




Газетная статья
Film Festival: The Many Lives of Fishers

With over 40 films from 16 countries, the Pêcheurs du Monde film festival reminds us that despite the severity of various crises facing fishers, there are still signs of hope
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Água residual da indústria pesqueira é aproveitada na irrigação agrícola

A agricultura e a indústria são os setores que mais consomem recursos hídricos no planeta. As indústrias de alimentos, que precisam garantir a qualidade sanitária de seus produtos, são vorazes na demanda de água. Em entrepostos de tilápia, por exemplo, para cada quilo de peixe processado, são utilizados 15 litros...
2019 - Agrosoft - agronegócio sustentável

XVI Reunión de la Comisión de Pesca en Pequeña Escala, Artesanal y Acuicultura para América Latina y el Caribe (COPPESAALC)

La XVI Reunión Ordinaria se celebrará en la Ciudad de La Havana, del 4 al 6 de septiembre de 2019 y tendrá como objetivos: Analizar la situación de la pesca en pequeña escala, artesanal y la acuicultura en los países de la COPPESAALC, incorporando la pesca marina a la reflexión y...
2019 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Vote on the WestMed MAP

In the light of the vote on the Multiannual Plan for the fisheries exploiting demersal stocks in the western Mediterranean Sea that will take place on the 10th of January 2019 at 9:00 in the PECH Committee,  LIFE writes to the Members of the European Parliament to outline the amendments that...
2019 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe


LIFE calls on MEPs to reject amendments 10, 19, and 39, which aim to expand the definition of small-scale fisheries and create an uneven playing field across Europe. Imperfect as it is given the great diversity of small-scale fleets, the simple definition – under 12 metres and not using towed fishing...
2019 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

TBTI Digest, November 2019

The Too Big to Ignore (TBTI) Digest contains all of the project's recent activities and outputs.
2019 - Too Big To Ignore - Global Partnership for Small-Scale Fisheries Research

Guidelines for increasing access of small-scale fisheries to insurance services in Asia

A handbook for insurance and fisheries stakeholders
These Guidelines for increasing access of small-scale fisheries to insurance services, have been developed as a complement of the 2014 Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines). They were developed to provide implementation guidance for increasing access to financial...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Climate Change Impacts on Finnish Winter Seining Fishery

LIFE members from Snowchange Cooperative raise the alarm: ice melting is leading to the disappearance of the traditional seining fishery season. Back in the 1960s, the harvest could start in November and end in May, but fifty years after the season could be reduced to just a few weeks between February and March. This...
2019 - LIFE PLatform

TBTI Digest, December 2019

The Too Big to Ignore (TBTI) Digest contains all of the project's recent activities and outputs.
2019 - Too Big To Ignore - Global Partnership for Small-Scale Fisheries Research

Inside Europe: Women and 'Slow Fish' sustainability

There are plenty of women working in the world of fishing — from fishing itself to processing and sales. There's an event in Italy called "Slow Fish" organized by the international Slow Food network. It focuses on issues of sustainability in fishing worldwide. This year the organizers chose to give...

Газетная статья
Defining global artisanal fisheries

While small-scale and artisanal fisheries are undeniably important globally, there is no global consensus on how to define the sectors, hindering comparative studies and international agreements. We focused on the usage of the words in both the scientific literature and legal documents and show that the confusion stems from a...

Webinar on the Financial Sustainability of CSA Farms

How to make your CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Farm financially Sustainable?
This episode is scheduled for the 8th of May 2019, 17.30 (Central European Summer Time). It will address the issue of the financial sustainability of CSA farms. 
2019 - Urgenci

Газетная статья
Review/Book: A Brave Start

Pacific Handbook for Gender Equity and Social Inclusion in Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture Barclay K., Leduc B., Mangubhai S. and Donato-Hunt C. (eds.). 2019. First edition Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 80 pages
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Safety at sea for small-scale fishers

This manual on safety at sea for small-scale fishers aims to contribute to a culture of safety awareness among fisherfolk, reduce the number of accidents and increase the chances of survival if accidents occur. The manual provides guidance on safety matters related to the work on a small-scale fishing vessel...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

MEL Handbook for SDG 14

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are one of the leading initiatives for addressing the critical, complex and often inter-related issues of our world. SDG 14 — Life below water — focuses on our oceans, estuaries, rivers and watersheds, and the human systems that intersect with them. Unfortunately, it has struggled...
2019 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Yemaya Newsletter No.59, June 2019

Women in fisheries and aquaculture are witnessing a curious paradox today. While on the one hand, women’s lack of visibility, capacity and resource access is being discussed increasingly and in ever-widening spaces, there is arguably little evidence that the response of national and international policy is in any way proportionate...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

From the editor, Yemaya, No.59, June 2019

Women in fisheries and aquaculture are witnessing a curious paradox today. While on the one hand, women’s lack of visibility, capacity and resource access is being discussed increasingly and in ever-widening spaces, there is arguably little evidence that the response of national and international policy is in any way proportionate...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

South Pacific Islands/ Fiji: Where’s the data?

A recently-concluded meeting of the Women in Fisheries Network-Fiji calls for sex-disaggregated data on the participation of women in the fisheries sector
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

What’s New, Webby?: Families in a Changing World: Progress of the World’s Women 2019-2020

This report provides an extensive and detailed guide for the factors that need to be addressed in order to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment, in regards to the changing landscape of family norms. Policies and laws must be adopted to support these diversities, in particular to hold national governments...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Global/Network: Expanding the horizons

The 7th Global Conference on Gender in Aquaculture & Fisheries (GAF7) showcases progress towards and challenges to gender equality
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Total results:1504