




Situating small-scale fisheries in the global struggle for agroecology and food sovereignty

This report explores the politics and practices of small-scale fisheries (SSF) in the context of the global movement for agroecology and food sovereignty. It frames the policy context and explains the challenges related to SSF initiatives and communities and how they organize to address them. It shows how alternative food...

Cultivando justicia socioambiental: la memoria biocultural como fundamento de la Agroecología

En medio de la crisis socioambiental y los impactos de la agricultura intensiva, ha surgido la agroecología como una opción que propone una visión sistémica del alimento, considerando no sólo la regeneración del suelo y las relaciones ecológicas de los agroecosistemas, sino también la dignificación de las y los agricultores. El...
2020 - Ladera Sur

Virtual meeting: StoreWars - Consumer groups and other agroecological revolts in times of emergency

Part of online course Social ecologism in times of emergency, reflections from confinement treating topics as a Sustainable and healthy diet for young and old, Preparing the Day After transformative consumption options for post-confinement this virtual meeting focuses on agroecological alternatives. Emergency measures are centralizing food purchases in large supermarkets, putting small businesses...
2020 - Garúa Coop

The Sustainable Forest Management Framework for Africa (2020-2030)

Extending over 624 million hectares (ha), covering 20.6 percent of the continent’s land area and representing 15.6 percent of the world’s forest cover, Africa’s forests have a unique role in contributing to the attainment of the aspirations of the Agenda 2063, the Africa We Want. This is a picture of...
2020 - The African Union Commission

Газетная статья
Stratégies de résistance des agriculteurs familiaux face à l’avancée de l’agriculture capitaliste en Uruguay

 The resistance of family farmers facing agribusiness extension is reflected in unique economic, social and technical practices and strategies, which give them specific reproductive capacities. Our main hypothesis is that the action models behind the resistance of family farmers depend on the context of their situations, their projects and the...
2020 - HaL Archives Ouvertes

Charla online: Acceso al agua para uso agrícola y ganadero

En el marco del proyecto FONTAGRO "Innovación e intensificación para la adaptación al cambio climático de la ganadería extensiva familiar", el 14 de diciembre de 2020 se llevó a cabo el webinar: “Acceso al agua para el uso agrícola ganadero”. Los técnicos de INTA Juan Pablo Mikuc, Daniel Castillo, Vicente Buda...
2020 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) - Argentina

COVID-19: Our hungriest, most vulnerable communities face “a crisis within a crisis”

In this interview, Dominique Burgeon, Director of FAO's Emergency and Resilience Division, explains the particular challenges COVID-19 poses in vulnerable communities already coping with high levels of hunger due to pre-existing crises -- and how the Organization is gearing up to help. 
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

实 践
Comment récolter la cire d'abeille

La cire d’abeille est une marchandise de valeur qui peut être utilisée pour faire toute sorte de produits comme par exemple des bougies, de la crème de corps, du cirage, etc. Cette technologie présente, méthodiquement, trois méthodes différentes pour récolter la cire d’abeille. La première méthode décrite utilise des matériaux...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Labour-saving technologies and practices: draught animal power and implements

The following provides some basic technical explanations for the correct utilisation of animal power including harnessing and implements. The advantages and disadvantages of this practice are also explained, which include labour saving, livelihood diversification, livelihood resilience strengthening, equipment, costs, skills, and risks. Description Cattle, particularly oxen are by far the most common...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Adaptive co-management: improved management of fisheries resources

In many developing countries, centralised management of small-scale fisheries has not been able to ensure the sustainable management of fisheries resources on which so many depend. Often this is because information to support management decision-making is either not available or that it being provided in a top-down manner that may...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Camarones: método de cultivo

La cría de camarones y langostinos en ambientes naturales o seminaturales tiene tres fases principales: Engorde desde postlarva a tamaño comercial. Desove y cría desde huevo a postlarva, maduración y reproducción.
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

LEISA Magazine India: Agroecology and going local

Local food initiatives with agroecological approaches are increasingly recognized. The global pandemic's challenge is alerting communities to the importance of being self-sufficient and resilient. Overall, farmers are thriving during the pandemic by making appropriate adaptations while urban consumers moved towards 'growing own food' and 'buying local'. This issue of the Low-External-Input and...
2020 - LEISA Magazine India

The Resilience of Smallholder Farmers in Times of Crisis

With the focus on food security rising, smallholder farmers have been propelled into the limelight as the heroes in the production sector. They are playing a major role in nourishing large urban populations as large-scale farmers feel the impacts of COVID 19. We spoke to two organic farmers in Uganda...
2020 - IFOAM

Boletín Bimensual – Enero / Febrero 2020

Boletín bimensual institucional correspondiente al mes de enero/febrero 2020

Producción de trigo agroecológico

De acuerdo al censo agropecuario 2018, más de dos mil explotaciones agropecuarias argentinas realizaron prácticas agroecológicas. Pero, ¿en qué consiste realizar un cultivo, por ejemplo, de trigo agroecológico? ¿Comienza con la siembra? ¿O comienza mucho antes construyendo la fertilidad que necesitamos en el suelo? Martín Zamora desde el INTA Barrow...
2020 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

实 践
Équipements de semis direct pour tracteurs (agriculture de conservation)

Cette technologie explique et illustre quel équipement est nécessaire d'utiliser pour les tracteurs et comment l'utiliser pour le semis direct. Le semis direct consiste à favoriser la croissance d’une nouvelle culture sans préparation du lit de semence mécanique et avec une perturbation minimale du sol depuis la récolte de la...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Labour-saving technologies and practices: Draught Animal Power (DAP) planters and weeders

The following explains the methodology behind the utilisation of the agricultural tools of Draught Animal Power (DAP) planters and weeders. Traditional methods and the specific DAP planter and weed features are highlighted. The advantages and disadvantages are additionally specified which include labour saving, livelihood resilience strengthening, equipment, skills, cost and...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Enabling sustainable food systems

Innovators’ handbook
Sustainable food systems are fundamental to ensuring that future generations are food secure and eat healthy diets. To transition towards sustainability, many food system activities must be reconstructed, and myriad actors around the world are starting to act locally. While some changes are easier than others, knowing how to navigate...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

EU Rural Review 29 'LEADER Achievements'

LEADER is one of the longest standing, most successful and popular European-wide initiatives. This EU Rural Review explores how the seven LEADER principles are interpreted today by people who have been deeply involved with implementing LEADER in rural communities across Europe. The articles show how the principles work in practice, how they...
European Union
2020 - The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD)

实 践
Deep water culture aquaponic unit: step by step description

Aquaponics is the integration of recirculating aquaculture and hydroponics in one production system. The Deep Water Culture (DWC) is one of the three common methods of aquaponics being utilized at the present, generally implemented at large-scale operations. This technology provides a detailed explanation of the main components of this method...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Total results:19992