




Agroecology beyond cultivated landscapes: Pastoralist experiences from Africa and Central Asia

From the steppes of Kyrgyzstan to the vast plains around Mount Kenya, the Agroecology Fund is proud to support pastoralist initiatives demonstrating that agroecology is an approach that can be applied to different food systems. An age-old, traditional way of life for Indigenous communities across the world, pastoralism upholds many...
2023 - Agroecology Fund

The great mistake of plantation programs in cocoa agroforests – Let's bet on natural regeneration to sustainably provide timber wood

Cocoa production has been one of the main drivers of forest loss in West Africa. In the resulting post-forest landscapes, agroforestry has often been recognised as a solution to reconcile the preservation of trees and agriculture. Thus, a large number of tree plantation programs have been carried out in cocoa...

Sustainable Public Procurement: strategic lever towards a more sustainable food system – new infographics

Sustainable public procurement has countless benefits that make it a strategic lever to trigger a change in the food system. Indeed, increasing the share of organic food products in public procurement makes it more sustainable and can generate a positive impact on kitchen staff training, waste reduction, health, canteen budgets,...
European Union
2023 - Ifoam Organics Europe

Le bocage sahélien en partage

Dans la zone sahélienne au Burkina Faso, les sols sont pauvres, mal protégés par une végétation clairsemée et ont tendance à s’éroder sous l’effet des pluies de mousson. La pression démographique, la diminution du temps de jachère, le surpâturage et les effets des dérèglements climatiques ont conduit, au fil du...
2023 - Gret

Animal Agriculture: Is it All Bad?

Animal agriculture is a leading driver of ecological destruction. But what if it’s not all bad? 

Meet Mary an exemplary Kenyan coffee farmer

Mary Wairimu Oloo, who lives in Kenya’s Trans Nzoia County, moved back to her family’s coffee farm after retiring from a government role. Since then she has been diligently improving productivity on the farm, diversifying her income and helping others along the way.  Mary Wairimu Oloo is not just a wife...
2023 - Solidaridad Network

IFOAM Organics Europe newsletter no. 134- September 2023

In this issue we present our new Board, cover recent political developments (e.g. on the EU Farm to Fork, Organic Regulation, Animal Welfare, GMOs..) and present key upcoming events such as the EU Organic Day, the EU Organic Awards and the European Organic Congress. Read it to discover more!
2023 - IFOAM Organics Europe

Videos help bring agriculture to schools in Kenya

The Entrepreneurs for Rural Access (known as ERAs) of Access Agriculture (www.accessagriculture.org) have been working with youth in schools and farming communities surrounding the schools as part of a joint project with the Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture in Africa (KCOA), a programme funded by BMZ and implemented by GIZ....
2023 - Access Agriculture

Ce que l'agroécologie peut apporter à la lutte pour la sécurité alimentaire

L'agroécologie, quel drôle de mot! Probablement le genre de terme qui n'enflamme pas les esprits. Qui ne fait pas forcément chauffer les cellules nerveuses, pour que les synapses se mettent à faire feu par milliers, voire par millions, comme si une session de pyrotechnie était en cours, dont la majorité...

Farming For Gender Equality

Agroecology in Practice
Small-scale farming communities across the world are using agroecology to simultaneously tackle food security soil health, and gender equality.

Rompre le cycle des systèmes alimentaires non durables, de la faim et de la dette

En ce début d'année 2023, le monde est au bord d'une crise de la dette particulièrement redoutable. Après une décennie de constante augmentation des niveaux d'endettement, les finances publiques des pays à faible revenu se sont trouvées lourdement impactées par la pandémie du COVID-19. Les perturbations économiques qui ont suivi...
2023 - IPES-Food

Editorial: Why agroecology?

During the past 10–15 years, agroecology has grown in prominence in global agricultural discourse based on a belief that it can dramatically transform agrifood systems (Anderson et al., 2021). The concern of proponents of agroecology – that modern agriculture, often referred to as conventional or industrial, has been principally responsible...

Buen vivir y saberes locales: Sistemas andinos y agroecología

Este libro reúne los resultados de investigación de los becarios de la segunda cohorte del Programa de Investigación y Formación en Sistemas Agroecológicos Andinos apoyado por la alianza entre Fundación McKnight y CLACSO. Este proyecto ha permitido que estudiantes de posgrado lleven a cabo investigaciones relevantes para la agricultura de...
2023 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)

Organic and agroecological farming: Safeguarding long-term food security

Food security has different dimensions: availability, access, stability over time, and utilisation2. In the current European context, only accessibility and stability are of concern. Food supply or availability is not at stake in the EU despite the ongoing war in Ukraine, but soaring food prices mean low-income households struggle to...
2023 - TP Organics

Agroecology – Making Ecosystem-based Adaptation Work in Agricultural Landscapes

The aim of this report is to encourage the agriculture and climate communities to find common, integrated, and systemic responses to one of the most urgent questions for humanity: How to develop climate-resilient and sustainable food systems in times of multiple crises that are threatening global food security? Today’s planet...

Agroecology is critical in the wake of climate change - expert

In this article, Francis Shivonje, the Policy and Advocacy National Coordinator for the Biovision Foundation in Kenya, underscores the importance of a National Agroecology Strategy. He highlights that smallholder farms, responsible for 75% of Kenya's agricultural production, are pivotal for both food security and the nation's economic stability. Agroecology, by...

Five Key Messages on How to Implement Agroecology as a Systemic Adaptation Response

There is a wealth of compelling scientific evidence that hunger, climate change, biodiversity loss, as well as land and water degradation are not only systemic but also interrelated crises, which reinforce each other in their intensity. The consequences of these multiple crises for global food security are severe. In 2021,...
2023 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

A Guelmim, un trio franco-marocain force le destin agroécologique du désert

Wissal Ben Moussa, Benjamin Rombaut et Gautier de Carcouet sont cofondateurs de Sand to Green, une startup dédiée à l’agroécologie qui vient de lever 1 million de dollars pour son expansion. En déploiement au Sud du Maroc, le trio entend dupliquer l’expérience en Afrique subsaharienne avec, en toile de fond,...

Pooling funds to scale agroecology

In 2022, the Agroecology Fund took important steps forward in strengthening agroecology movements worldwide. It approved a new five year strategic plan, featuring creative actions that offer timely resources to agroecology organizations and networks as they push food systems towards justice and sustainability. The present report shares insights about where...
2023 - the Agroecology Fund

Rearing crickets for food and feed

People who traditionally eat insects, such as grasshoppers, termites, white ants or crickets catch them in the wild when they are in season. In some places there are now fewer edible insects because the environment has been damaged. Rearing insects on your farm can provide proteins throughout the year. Edible...
2023 - Access Agriculture
Total results:3974