings and is a major employer, but smallholder farmers are struggling. While those in neighbouring Kenya are adding value to their tea crop for their own benefit, Malawi’s smallholder farmers — the majority of whom are women — gain far less...
2022 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Indigenous Peoples

Who are Indigenous Peoples? Diversity between regions and countries, and differences in backgrounds, cultures, history, and conditions have proved extremely difficult for the development of one single definition, at an international level, applicable to all Indigenous communities. In accordance with international consensus, FAO abides by the following criteria when considering Indigenous...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Accelerating FAO support on SDG monitoring

As the custodian organization for 21 SDG indicators and a contributing agency to another five indicators, one of the Organization’s top priorities is to improve the capacity of Member countries to measure the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and monitor the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. With now less than ten...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

实 践
Transformación: hornilla panelera: tecnologías para mejorar la eficiencia energética

Clasificación de hornillas paneleras para mejorar la eficiencia energética. Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio Institucional (BAC) Podcast Dimensions Agriperfiles Google Scholar LaReferencia Redalyc Redcol ResearchGate WhastApp Noticias científicas AGROMETRICS CRIS AGROSAVIA: https://vivo.agrosavia.co/
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Horizon Europe – EU R&I Partnerships on Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems

EU Partnerships are a new and ambitious instrument in Horizon Europe, the EU’s 9 th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (R&I). With ERA-Nets (including ERA-Net CORE Organic) and JPIs ending in their current format1 , the new partnerships are expected to pool resources of a wide range of public...
European Union
2022 - TP Organics

La agricultura familiar es una vía para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria

El sistema de producción de alimentos en el mundo está lleno de fallas, acuerdo a Guilherme Brady, jefe de la Unidad para la Participación de la Agricultura Familiar y las Redes Parlamentarias dentro de la División de Colaboración de las Naciones Unidas y las Asociaciones de la FAO. Al ser entrevistado por Diario Libre indicó que la agricultura...

LEISA-India magazine features Access Agriculture

An article titled Training videos on agroecology – Putting the power of learning in farmers’ hands, which throws spotlight on how Access Agriculture (www.accessagriculture.org) helps scale agroecology across the Global South, has just been published in the June 2022 edition of LEISA India magazine (Issue 24.2).  To read the full article,...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Mass tree planting: prospects for a green legacy in Ethiopia

Ethiopia’s forests have been declining due to agricultural conversion, increased wood extraction for fuel and construction, and livestock over-grazing. The country has several high-profile tree-planting programmes, including the Green Legacy Initiative (GLI). Proponents say the GLI will help re-green the country, improve local livelihoods and build climate resilience, while critics...
2022 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Gobernanza marino costera. Características del Proyecto

El proyecto tiene como objetivo apoyar el fortalecimiento de la gobernanza marino-costera en Chile, integrando y coordinando comunidades locales, instituciones públicas, privadas, académicas y de la sociedad civil, para la conservación y uso sustentable de los mares y costas de Chile. Se lleva a cabo a través de acciones de...
2022 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Forêts villageoises et filières bambou dans les montagnes du nord laos

Ce carnet relate l’expérience conduite par le Gret pour accompagner le développement de filières bambou approvisionnées par les forêts villageoises dans la province de Houaphan au Laos. Il montre comment cet accompagnement, qui a duré de 2008 à 2021, a permis aux villageois, acteurs publics et privés de construire collectivement...
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2022 - Éditions du Gret

FAO supporting the seed sector in the Syrian Arab Republic

Agriculture could be the engine of recovery in the Syrian Arab Republic. However, for productive and resilient agriculture, farmers must be able to access good quality seed of well-adapted and preferred varieties of the major strategic crops. Before the crisis, the General Organization for Seed Multiplication (GOSM) was responsible for the...
Syrian Arab Republic
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Chief Gutu’s community experiences on biocultural diversity management

  Indigenous knowledge and cultural diversity is increasingly being put under pressure as the process of modernization is reaching into every corner of Zimbabwe. Rapid changes are taking place in land use practices, farming methods, health care and the cultural ethos and rituals of indigenous people. Fortunately, in recent years much...
2022 - The Seed and Knowledge Initiative (SKI)

Algae offers Indigenous fishers new prospects in Panama

FAO is helping women fishers develop new skills amid declining fish stocks
On the edge of the Caribbean Sea is an autonomous, Indigenous Peoples’ territory in Panama that has been inhabited by the Guna people for centuries. It winds its way around the gulf of the same name and includes an archipelago of around 300 islands. Within this territory is Naranjo Grande,...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Entrevistas - Cooperativas y Digitalización – Cooperborbon, Costa Rica

Video de presentación de la Cooperativa Cooperborbon de Costa Rica. En diálogo con FAO, se da cuenta de los avances en digitalización y sus principales logros para el mercado y sus cooperados y cooperadas en materia de logística, trazabilidad e inocuidad en la implementación de su e-commerce, que se consolidó...
Costa Rica
2022 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

New ways in organic fruit growing: intelligent covers and Guyot training system for apple

Even in organic fruit growing, depending on the weather, frequent treatments with plant protection products are necessary. In order to reduce the use of plant protection products, FiBL has set up a trial facility. Among other things, constructions with flexible covers are being tested here. Intelligent covering, controlled by sensors...

Innovation & knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI Organic Farming

This is a special thematic edition of the Innovation, Knowledge Exchange and EIP-AGRI newsletter. This edition focuses on organic farming.
European Union
2022 - Innovation, Knowledge Exchange and EIP-AGRI


It is difficult to rate the importance of the different soil functions, since all are vital to our well-being, to some extent. However,  the function of supporting food and agriculture worldwide is fundamental for the preservation and advancement of human life on this planet. Soil is also the basis for plant growth and contributes to...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Voces de mujeres del sur global en la COP 27 sobre soberanía alimentaria en el contexto del cambio climático

Un grupo de mujeres de Abya Yala elevó sus voces firmes y profundas, para hablar sobre la soberanía alimentaria en regiones tan distintas pero tan hermanadas como América y África en la COP 27 de Egipto el pasado 16 de noviembre de 2022, desde organizaciones como Regeneration International y OMANIAP. En el...
2022 - Vía Orgánica (VO)

Mujeres rurales en la región pampeana: problemática y lucha que trasciende el género

Desde los años 70 y más acentuadamente desde los 90, en que se firma la Convención de Brasilia, las mujeres en Latinoamérica, cuyo contexto de actividades se relaciona al medio rural, se han venido organizando en movimientos para llevar adelante luchas que posibiliten hacer visibles sus reclamos, derechos y necesidades, más allá del trabajo doméstico que siempre...
2022 - Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR)

Anita Kumari Chaudhary's Path to Entrepreneurial Success

Anita Kumari Chaudhary is a dedicated member of the Kalika Land Rights Agriculture Cooperative in Nepal. Through her affiliation with the cooperative, she gained essential tailoring skills and ventured into entrepreneurship with a cooperative-backed loan. Today, she not only manages her thriving business but has also created job opportunities by...
2022 - Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)
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