




Important Zinc Plants of Zimbabwe

This poster highlights important zinc plants of ZimbabweFormed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources...
2024 - Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group

Nurturing agricultural skills - Projects Brochure

This Project Brochure showcases practical examples of CAP support on various skills to help agricultural and rural professionals keep pace with a fast-changing, increasingly complex world. The European Year of Skills (2023-24) aims to help people gain the right skills for quality jobs and support companies in addressing skill shortages in Europe. This...
2024 - EU CAP Network

Resourcing girls

The potential and challenges of girl- and youth-led organising
Young people have been hailed as torchbearers of gender equality and as key actors in identifying and implementing solutions our world urgently requires. This said, understanding how girl- and youth-led organisations operate and their positioning within the ecosystem of gender equality and social change efforts requires careful examination. This report explores...
2024 - Gender & Adolescence: Global Evidence

Alnarp’s farm: where agroecology acts as a catalyst for community building

On an unexpectedly sunny and warm afternoon in May, Aziliz Le Rouzo, an agroecology researcher at SEI and I arrived at Alnarp’s agroecology farm, after a long and sweaty walk from the nearest train station. When we got to the farm, tucked between old buildings and greenery, it was like entering a place of calm and serenity. We were greeted by Mariana Forero, a...
2024 - Siani

Des étudiants révolutionnent l’agriculture en Ouganda grâce aux technologies et à l’entrepreneuriat

« La mécanisation est l’avenir de l’agriculture, et en tant qu’ingénieurs, nous sommes bien placés pour y contribuer », déclare Samuel Okoci, étudiant en dernière année de licence d’ingénierie électrique et électronique à l’Université des sciences et technologies de Mbarara (MUST) en Ouganda. Animés par une passion commune pour l’aide...
2024 - UNESCO

Youth in Mauritania uncover the potential that their lands have to offer

An FAO project develops young people’s skills and sets minds towards agriculture
Aly Oumar Mohamed Sy used to almost dread the idea of making a living from farming. But “now that I’ve learned how to take care of the soil and cultivate it, I consider farming as my life's work,” says the 24-year-old from Mauritania’s Trarza region. What’s made the difference is...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Young people in farming

Only 11% of all farm holdings in the European Union are run by farmers under 40 – and persuading more young people to begin farming is a significant challenge. Faced with an ageing farming population, the EU is stepping up its efforts to encourage young people into farming. Young farmers are...
European Union
2023 - European Commission

Working with Smallholders

A Handbook for Firms Building Sustainable Supply Chains (Third Edition)
A number of global trends, such as concurrent rises in incomes and urbanization, are driving the increased consumption of meat, dairy, and biofuels. Meeting the demand for products will require considerable increases in global production, particularly in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, where smallholder farming predominates and yields remain low....
2023 - International Finance Corporation

Rural youth employment Thematic Group keep networking

The CAP Implementation Contact Point’s Thematic Group (TG) focussed on youth employment in rural Europe is continuing to network and share experiences and new ideas to help young people live and work in the countryside. The CAP Implementation Contact Point’s Thematic Group (TG) on rural youth employment is continuing to network...
European Union
2023 - EU CAP Network

Workshop report: Young entrepreneurs - Engines of innovation in rural areas

On 30 November and 1 December 2022, the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission (DG AGRI) and the Support Facility for Innovation and Knowledge exchange including EIP-AGRI held the one-and-a-half-day EU CAP Network workshop ‘Young entrepreneurs – Engines of innovation in rural areas. With a total of...
European Union
2023 - EU CAP Network

The African youth statement on the transition to agroecology for healthy and sustainable food systems

AFSA hosted the first African Youth Summit on Food Systems in Kenya on May 27-29, 2023, to offer a vibrant space for African youth to exchange perspectives on sustainable practices, delve into food system challenges, and deliberate on sound solutions. Youth representatives from 24 countries attended the Summit, which concluded...
2023 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Youth and Jobs in The Era of Climate Change, Conflict and Crisis: An Evidence and Gap Map

This evidence and gap map (EGM) plots studies on the effectiveness of interventions for youth employment in developing countries in the context of climate change, conflict and crisis, demonstrating where evidence exists and where it is lacking. The EGM is based on a comprehensive and systematic search of academic databases and...
2023 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Digital innovation for promoting decent rural employment in agriculture for youth and women in the Near East and North Africa

This paper examines how information and communications (ICT) technologies can contribute to decent employment of youth and women in the agrifood sector. In other regions, the widespread adoption and integration of ICTs has reduced information and transaction costs, improved service delivery, created new jobs, generated new revenue streams and saved...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Young family farmers from 5 continents work together to push for the implementation of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming

Young people in family farming: acting today for tomorrow.
In order to strengthen the implementation of the 2nd Pillar of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 (UNDFF) on supporting youth and generational change in family farming, the World Rural Forum (WRF) is encouraging the creation of a group of young people from around the world to strengthen their capacities...
2023 - World Rural Forum (WRF)

How to invest in farmers

A guide for agriculture human capital investment projects
Investing in farmers – or agriculture human capital – is crucial to addressing challenges in our agrifood systems. A global study carried out by the FAO Investment Centre and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), with support from the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) and...
2023 - FAO

Activity book – Water is life, water is food

Leave no one behind
This Activity Book is aimed at a broad age range of young people interested in learning more about the importance of water on our planet, inspiring them with solutions for a wiser management of water resources. Governments, the private sector, farmers, academia, civil society and individuals need to work together to...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Contract-Based Agriculture Production

A Case Study of Organic Rice Production in Cambodia
Objectives of the Study General Objective. The case study aims to contribute to the enhancement of the exchange of knowledge and best practices on family farming and agroecology relevant initiatives and institutional context and contribute to the implementation of the Programme Priority Areas (PPA) BP1: Innovation for sustainable agriculture production...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Accompagner l’installation des jeunes sortants des collèges agricoles Fekama

Cette publication revient sur le dispositif d’accompagnement d’insertion des jeunes sortis des collèges agricoles mis en place par Fifata à Madagascar. Elle met en avant son fonctionnement et ses réussites, les clés de son fonctionnement et s’interroge aussi sur sa pérennité.
2023 - L'Institut Agro Montpellier

Beyond Conversations on Extension: Enhancing capacities to address emerging challenges

“Beyond Conversations on Extension: Enhancing Capacities to address Emerging Challenges” represents our ongoing effort to compile the next 100 AESA blogs (101-200) and Field Notes published between 2019 and 2023. The blog conversations in this book focus on enhancing the capacities of EAS to support its clients, primarily farmers but also...
2023 - Agricultural Extension in South Asia (AESA)

Organic Research Centre Newsletter June 2023

The Organic Research Centre is a leading, independent, research charity working for better farming, food and health, promoting environmental sustainability, quality food and health and wellbeing for all. We work in the UK and internationally to: research and develop practical, sustainable land management and food production systems based on organic...
European Union
2023 - Organic Research Centre
Total results:486