




Les bonnes pratiques oasiennes en vidéo 4/5 - Lutte phytosanitaire au naturel - Algérie

Dans les oasis de Beni-Isguen, du Ghoufi et du Ghout, les agriculteurs utilisent des méthodes ancestrales pour lutter contre les insectes et les maladies. Pour préserver la nature et l'écosystème des oasis, les agriculteurs locaux pratiquent des techniques agricoles ancestrales, comme le traitement des maladies et des insectes par le...
2020 - RADDO

Strengthening local advocacy capacity to improve food security in the drylands of Tanzania

This initiative on strengthening policy engagement capacity to improve food security was a three-year project from 2013 to 2016. Funded by the European Union, it was implemented jointly by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) in Longido District in northern Tanzania....
United Republic of Tanzania
2020 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

Ecological Organic Agriculture - Production of Liquid Manure

Paul Kabwama, a small scale farmer from Mukono district explains to us how to produce liquid manure using animal droppings, ash, urine and other wild plants. He preserves this manure for 14 days before applying to his crops. To learn more about our work on promoting organic agriculture, please visit:...
2020 - ESAFF Uganda

Cápsula 1 Introducción: Optimizando sistemas de riego tecnificado para la Agricultura Familiar Campesina

Esta primera cápsula es parte de la serie de 8 cápsulas audiovisuales creadas por el IICA y el Nucleo Biotecnología de Curauma de la Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Para ver las otras cápsulas, pinche=> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYsiWFkJL9PtzHV9xurBVvg
2020 - Nucleo Biotecnología Curauma (NBC)

实 践
Managing a non-recirculation hydroponic unit for commercial lettuce production

Hydroponics is the most common method of soil-less culture (growing agricultural plants without the use of soil), which includes growing plants either on a substrate or in an aqueous medium with bare roots. Non-circulating hydroponic methods, importantly, do not require electricity or a pump. With the method presented in this...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Innovations in common land development

Increased availability of fodder biomass (e.g. grasses, shrub and tree leaves) is possible through protected commons. This increased availability of biomass has in turn directly resulted in improved livelihoods. This Good Practice reveals how management of village dynamics, building awareness, finding local solutions and building technical acumen can create ownership...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
LOG-IT: A tool for capturing and organising data on factory production and quality

The ability to capture, log and organise information is essential to the efficient management and control of food production factories. It is of particular importance in demonstrating control of food safety systems. Although initially developed for use in export fish processing factories in Uganda, the technology can be used by...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Why are local seeds important? This Honduran farmer uses them to help his community

Five years ago, Edwin Adonis Nolasco did not consider himself a farmer. He worked small jobs in rural Honduras, uncertain of how he would support his family. When he came across an opportunity to join a farmer-led research project with our local partner organization, the Foundation for Participatory Research with...
2020 - SeedChange

Agricultural communities in Kenya are rehabilitating prisoners through agroecology in a bid to reduce reoffending and revive local independent coffee farms.

Kenyan prisons are full of the young and the poor. It is no surprise when you consider the high levels of unemployment and the criminal means to which many turn to survive. Trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty and crime, former prisoners are often left stigmatised by society and...
2020 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

Cápsula 2: Acumulador o Estanque

Esta segunda cápsula es parte de la serie de 8 cápsulas audiovisuales creadas por el IICA y el Nucleo Biotecnología de Curauma de la Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. En esta cápsula aprenderá a calcular capacidad de riego y algunos consejos para evitar crecimiento de algas. Para ver las otras cápsulas, pinche=> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYsiWFkJL9PtzHV9xurBVvg
2020 - Nucleo Biotecnología Curauma (NBC)

FAO Agroecology Newsletter #34

Agroecology Newsletter of April 2020

Annual Report 2019

This annual report highlights the struggles and activities we had and the progress we made in 2019. These happened in the context of a world faced with many complex and interconnected challenges that heightened political crises and triggered mass mobilizations and protests broke out in all corners of the earth. What is...
2020 - La Via Campesina

实 践
Traditional floating garden practices for vegetable production

The floating garden practice is a local indigenous production system the successful in the wetland/submerged/flooded areas in the selected south and south-western districts (Pirojpur, Barisal and Gopalganj) of Bangladesh. Floating garden agricultural practices have been adopted by the local farmers for the past two centuries. This technology describes in detail...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Mitigating diseases and saving valuable assets - poultry vaccinators delivering services to the poorest

This practice describes how poultry vaccinators reached out to women poultry rearers with vaccination services, extension messages covering different aspects of poultry rearing, and provided disease surveillance.
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Controlling mango fruit fly

The mango tree suffers from numerous physiological, phytopathological and entomological problems. In West Africa, the economic importance of the damage caused by mango fruit flies (Diptera tephritidae) is growing in home garden mango trees as well as in small-scale and industrial mango orchards. The introduction and pan-African propagation of Bactrocera...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Impact of COVID-19 on Farmers in Bangladesh

Farmers in Bangladesh are facing serious problems during this time of crisis. Citizens are asked by the government to stay at home to avoid being infected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this, farmers find it difficult to go to their farms to check on their crops. Shops including those...

Les bonnes pratiques oasiennes en vidéo 5/5 - Gestion participative de l'eau - Maroc VOSTFR

A Tighfert au Maroc, la population participe de façon active à la gestion communautaire de l'eau dans l'oasis. Pour pérenniser l'utilisation de l'eau pour toute l'oasis, la population agricole de l'oasis du Tighfert a mis en place et utilise un système ancestral de gestion de l'eau: les Khettaras. Cette technique...
2020 - RADDO

Social media for the organic food consumer’s behaviour and its impact upon the development of digital tools for small farmers in Romania

The small entrepreneurship on the Romanian food market is facing a series of concerns closely connected to the particular issues of an emerging economic sector. The entrepreneurial reactions are, quite often, intuitive, fall within a relation with the consumer which has been historically shaped in the zone of merchant behaviour,...
2020 - "Gh. Zane" Institute for Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch

Yemaya Newsletter No.61, August 2020

The latest issue of the women-in-fisheries newsletter of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), Yemaya No.61, dated August 2020, features articles and interviews from Brazil, Costa Rica, France, India, Indonesia, Mexico and Senegal. The lead article is on small-scale fisheries and food security and the issue also carries...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Soil and water conservation on the slopes of Kilimanjaro

At over 5,000 meters, Mount Kilimanjaro’s rounded, snow-capped peak is an iconic African symbol. The National Park’s forested slopes rise up to the peak, above the plains of northern Tanzania. Slightly lower down, at altitudes between 1,000 and 1,500 meters, farmers grow crops in the fertile soil: coffee, bananas, fodder...
United Republic of Tanzania
2020 - Oakland Institute and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
Total results:19992