




15 días por la autonomía plena de las mujeres rurales

Este sitio web es la herramienta donde encontrará toda la información del activismo realizado en torno a la Campaña Mujeres Rurales, Mujeres con Derecho 2018 durante el mes de octubre. Con el hashtag #AhoraEsElMomento de trabajar por la autonomía plena de las mujeres rurales, indígenas y afrodescendientes de América Latina y el...
2018 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Results and Priorities for FAO in the Near East and North Africa Region

During 2014–2017, FAO assisted countries in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region to achieve results in the context of agreed priorities and FAO's Strategic Framework and Medium Term Plan (MTP). FAO's strategic direction is maintained in the approved MTP 2018–2021 and the Programme of Work and Budget (PWB)...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

+Algodón +Artesanía

El Proyecto +Algodón, iniciativa de Cooperación Sur-Sur Trilateral, desarrolla iniciativas con enfoque de género para apoyar el fortalecimiento de las capacidades de las mujeres rurales e indígenas algodoneras de los países socios.  
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2018 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Directrices voluntarias para lograr la sostenibilidad de la pesca en pequeña escala en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria y la erradicación de la pobreza

Las presentes Directrices voluntarias para lograr la sostenibilidad de la pesca en pequeña escala en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria y la erradicación de la pobreza se han elaborado como complemento del Código de Conducta de la FAO para la Pesca Responsable (en adelante, el Código) de 1995. Se...
2018 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

The impact of markets and policy on incentives for rice production in Rwanda

FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 18-02
The prioritization of rice as a strategic food and cash crop in Rwanda has paid dividends, with production increasing by one-third during 2010–2015. However, production expansion has failed to keep pace with growing consumption demand. In 2015, around 30 percent of national consumption was met by imported long grain rice....
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Organic agriculture gets boost from FAO in Kazakhstan

To spur progress in the development of organic agriculture in Kazakhstan, FAO continues to support the Kazakh Government in establishing and piloting a rigorous traceability and certification system. Framed by a multiannual effort to support the development of organic agriculture in the country through the establishment of a trusted organic guarantee...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Kyrgyzstan makes gains towards profitable aquaculture sector

As a landlocked country infused with rivers, springs and freshwater lakes, including the world’s second-largest high-mountain lake, Issyk-Kul, the Kyrgyz Republic has an abundance of freshwater resources for aquaculture. Having realized this, the country has been making its path, with the help of FAO, to develop this to a full-scale...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Country factsheet on small holder family farms: NIGERIA

The Smallholder Dataportrait is a comprehensive, systematic and standardized data set on the profile of smallholder farmers across the world. This Factsheet generates an overview on how small family farmers in Nigeria live their lives by using the Dataportrait, putting an emphasis on the constraints they face, the choices they make....
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Skills training for Syrian refugees, Turkish hosts aims to boost self-reliance in rural communities

FAO, Japan and Turkey have inaugurated a vocational training programme for Syrian refugees and their Turkish host communities in Şanlıurfa and Kilis, where agriculture provides employment opportunities on a large scale. The project aims at improving participants’ skills and knowledge in high-demand areas of the local agricultural sector. Building on the...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

In rural Paraguay, women are on the frontlines of a ‘race against time’ to save native seeds

In Chacore, about 200 kilometers east of Asunción, Paraguay’s capital, Ceferina Guerrero, 68, walks by shelves of carefully-labelled plastic bottles and metal drums. Each contains a native seed variety essential to the diets of rural communities. Their labels list seed names in Guarani, an indigenous language and Paraguay’s second official language,...
2018 - La Via Campesina

Cambio climático y seguridad alimentaria y nutricional América Latina y el Caribe

(gestión del riesgo de desastres en el sector agrícola)
Esta publicación es la segunda de la serie cambio climático y seguridad alimentaria y nutricional América Latina y el Caribe elaborada por la Oficina Regional de FAO para América Latina y el Caribe. El documento aborda temas necesarios de considerar en las estrategias de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional, en el...
2018 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Strengthening Gender Equality in Agriculture and Rural Development in the Near East and North Africa Region

Gender considerations are important in achieving sustainable development and food security, as reflected in global commitments to Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Agriculture and rural development rely on the participation of both women and men in food production, resource management, balancing paid work and family...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Resilience analysis of Karamoja, Uganda 2016

The region of Karamoja, located in the northeast of Uganda, is the poorest and least developed region in the country. Historically, Karamoja has been a pastoral area; crop production, which is less reliable there, has recently emerged as an important source of household food and income in some areas. Although...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Grass Protein - a golden chance to improve organic farming

Green protein from clover-grass or alfalfa is considered a valuable protein source for poultry and pigs. By concentrating the protein fraction from grass clover crops grown locally in Denmark, and by using biorefining technology, one expects to obtain a vegetable protein and amino acid source that can optimize feed formulation...
2018 - Seges

Le baromètre 2018 des agricultures familiales

Les agricultures familiales sont les formes d’agricultures les plus répandues à travers le monde. Loin d’être passéistes, elles s’adaptent et répondent aux évolutions de l’environnement. Le Baromètre qui leur est consacré par SOS Faim, Îles de Paix et Autre Terre analyse les enjeux actuels qui les façonnent et les transforment....
2018 - Autre Terre

Building stronger, climate-resilient farming and forest communities

Millions of small-scale farmers and foresters will be able to better protect their lands from the impacts of climate change, and improve their livelihoods thanks to renewed global efforts announced today on the side-lines of World Forest Week (COFO24). The Forest and Farm Facility initiative - a partnership among FAO, IIED,...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Agroecology plus six (AE+6)

More than 12 million small-scale farmers and their families in the risk-prone, dryland areas of the Western Sahel have become chronically vulnerable to food and nutrition insecurity. This growing crisis is due to a constellation of factors, including the collapse of soil fertility and climate change. Agroecology Plus Six (AE+6)...
Burkina Faso - Mali - Senegal
2018 - Groundswell International

Promoting Decent Rural Youth Employment in Agriculture

This video describes the Integrated Country Approach, an FAO’s youth project in Uganda which provides strategic technical support to government of Uganda in developing youth inclusive National Policies and Strategies for Youth Employment in Agriculture. The project also supports evidence generation, dialogues and training. Through capacity building, the ability of...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

To defeat hunger, protecting agriculture from climate-related shocks must be central to disaster risk reduction measures in Asia and the Pacific

Governments and other stakeholders must place sustainable and productive agriculture front and centre in their attempts to reduce the impact of disasters and climate-related shocks in the world’s most disaster-prone region.
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

AGRIDAPE: Adaptation Basée sur les Ecosystèmes

Ce numéro de la revue AGRIDAPE fait un focus sur des expériences qui rentrent dans le cadre général d’une stratégie locale d’adaptation aux changements climatiques s’appuyant sur les ressources du milieu naturel, en lieu et place d’un recours abusif à des intrants externes qui pourraient être nuisibles à l’environnement. Les contributeurs...
2018 - IED Afrique
Total results:19995