




Mujeres algodoneras de América Latina comparten experiencias y desafíos en evento virtual y dialogan sobre acciones conjuntas en la región

La actividad fue promovida por la Red Latinoamericana de Mujeres Algodoneras y el proyecto regional +Algodón.
Mujeres del sector algodonero de países de Latinoamérica se reunieron el 24 de marzo para un evento virtual donde compartieron compartir experiencias y dialogaron sobre los retos y brechas que aun enfrentan en la cadena algodonera en la región. El webinar regional Mujeres del Algodón: Empoderamiento Económico para Cadenas de Valor con...
2023 - Programa de Cooperación Internacional Brasil-FAO

Afrique: La société civile dénonce plus de 200 accords fonciers signés avec des multinationales

Depuis 2016, les gouvernements africains ont signé plus de 200 accords fonciers avec des multinationales qui s’adonnent à l’agriculture industrielle. La révélation a été faite par des acteurs de la société civile africaine qui y étaient. C’était lors d’une conférence de presse virtuelle tenue ce mardi 27 juin 2023 pour dénoncer...
2023 - ALLAfrica

Nuevas narrativas para una transformación rural en América Latina y el Caribe: hacia una medición y caracterización renovada de los espacios rurales

En décadas recientes, los espacios rurales han vivido importantes transformaciones económicas, sociales, demográficas y culturales. Ya no son sinónimo de actividad agropecuaria y su mayor grado de interacción con los espacios urbanos ha repercutido significativamente en las identidades de las poblaciones y las características de los territorios. No obstante, en...
2023 - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

Guidelines on the Implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to Combat the Negative Impact of Climate Change on Forestry

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
Climate change is one of the most critical social and environmental concerns and the biggest threat to economic stability in human history. Türkiye, Azerbaijan, and Central Asia countries, namely Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, are vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change. Although average forest cover is only...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Sustainable food systems multi-stakeholder mechanisms: contributions to the environmental agenda

Food systems are major contributors, but also critically vulnerable, to the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. The food sector uses more natural resources than any other sector, which means that the way in which food systems are governed has direct consequences for how natural resources...
Belgium - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - France - India - Madagascar - United States of America
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Depredation by marine mammals in fishing gear

A review of the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and contiguous Atlantic area
Marine mammal depredation refers to the phenomenon of marine mammals partially or completely removing catch from fishing gear. Its results, which can affect the survival of wild dolphin populations, as well as damage gear or target fish, disturb fishing activities and generate economic losses for fishers, are a growing cause...

Risk of foot-and-mouth disease SAT2 introduction and spread in countries in the Near East and West Eurasia

FAO Qualitative Risk Assessment, October 2023
Following the detection of foot-and-mouth disease serotype SAT2 (FMD SAT2) in West Eurasia and the Near East in February 2023, a qualitative risk assessment was conducted. Serotype SAT2 usually circulates only in Africa, and so most animals in the region are fully susceptible to infection by this virus. The likelihood...

Agroecology Schools' Toolkit 2023: SHARING KNOWLEDGE FOR STRONGER AGROECOLOGY MOVEMENT in Europe and Central Asia

On behalf of the Agroecology Fund project by the ECA Community of Practice on Agroecology, the team at Agro-Perma-Lab (Poland) is preparing a series of articles, online Agroecology Schools' series as well as 3x quarterly newsletters in 2023. This series is designed for anyone with an interest to advance Agroecology in...
2023 - Agroecology Fund, ECA Community of Practice on Agroecology BILIM, Agro permalabs

Feed Access : une application de formulation d’aliments pour l’élevage

Feed access est une application créée dans le but d’aider les éleveurs des pays du Sud à optimiser l’alimentation de leurs animaux. Totalement gratuite, elle intègre une base de données d’ingrédientset les besoins des animaux aux différents stades de croissance.
2023 - https://www.feedaccess.com/

Summary Report, Regional Workshop on Fish Health Management and Fish Diseases, 20–22 December 2021

This trilingual report is on the Regional Workshop on Fish Health Management and Fish Diseases, a hybrid event, which was held on 20–22 December 2021 in Antalya, Türkiye in partnership with the Central Union of Aquaculture Producers of Türkiye (SUYMERBIR). The study has been developed within the scope of the...
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods

The National Gender Profile of Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Cambodia provides findings of an assessment of men’s and women’s roles, gender division of labour and gender gaps, including women’s needs and constraints in the agriculture and rural development sectors in Cambodia. It also presents findings from the assessment of policies...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Entretien - Malick Sow, acteur de la transition agroécologique au Sénégal

Cet article donne la parole à Malick Sow, technicien supérieur horticole de formation. À travers ses démarches de recherche-action pour obtenir des plants robustes et sains en pépinière maraîchère, il témoigne du changement opéré ces dernières années en matière d’agroécologie au Sénégal.
2023 - Réseau international FAR

Mujeres Algodoneras: empoderamiento económico para cadenas de valor con enfoque de género

La agenda internacional al desarrollo, por medio de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), expresa la importancia de avanzar hacia la igualdad de género (ODS 5) y el poner fin a todas las formas de discriminación contra mujeres y niñas, garantizando de tal forma el ejercicio de los derechos humanos...
2023 - Programa de Cooperación Internacional Brasil-FAO

Pacific food systems

The role of fish and other aquatic foods for nutrition and health
From expert consultation, literature review, and the Pacific Food System regional dialogues (2021), this report distills seven recommendations, and their rationale, for realizing and maintaining the full nutritional and health benefits of fish and other aquatic foods in the Pacific Island region. The majority of Pacific Islanders live close to the...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Land-bound to save fish stocks

ON a beach south of Ivory Coast’s economic hub Abidjan, a group of fishermen are spending the day sitting in the shade and playing cards. Normally, they would be out on their boats – long canoes known as pirogues –and hunting the seas.   But this month, they have been banned from doing...
2023 - The Star

Organic research & innovation to deliver sustainable food and farming systems

Our food and farming systems need to respect the planetary boundaries, be climate neutral, circular, diverse, and fair. They need to be resilient and prepared for external shocks and crises like we recently experienced with the Covid-19 pandemic, the Russian war in Ukraine and the related energy, fertiliser and food...
European Union
2023 - TP Organics – European Technology Platform for Organic Food and Farming

Harnessing the Role of Private Sector in Waste Management through South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Inclusive Urbanization

The case study aims to take a snapshot of the municipal waste management ecosystems of certain countries in the Global South, particularly focusing on private sector-led good practices, inclusive growth and sustainable financing. The countries were selected upon criteria such as GDP, total waste production and geographic variety. The study...
2023 - UNDP

Le conseil Agricole et l’accompagnement des transitions agroécologiques : une analyse transnationale des dynamiques, défis et perspectives dans cinq pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest

En raison des interrogations sur la capacité des services de conseil Agricole à faciliter les transitions agroécologiques, cette étude, conduite sur 5 pays (Bénin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée et Niger), croise agroécologie et conseil agricole. Elle tente d’apporter des éléments de réponse à ces interrogations en (i) identifiant les besoins de transitions agroécologiques dans les cinq...
Benin - Burkina Faso - Côte d'Ivoire - Guinea - Niger
2023 - CIRAD

Compartiendo la experiencia del curso facilitado "Monitoreo de bosques y tierras para la acción climática – SEPAL"

Usted está accediendo a la experiencia del curso facilitado "Monitoreo de bosques y tierras para la acción climática – SEPAL" disponible en la Academia de aprendizaje electrónico de la FAO en este enlace: https://elearning.fao.org/course/view.php?id=966 Se basa en la primera edición, que se impartió del 24 de marzo al 7 de mayo de 2023 en...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

The WRF and the forest and farm facility promote the catalytic role of cooperativism in empowering rural women

Through the “Women and cooperativism” project, led by the WRF together with six regional organizations, 23 successful experiences were identified and analyzed, which served as the basis for developing a cycle of exchanges and material outlining recommendations and lessons learned from women in cooperatives in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. As...
2023 - WRF
Total results:19038