




Parcelas demostrativas

Este folleto está dirigido a técnicos de campo, extensionistas y agricultores y tiene como objetivo guiar los procesos para establecer parcelas demostrativas con fines de capacitación. Además, esta publicación proporciona información sobre los factores claves para el éxito de una parcela, por ejemplo, las características de los terrenos donde se...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Performance of indigenous tree species in the Sahel

The guide is a review of best management techniques, including the land preparation, agronomic/ silvicultural techniques for the optimum production of target wood and non-wood products and environmental services. It also highlights food and nutritional and socio-economic potential and functions provided by various species and their silvicultural attributes and growth....

Best Practices Manual for integrating migrant workers into rural communities through socially sustainable agriculture

The agricultural sector across Europe faces a significant employment crisis, stemming from a dual challenge: a dearth of interest among domestic workers and a scarcity of skilled labour. Consequently, many countries rely on immigrant labour, predominantly from non-EU nations. Addressing the social, economic, and cultural integration of these workers necessitates tailored...
Austria - France - Greece - Italy - Spain
2024 - Migrants Labour Insertion in Multicultural Agricultural Teams

Functionally diverse cover crops support ecological weed management in orchard cropping systems

Diverse agricultural management practices are critical for agroecosystem sustainability, and cover crops provide opportunity for varied management and increased biodiversity. Understanding how cover crops fill open ecological niches underneath the trees, interact with weeds, and potentially provide ecosystem services to decrease pest pressure is essential for ecological agricultural management. The...
2024 - Cambridge University Press

Hacia un sector rural fortalecido: políticas diferenciadas para la agricultura familiar dominicana

Esta publicación presenta un breve recuento de los resultados alcanzados en el marco del programa Mesoamérica sin Hambre AMEXCID-FAO en la República Dominicana en cuanto a la formulación de instrumentos de política pública diferenciados para la agricultura familiar. Reconocer e impulsar la labor de la agricultura familiar implica identificar los...
Dominican Republic
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Tarping and mulching effects on crop yields, profitability, and soil nutrients in a continuous no-till organic vegetable production system

Small-scale organic vegetable farms need strategies to overcome yield, labor, and economic challenges in transitioning to reduced and no-till practices. However, the production tradeoffs associated with different scale-appropriate management practices are not well documented for these operations. We evaluated crop yields, labor, profitability, and soil nutrients over four continuous years...
2024 - Cambridge University Press

The Art of Coffee Processing: Unveiling Nariño’s Rich Tradition

In the rugged terrain of Colombia’s Nariño department, where the Andes Mountains cast their shadows, lies a resilient community. Here, amidst the diverse geography and varied climate, coffee cultivation thrives, nurtured by the altitude, volcanic soils, and abundant precipitation. In the heart of this land, we find the Slow Food...
2024 - Slow Food

Development of a protein database and the way forward for reviewing protein requirements

Providing an adequate, sustainable, and nutritious supply of protein remains an increasing challenge in the light of changing food systems and raised levels of food insecurity and malnutrition. A joint FAO and IAEA technical meeting was held in Vienna, in 2022, to discuss the development of a protein quality database...
2024 - FAO

Economic benefits through agroecological soil practices: Evidence by ProSoil

Working towards sustainable soil protection and rehabilitation, the Global Programme Soil Protection and Soil Rehabilitation for Food Security (ProSoil) aims to promote sustainable land use in selected partner countries, including Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Madagascar, and Tunisia. The programme comprises several different areas of action, with correlated aims....
2024 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Harvesting Change: Women at the Helm of Puebla’s Coffee Picking

Saddle up and prepare for a journey through the picturesque northern mountains of Puebla, Mexico. After ascending 1,000 meters, you arrive at Rancho La Victoria, a historic coffee farm nestled amidst the mountains...
2024 - Slow Food

On the Economic Potential of Agroecology

A comprehensive approach is needed Scientific studies and reports (cf. IAASTD+10 – Herren et al. 20201 ; HLPE 20192 ; STALLOR 20203 ; IPCC 20194 ; IPBES 20195 ; WBGU 20216 ) confirm that a holistic transformation of agriculture and food systems is necessary for sustainable development and to overcome...
2024 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

La Comisión de Agricultura del PARLATINO aprueba Ley Modelo de Agroecología

La Comisión de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca del Parlamento Latinoamericano y Caribeño (PARLATINO) ha dado un paso crucial al aprobar la Ley Modelo de Promoción de la Agroecología, un marco legislativo innovador que fomenta prácticas agrícolas sostenibles y resilientes en América Latina y el Caribe. Esta legislación, desarrollada en estrecha...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Buzzing bees: The ecological lifelines

Bees are known to vital pollinators essential for the growth of many plants, including the fruits and vegetables we rely on for food. According to Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA), honeybees play a crucial role in pollinating nearly 95 different kinds of fruits and nuts in North America which...
2024 - PAN Asia Pacific

Business Agroecology Criteria Tool User Guide

The Business Agroecology Criteria Tool (B-ACT) is designed to assess the degree to which enterprises are aligned with each of the 13 principles of agroecology, as established by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition. What is the tool for? The Business Agroecology Criteria Tool (B-ACT) assesses...
2024 - Biovision

The bioeconomy toolbox: A guide to support the development of sustainable bioeconomy strategies and policies

Bioeconomy is credited as being one of the key pillars for the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031 to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. More than 60 countries and regions have a dedicated bioeconomy or bioscience strategy today, and many more are already implementing the bioeconomy with plans and...
Germany - Malaysia - Namibia - Uruguay
2024 - FAO

Pacific oyster farming

A practical manual
The purpose of this manual is to give the reader a foundation of practical knowledge regarding all aspects of Pacific oyster cultivation. It is targeted at new entrants to the market wishing to establish a farm, and existing operators who wish to develop their farms and explore new cultivation techniques....
2024 - FAO

Guidebook for developing aquaculture co-management systems

Co-management, a collaborative decision-making approach between governments and diverse user groups regarding shared resources, has evolved across natural resource settings. Traditionally applied in fisheries, forestry, and water management, co-management tackles short-term resource allocation and long-term climate adaptation challenges. Despite aquaculture's perception as a private enterprise, it relies on shared resources...
2024 - FAO

3º Feria FAO Transforma 2024

Los sistemas agroalimentarios enfrentan desafíos múltiples y complejos que requieren una acción estratégica para poder enfrentar un mejor futuro. Impulsar una seguridad alimentaria con una mirada inclusiva en los territorios donde se producen alimentos requiere de respuestas innovadoras, que apuesten por la transformación de las condiciones actuales. Para ello, resulta...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Recognising and protecting family farming in Guinea: a successful advocacy journey

Guinea recently adopted the country’s first agricultural policy law, which now needs to be implemented. This follows four years of consultation and advocacy, during which Guinean civil society has actively engaged with the government in the drafting of that law. Aïssata Yattara and Macky Bah reflect on how the law’s...

Beyond Offsets: People and planet-centred responses to the climate and biodiversity crisis

Funding that works: increasing the focus on non-market, sustained and long-term thinking Resource mobilisation and appropriate funding for biodiversity and climate action are key challenges in meeting the global commitments made to address these issues. While huge attention is paid to the emergence of so-called ‘nature markets’ and financial instruments linked...
2024 - Rainforest Foundation UK
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