




Inspirational ideas: Growing organic vegetables – and jobs!

The Operational Group Biogemüse in Northern Hesse (Germany) identified a growing demand for fresh organic vegetables, but there was a lack of local produce available. At the same time the rural population was falling steadily and there was a low number of jobs which affected vulnerable population groups in particular....
2021 - EipAgri

Historias del Proyecto Agricultura Climáticamente Inteligente - Producción de cacao en Ecuador

Testimonios de beneficiarios y socios sobre la implementación del proyecto Agricultura Climáticamente Inteligente con Cacao bajo sombra en Ecuador. Saberes tradicionales, enfoque de política pública local y nacional y proyección a mercados internacionales de productos provenientes de un modelo de producción sostenible.
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Agroecological Soybean Production and Processing for Nutrition in Laos

In 2019, the Agriculture for Nutrition Project (AFN) provided funding support to the Lao Farmer Network (LFN) to pilot the production and processing of soybean in two villages of Nonghet district, Xiengkhouang province, Laos. The small project, “Piloting soybean production and processing to improve nutrition in Nonghet district”, was implemented...
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2021 - Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)

A spicy agricultural heritage: there’s more to wasabi than meets the eye

How Japanese farmers use traditional methods to grow the much-loved condiment
With its distinctive green colour and sharp, spicy flavour, wasabi (Eutrema japonicum) has been highly prized in Japan for centuries. There is evidence from written works that Buddhist monks ate “cold wasabi soup” from as early as the 12th century. By the 14th century, they began to eat sashimi topped with wasabi...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Why is biodiversity important for small-scale fisheries: Video on a new Handbook by ICSF and Crocevia

Small-scale fisheries (SSF) operate in both marine and inland waters, accounting for over half of the total fish catch in developing countries. The bulk of this catch is destined for local consumption and is a primary source of essential nutrients. The health of aquatic ecosystems are fundamental to the livelihoods...
2021 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Perspectivas de la Agricultura y del Desarrollo Rural en las Américas

Una mirada hacia América Latina y el Caribe 2021-2022
Este informe bienal es fruto del esfuerzo conjunto de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA). La crisis sanitaria, económica y social causada por la...
2021 - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

Role and Initiatives of Farmers’ Organizations in Food Loss and Waste Managements

In her opening remarks, AFA Secretary General Esther Penunia highlighted the important role of farmer organizations and cooperatives in reducing food loss and waste as well as their initiatives including employing methods or techniques such as dehydration and drying techniques, etc. to prolong the shelf life or add value to...
American Samoa
2021 - Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)

Organic Innovation Days 2021 - Better inputs for organic farming

For this year’s Organic Innovation Days, the only EU event on research & innovation for organic, TP Organics is collaborating with the two Horizon 2020-funded EU projects RELACS and Organic-PLUS, which both aim to reduce the use of contentious inputs in organic farming. The event will take place online on 30 November and 1 December 2021,...
2021 - TP Organics

Have a look at Video Report from national news in Zambia about CZU mobiLAB for detection of COVID-19

You will see, how local partners from different hospitals received our CZU mobiLAB with the presence of his excellency Ambassador of the Czech Republic Radek Rubeš. Also, our partners from ADRA and ADRA Zambia were present!   Enjoy this video report!
2021 - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Strengthening Labour Rights and Representation of Smallholder Farmers in Myanmar

As the eldest daughter of a farmer, Ti Chia Pan grew up helping her parents grow bananas and vegetables in the village of Nanphalong, Temu, at the border between Myanmar and India. Her experience in the field gave her first-hand insight into the plight of farmers. ‘Ever since I was young,...
2021 - AFFM

Ecuador - Criterios e indicadores sobre resiliencia climática en el desarrollo e implementación de programas de desarrollo agrícola rural

El presente informe desarrolla una propuesta para identificar criterios de resiliencia climática e indicadores en políticas públicas y programas sobre desarrollo agrícola rural y agricultura familiar en particular. Para apoyar a los países en este esfuerzo de identificación de criterios y desarrollo de indicadores clave, se proponen algunos ejemplos para...
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

India's natural farming revolution

In the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, India water scarcity and poor soil quality forced many farmers to walk away from agriculture. But a few years ago, the state of Andhra Pradesh launched an ambitious program called Andhra Pradesh Community managed Natural Farming (APCNF)  that is transforming the farming practices to stop the...
2021 - France 24

Amplifying agroecology in Vermont: Principles and processes to foster food systems sustainability

Agroecology represents a model system that supports the environment by offering an approach to food production that enhances biodiversity, builds ecological resilience, improves soil diversity, reduces the use of natural resources, and provides a healthy environment for the planet. It is increasingly recognized as an effective system that generates a...
United States of America
2021 - Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative, University of Vermont 2 Department of Plant and Soil Science, University of Vermont 3 Gund Institute for the Environment, University of Vermont 4 Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont 5 Environmental Program, University of Vermont 6 Center for Sustainable Agriculture, University of Vermont 7 UVM Extension, University of Vermont 8 Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University, Toronto, CA 9 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Vermont

Avanzando en innovación transformativa en América Latina. Implicaciones para para la política

El objetivo de estos talleres es crear un espacio de aprendizaje para explorar el tipo de iniciativas, metodologías y herramientas utilizados para fomentar cambios transformativos con actores locales como empresas, emprendedores, la comunidad o investigadores. Los talleres son un espacio de co-construcción donde serán discutidas estrategias de experimentación para abrir...
2021 - Hub Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Innovación Transformativa

Entrepreneurship to promote organic farming

It is a well-known fact that the use of organic or biological inputs has assumed importance in the promotion of organic agriculture.  In conventional agriculture where the application of chemical inputs is widely known for its direct action to feed and protect the crop,on the contrary, in organic agriculture, inputs...
2021 - Leisa India

Consultation on LIVESEED’s Holistic Seed Health Strategy

The rapid establishment of healthy seedlings is an essential element of crop production. During seed production and seedling establishment, seeds can experience infection by pathogens or other stresses. Recent findings in scientific research and the intuition of many organic practitioners converge to highlight the role of seed vigour and of...
2021 - LiveSeed

Carbon Farming for Climate, Nature, and Farmers report

Climate change and the collapse of biodiversity are intimately connected crises1: sharing some root causes and solutions, and interacting through complex feedback loops. Large-scale land use change for agriculture and urbanisation since 1850 and the intensification of agricultural land use in the last 70 years are estimated to have contributed...
European Union
2021 - European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

Providing lifesaving and sustainable assistance for farmers and herders in Afghanistan

As winter approaches, farmers and herders in Afghanistan face many challenges: the recent droughts, along with the economic upheaval, and rural migrations leave more than 18 million people unable to feed themselves on a daily basis. FAO is working on long term and sustainable approaches to support farmers such as...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

La diversité vécue dans les Cuma : comment coopérer dans la différence ?

Face aux nouveaux enjeux de l’agriculture, les collectifs d’agriculteurs sont encouragés pour favoriser les pratiques agroécologiques. Les Coopératives d’Utilisation de Matériel Agricole (Cuma) sont en particulier des lieux propices à ces développements. Ces coopératives se transforment, notamment face à̀ une diversité plus importante des systèmes productifs. Les collectifs pourraient être...
2021 - HaL Archives Ouvertes

Video about CZU mobiLAB - detection of infectious diseases

CZU mobiLAB A comprehensive solution for the detection of infectious diseases in hard-to-reach areas     
2021 - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
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