




The European Community Supported Agriculture Movement Supports the Common Agriculture and Food Policy for Radical Ecological Change

URGENCI, the CSA network and its national members from 12 European countries held an advocacy capacity building session in Brussels (May 14-16). CSA advocates had an unprecedented opportunity to share experience and to refine their key messages.
URGENCI, the CSA network and its national members from 12 European countries held an advocacy capacity building session in Brussels (May 14-16). CSA advocates had an unprecedented opportunity to share experience and to refine their key messages  
European Union
2019 - Urgenci

Romanian Rural Network Newsletter 6/2019

From the topics: AgriFish Council of 18 June, NRNs'Meeting in Bucharest, Annual fi-compass conference, open calls RDP and many more.
2019 - Romanian Rural Network (RNDR)

How can you help prevent and control soil erosion?

Soil erosion can turn to a serious problem if left to progress beyond control. Fixing severely eroded land and repairing the damage done by displaced soil also costs significant amount of money. The following are methods that have proven to reduce and prevent soil erosion from occurring in the first...
2019 - Greentumble

Газетная статья
Defining global artisanal fisheries

While small-scale and artisanal fisheries are undeniably important globally, there is no global consensus on how to define the sectors, hindering comparative studies and international agreements. We focused on the usage of the words in both the scientific literature and legal documents and show that the confusion stems from a...

Webinar on the Financial Sustainability of CSA Farms

How to make your CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Farm financially Sustainable?
This episode is scheduled for the 8th of May 2019, 17.30 (Central European Summer Time). It will address the issue of the financial sustainability of CSA farms. 
2019 - Urgenci

Resultados y Lecciones en Introducción del Cultivo de Azafrán

El presente documento tiene el propósito de compartir con los actores del sector los resultados, experiencias y lecciones aprendidas del proyecto “Producción sustentable de azafrán de alta calidad en el Valle de Casablanca”. Este tuvo como objetivo introducir y desarrollar el cultivo sustentable de azafrán de alta calidad en Chile,...
2019 - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA)

Agricultura familiar: Modificação em selo para produtor e agroindústria

O objetivo do selo é identificar a origem e as características dos produtos da agricultura familiar
Foram criados sete tipos de selos: o SENAF, SENAF mulher, SENAF juventude, SENAF quilombola, SENAF indígena, SENAF sociobiodiversidade e SENAF empresas O Ministério da Agricultura instituiu mudanças no Selo Nacional da Agricultura Familiar (Senaf), por meio da Portaria 161, de 9/8/2019, publicada no Diário Oficial da União (DOU) desta quarta-feira, 14. O...
2019 - Secretaria de Agricultura Familiar e Cooperativismo (SAF)

Газетная статья
Hard ticks and tick-borne pathogens in Mongolia

•The tick genera Ixodes, Haemaphysalis, Dermacentor, Hyalomma, and Rhipicephalus are present in Mongolia. •Ixodes persulcatus and Dermacentor nuttalli are the most medically and veterinary important tick species. •Tick-borne encephalitis virus, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus, Borrelia, Anaplasma, and Rickettsia bacteria, and Piroplasmorida apicomplexans occur in Mongolia. •Prevalence of human infection with TBPs is lower than in neighboring countries, suggesting that these diseases may frequently be undiagnosed or misdiagnosed....
2019 - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Cooperativas são importantes para mulheres do campo, mas poucas têm poder de decisão

Tripla jornada, preconceito e lacunas na formação diminuem envolvimento das mulheres nos postos de liderança
A experiência de mulheres trabalhadoras do campo mostra que é por meio do cooperativismo ou por associativismo que elas conseguem acessar recursos para produzir, serviços, oportunidades de emprego e de representação em conselhos com voz para decidir. O potencial existente em cooperativas para a autonomia das mulheres rurais é destacado pela...
2019 - Universidade da Integração Latino Americana (UNILA)

Estudio regional sobre trabajo infantil en la agricultura en América Latina y el Caribe

El trabajo infantil en la agricultura, tanto por su volumen y amplitud, como por sus características específicas como sector, representa una de las prioridades de acción más urgentes, tanto en la región de América Latina y el Caribe como en todo el mundo, para redoblar el ritmo del progreso hacia...
2019 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Газетная статья
Rivalités et arrangements coopératifs pour l’accès à l’eau souterraine dans la plaine de Berrechid au Maroc

Au Maroc, l’exploitation individuelle des eaux souterraines a permis le développement rapide d’une agriculture irriguée intensive. Dans la plaine de Berrechid, la ressource est limitée et surexploitée. L’agence de bassin tente depuis une dizaine d’années de mettre en place une contractualisation avec différents acteurs pour réguler les prélèvements en eau...

Monitoring and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from healthy food animals intended for consumption

Regional antimicrobial resistance monitoring and surveillance guidelines - Volume 1
This Regional Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Monitoring and Surveillance Guidelines Volume 1 provides guidance in the development of AMR surveillance plan for food-borne bacteria, underscoring the key elements for harmonized AMR data generation, data collation and reporting of findings, while taking into consideration the standing context of the region. It aims...
2019 - FAO

A Bioeconomia da Floresta

A conjuntura da Produção Florestal Não Madeireira do Brasil
A publicação que retrata o estado-da-arte da produção florestal não madeireira do país, incluindo a distribuição territorial dos diversos tipos de produtos: alimentícios, aromáticos, medicinais, corantes, borrachas, ceras, fibras, oleaginosos e tanantes. Incentivar a bioeconomia é uma das metas da atual gestão buscando garantir a ampliação de renda à população de...
2019 - Serviço Florestal Brasileiro

Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Near East and North Africa

This document provides an overview of the purpose, context and content of the Regional Workshop on Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Near East and North Africa, held 8–10 October 2018. The aim of the workshop was to build the capacity of the countries in the region mainly ministries of agriculture and...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Agricultura 4.0 conciliará desenvolvimento com meio ambiente

O agricultor que planta até exaurir os recursos do solo virou coisa do passado. Por meio da tecnologia aliada ao respeito ao meio ambiente, o produtor consegue desenvolver o próprio solo, com aumento da produtividade. Essa é a agricultura 4.0, que promete revolucionar a economia verde. Segundo o diretor do Departamento...
2019 - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)

Sustainable food systems in the south, obstacles and avenues to meet the challenge

Reports demonstrating the environmental and social limits of the current food system have never been so numerous. While it is important to carry on exposing these limits, it is equally fundamental to consider  the outlines of a new food system that respects human beings and the environment.
2019 - Coalition contre la faim

The Livestock and Agricultural Marketing Project (LAMP): Ways and Benefits of CSO Involvement in GAFSP Mongolia Project

Mongolia, a vast country of 1.56 million square kilometers, is home to 15 timesmore livestock than people. It has over 2.7 million human population and 43 millionlivestock as of 2010.The transformation of Mongolia after the collapse of the Soviet Union from collectivesocialism to a market economy disrupted urban and rural livelihoods, ultimatelyleading to increased urban...
2019 - Asian Farmers Association

11 Kitchen Hacks to Cut Down on Food Waste in the Tastiest Way

With growing awareness of how food waste affects the environment, many conscious eaters are looking for ways to reduce their impact. According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, the global greenhouse gas emissions from food waste are larger than those of all countries except for China and the United States. Part...
2019 - Food Tank

Strengthening harvests

Soil and water conservation practices strengthen harvests in Tanzania highlands.
High rainfalls in mountainous agricultural regions trigger a need for intervention to help farmers confront food insecurity and restore and protect their soil.
United Republic of Tanzania
2019 - Alliance for food sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Alianzas productivas para el acceso a mercados de familias rurales en Argentina

El Primer Encuentro de Líderes Rurales y Gestores de Proyectos FIDA en el Mercosur Ampliado, del pasado 17 y 19 de setiembre en Bahía, Brasil, generó un importante intercambio de experiencias entre los actores de la región vinculados a proyectos de la agricultura familiar, que permitió conocer prácticas y lecciones...
2019 - Programa regional FIDA MERCOSUR
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