




Enabling "Response-ability"

A stocktaking of farmer field schools on smallholder forestry and agroforestry
Forestry and agroforestry education and extension programmes for forest and farm communities have not kept up with needs in many places. However, the success of achieving international sustainability goals and implementing global commitments with respect to sustainable production, halting land degradation, ecosystem restoration and climate change mitigation is contingent on...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

NATI00NS: The Messenger of the EU Mission "A Soil Deal for Europe"

The Horizon Europe project NATI00NS contributes to the Soil Mission objectives by mobilising potential applicants for regional soil health Living Labs open calls funded by the Mission through a range of engagement events and capacity building activities. Niels Halberg, NATI00NS Project Coordinator at Aarhus University, provides an overview of the...
European Union
2023 - NATI00NS

CAP Strategic Plans: New publication promotes national plans

A new publication from DG AGRI sets out an overview of facts and figures for the 27 EU Member States’ approved CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs). Key elements in CSPs for the 2023-2027 period are provided in the document featuring information available at the end of 2022. This clarifies the choices made by EU...
European Union
2023 - EU CAP Network

Agroecological techniques: adoption of safe and sustainable agricultural practices among the smallholder farmers in Africa

Attaining sufficiency in food supply to support a growing population without compromising ecosystem functioning remains a top agenda of researchers and agricultural stakeholders. Agroecological farming approaches are effective techniques that ensure sustainable food production even in adverse situations. Population growth has been forecasted to reach over 9.1 billion by 2050...

Investing in rural people in the United Republic of Tanzania

IFAD’s Executive Board approved its first loan to the United Republic of Tanzania in 1978 – the second loan ever approved by the Board. Since then, IFAD has approved and financed 16 projects with investments of US$402.5 million and 4.2 million households have benefited from these activities. Tanzania has the...
United Republic of Tanzania
2023 - International Fund for Agricultural Development

Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest August 2023

The Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest showcases the latest contents uploaded in the FFKP to provide its readers with relevant and up to date information on family farming main themes such as agroecology, smallscale fisheries, pastoralism, indigenous people, and more. For more documents, feel free to search in the...
2023 - FAO FFKP

Activity book – Water is life, water is food

Leave no one behind
This Activity Book is aimed at a broad age range of young people interested in learning more about the importance of water on our planet, inspiring them with solutions for a wiser management of water resources. Governments, the private sector, farmers, academia, civil society and individuals need to work together to...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Газетная статья
Fishing for subsistence constitutes a livelihood safety net for populations dependent on aquatic foods around the world

Fishing for subsistence constitutes a livelihood safety net for poverty, malnutrition and gender inequality for populations dependent upon aquatic foods around the world. Here we provide global estimates showing that almost the same amount of small-scale fishers engage in subsistence fishing at some point during the year as in commercial...
2023 - Nature Food

Incorporating Food into Urban Planning

a toolkit for planning educators in Africa
 Thefocus of this toolkit is on why it is critical for planners in Africa to thinkabout food issues, and more specifically, how to equip them to do this asa planning educator. This toolkit was designed to help planners developtheoretical and practical knowledge about food-sensitive planning,with the specific aim of supporting...
2023 - Consuming Urban Poverty project (formally named Governing Food Systems to Alleviate Poverty in Secondary Cities in Africa)

Газетная статья
Food justice in community supported agriculture – differentiating charitable and emancipatory social support actions

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) seeks to address injustices in the food system by supporting small-scale farmers applying agroecological practices through a long-term partnership: a community of members covers the cost of production and receives a share of the harvest throughout the season in return. Despite an orientation towards a more...
Belgium - France - Germany
2023 - Justus Liebig University Giessen Germany

实 践
GOOD PRACTICES -From Farm to Market – Pragati’s Journey with Finger Millet Farmers

Koraput district, in South Odisha, India, is characterized by warm and humid climate with 80% of the total annual rainfall received from the south-west monsoon in the months from June to mid-October. Agriculture is primarily rainfed with kharif (June-September) being the main cropping season. Finger millet is a major staple...
2023 - Agricultural Extension in South Asia

Aportes y perspectivas del mejoramiento genético de yuca para el fortalecimiento de su red de valor en Colombia

Este libro reflexiona sobre el conocimiento práctico para el mejoramiento genético de yuca y aborda temáticas clave para la identificación de genotipos deseados. Contiene información sobre el uso, la demanda y la prospectiva de la producción de yuca en Colombia (capítulo 1), y el área de cultivo y su integración...
2023 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

NATI00NS - Supporting the soil deal for Europe across national communities

NATI00NS is a European project funded under the HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02 programme and coordinated by Aarhus University (Denmark). The main objective of NATI00NS is reaching out to and preparing regional and national stakeholders across Europe to apply for and implement soil health Living Labs, facilitating the deployment of the EU Mission “A Soil Deal...
European Union
2023 - HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02 programme and coordinated by Aarhus University (Denmark)

AGROMIX | Agroforestry in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Listen to what German farmers have to say about their experience with Agroforestry in this video about the AGROMIX German pilot project field visit. The field visit was coordinated by IfaS which took place on the 9th of February 2023 in Palatinate, Germany. The field visit took participants around three...
2023 - AGROMIX Project

Au Burkina Faso, des projets de recherche-développement partagent leurs avancées, les réussites comme les échecs

L’initiative européenne DeSIRA finance de nombreux projets d’innovation agricole à travers l’Afrique. Au Burkina Faso, douze sont actuellement opérationnels. Bioénergies, intensification agroécologique, nouvelles technologiques d’irrigation… : le secteur agricole burkinabè innove constamment. En juin, le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique et la délégation de l'Union européenne au...
Burkina Faso
2023 - Cirad

Can Agroforestry Contribute to Food and Livelihood Security for Indonesia’s Smallholders in the Climate Change Era?

In Indonesia, smallholders have historically practiced agroforestry, which warrants examination in terms of food and livelihood security within sustainable community forest frameworks. Based on a literature review, we analysed these two forms of security related to smallholder agroforestry practices. Findings indicate diverse agroforestry systems, with 88% focusing on non-timber forest...
2023 - Agriculture

Planning for Food Secure African Cities

This is a podcast series designed to help African planning scholars and urbanists to think through how and why food can be incorporated in urban planning and governance.  If you’re not a planner, don’t tune out. If you listen along you will find out how looking at a city through...
2023 - Consuming Urban Poverty Project

Urgent preventative action for climate-related suicides in rural India

The link between increasingly severe climate events and the rising suicide rate among India’s farmers has long been a concern. But with the latest national data reporting the highest ever number of deaths by suicide, effective action to prevent the risk factors endangering farmers — and the climate events that...

Commercially important sea cucumbers of the world

Sea cucumbers are harvested and traded in more than 90 countries worldwide. They are exploited in industrial and small-scale fisheries, nearly from pole to pole, especially in the tropics. In some fisheries, more than 20 species are exploited by fishers. Fishers in general know how to distinguish the species they...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Sustainability by numbers

Forest products at FAO
Over more than three-quarters of a century, FAO’s work on forest product statistics has made the Organization the recognized authority for data fundamental to what we now call the global bioeconomy. Forest product data are essential in monitoring impact and innovation in the global wood industry; responding to climate change...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Total results:19118