




Regional Technical Platform for Common Agricultural Practices

Transformation of the agriculture sector in Africa is at the heart of driving progress towards ending poverty, hunger and malnutrition. Common agricultural policies and practices, and knowledge sharing across the region, supports this aim. Areas of common agricultural policies and practice include support to the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Agroecology: a holistic path towards sustainable food systems

This document describes the main results that emerged from the application of the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE) developed by FAO on the IFAD-funded Regeneration of Landscapes and Livelihoods (ROLL) project in Lesotho. TAPE provided a baseline for analyzing and comparing the performance of different types of agricultural systems across multiple dimensions of sustainability....
2022 - IFAD

Tanzanian farmers mobilize for agroecology, food sovereignty and Pan-Africanism

Hundreds of smallholder farmers gathered in the city of Morogoro on November 17 and 18 for the 27th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the National Network of Small-Scale Farmers Groups in Tanzania (MVIWATA). MVIWATA has organized farmers stretching from groups at the grassroots all the way to a national network as the...
United Republic of Tanzania
2022 - MVIWATA

Access Agriculture Panorama -October 2022

This monthly e-newsletter gives a bird’s eye view of all the exciting updates from Access Agriculture, a world-leading organisation for quality agricultural training videos in international and local languages, working across the Global South. The Access Agriculture Panorama features information on new videos, audio podcasts, blog posts, articles contributed by experts,...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Conseil agricole et transitions agroécologiques des agricultures familiales : dynamiques, défis et perspectives en Afrique de l’Ouest

En Afrique de l’Ouest, le conseil agricole marqué par de longuesannées d’orientation vers le modèle de révolution verte, est de plusen plus sollicité pour accompagner des dynamiques de transitionsagroécologiques. Mais il y a un déficit de connaissances sur les ca-pacités réelles du conseil agricole à effectivement faciliter les tran-sitions agroécologiques,...
2022 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural

How to scale agroecology

As part of its 10th anniversary celebration this year, Access Agriculture is organising a webinar on “How to scale agroecology” on 25 October 2022, in partnership with the Agroecology Coalition. The webinar will feature an eclectic line-up of distinguished speakers and panelists, including representatives from the Agroecology Coalition, FAO Family Farming Knowledge Platform, ANTHRA, Collaborative Crop Research Program at McKnight...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Global biodiversity framework stuck in a paradigm of catastrophic growth

What future for Africa?
The global community is coming togetherunder the auspices of the CBD, after delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, to address the “silent catastrophe” of biodiversity decline (CBD, 2018). It is anticipated that the COP 15 to the CBD will meet in Montreal, Canada from 7-19 December 2022 to finalise and...
2022 - The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

Développement local en République Centrafricaine

L’Iram lance un centre de ressources en ligne dédié au développement local en République centrafricaine. On y trouve des documents relatifs au cadre politique et législatif centrafricain, de la documentation scientifique, ainsi que des travaux produits à l’occasion de la conduite de projets (études, cartes, rapports). Le site a vocation...
2022 - IRAM

Agroecology Financing Analysis Toolkit (AFAT) for the public sectors in Africa

With increasing global consensus on the need to support a transition to sustainable agricultural practices, the Partnership for Social Accountability (PSA) Alliance has launched an innovative tool to assess the degree to which national budgets and overseas development assistance (ODA) in Africa support a transition to agroecology. In response to growing...

Газетная статья
Characterizing agroecology’s practice in the Niayes, Senegal: A typology of agricultural models on family farms

Sustainable agriculture and agroecology are now essential to the discussion on agricultural models in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This study develops a typology of farms with different levels of agroecology, from none to advanced adoption and the findings provide a better understanding of agroecology’s development in dynamic rural contexts such as the Niayes....
2022 - International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

Towards land tenure security and inclusive land governance in Senegal

In the coastal region of Niayes, close to Senegal’s capital Dakar, Binta Ba is training her fellow growers in agroecology, an integrated approach applying ecological and social concepts to sustainable agriculture, which turns a lot of conventional farming wisdom on its head. As the implementation of the global Voluntary Guidelines on the...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

实 践
Effets de la fertilisation à base de la biomasse du Sida cordifolia L. sur les performances agronomiques et la rentabilité économique de la tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) en culture irriguée

Publication scientifique, sur l'effet de la fertilisation organique de type "engrais vert" sur la culture des tomates en irrigué.
2022 - European Scientific Journal

''Community Ownership can create change: Experimental participatory learning brings better life in Timor-Leste''

It was another hot and humid day, another power cut, the generator groaning in the background. Fans were spinning and pumping hot air around as the A/C didn’t work with the generator. I looked around the office, everyone seemed bored, scrolling through Facebook, chatting occasionally. I felt sad that there...
2022 - Barefoot Guide Connection, Agroecology Knowledge Hub and Family Farming Knowledge Platform.

Sécurité alimentaire : plaidoyer pour les petites exploitations agricoles

Dans un ouvrage à succès paru en 2013, un journaliste britannique spécialiste de l’Asie analyse comment la Chine, le Japon, la Corée du Sud et Taïwan ont réussi à s’extraire de l’extrême pauvreté. Une leçon pour l’Afrique ?

L’agriculture offre un important potentiel d'atténuation des GES

Vice-présidente du groupe de travail 1, membre du bureau du Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC), la chercheuse marocaine Fatima Driouech revient dans cet article sur les impacts du changement climatique sur le continent africain, et les enjeux en termes d’adaptation et d’atténuation pour le secteur “agriculture, agroforesterie...
2022 - Fondation FARM

THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY: How Africa can Survive and Thrive

The climate emergency affects us all deeply, in so many ways. But for farmers it has more drastic implications. It undermines all aspects of the food systems that they depend on. Extreme weather devastates their crops and livestock, and destabilises the very water cycle that they are intimately a part...
2022 - The AFSA Barefoot Guide Connection

Étude des pratiques d'alimentation des femmes et jeunes enfants à Ouagadougou, Niamey et Bamako

Cette étude explore les pratiques d’achat et les produits fréquemment consommés dans les villes de Niamey, Bamako et Ouagadougou. Elle montre comment les achats et la consommation alimentaires sont structurés par un ensemble de pratiques et de normes socio culturelles partagées dans les grandes villes du Sahel. Elle donne également...
2022 - IRAM

Sustainable Intensification Practices Reduce Food Deficit for the Best- and Worst-Off Households in Ethiopia and Mozambique

An adequate food supply is widely recognized as a necessary condition for social development as well as a basic human right. Food deficits are especially common among semi-subsistence farming households in eastern and southern Africa and farm productivity is widely regarded as the locus for enhancing household food outcomes. However,...
Ethiopia - Mozambique

Gender and food loss in sustainable fish value chains in Africa

Food losses are a major concern and occur in most fish distribution chains worldwide. Not only do losses constitute lost income to fishers, processors, and traders, but they also contribute to food insecurity. Progress has been made in identifying the direct causes of fish losses and quantifying the magnitude of...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

''Who says my land cannot be productive? A farmer’s journey to a forest full of food security!''

We are Magdalene and Gillian, trainers working for Kulika Uganda. We are passionate about seeing that people engaged in agriculture adopt sustainable farming practices which are easy to implement and have benefits for the people and the planet.  Kulika is a non-government organization working with rural communities to empower people to build...
2022 - Barefoot Guide Connection, Agroecology Knowledge Hub and Family Farming Knowledge Platform.
Total results:3607