




El cacao en Bolivia

Una alternativa económica de base campesina indígena
La presente publicación hace un recorrido muy amplio, entre historia, información estadística, diagnóstico de actores y finalmente propuesta de tareas para familias, organizaciones e instituciones, y políticas públicas para los distintos niveles de gobierno. Desde la orientación de CIPCA, este es un nuevo ejemplo de cómo las acciones y emprendimientos de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2008 - Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA)

The Ifugao Rice Terraces

Philippine Project Framework
The Ifugao Rice Terraces (IRT) of the Central Cordillera Region, Northern Philippines is one of the pilot system of the FAO’s global project Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS1/). Its objective is to promote the dynamic conservation and adaptive management of globally significant agricultural biodiversity harbored in Globally Important Agricultural...
2008 - Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Recognising the importance of South East European landscapes

FINAL SUMMARY REPORT (Bulgaria & Romania)
This report is produced as part of collaboration between the European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (EFNCP) and WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme (WWFDCP). Both organisations recognise the importance of certain farming systems for nature conservation. Between 2006 and 2008 a project was executed aiming at finding out at a local...
Bulgaria - Romania
2008 - WWF Danube-Carpathian Programm

Supporting Food Security and Reducing Poverty in Kenya and the United Republic of Tanzania through Dynamic Conservation of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS)

 Agriculture is the basic economic activity of most African countries and the agriculture sector is essential for food and livelihood security and poverty alleviation. Over 75 percent of African population is rural composed of small scale holdings and family farming with a vast diversity of agroecosystems evolved over generations forming...
Kenya - United Republic of Tanzania
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Газетная статья
Cultivo de murtilla (Ugni Molinaeturcz.) como alternativa de diversificación productiva para la agricultura familiar campesina de la Cordillera de la Costa

La  murtilla  (Ugni  molinae Turcz.)  es  una especie  arbustiva  endémica  de  Chile  y  la única  investigada con  fines  productivos  y  de domesticación. Debido a sus bajos requerimientos de fertilidad de suelo y su gran habilidad para competir con otras especies, la murtilla podría convertirse en una interesante opción frutícola para ...
2008 - Universidad Austral de Chile

Plant for the Planet

The Billion Tree Campaign
In 2007, a year of “planetary emergency”, when global warming was widely recognized as the defining issue of our era, the Billion Tree Campaign came to symbolize the readiness of people everywhere to work to protect our climate and collective home. Inspired by the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Professor...

Trees and shrubs of the Maldives

In the Maldives, forests and trees are used by the islanders primarily as a source of timber but also for medicinal and culinary purposes amongst many others. For their effective conservation and sustainable management it is essential that relevant information on the identity, ecology and use of each species be...

Integrated Crop Management Vol. 5-2007

Tropical crop–livestock systems in conservation agriculture: The Brazilian experience
This publication describes how pasture, fodder and livestock production have been integrated into conservation agriculture systems in Brazil’s tropical zones. Integrated crop–livestock zero tillage systems (ICLZT) allow the sustainable production of high-yielding pasture without further deforestation; in this system, grazing livestock convert both pastures and crop residues into cash. The...
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Unasylva - Small-scale forestry

Small-scale forestry – here meaning all activities related to forest ownership, management and enterprise – can contribute significantly to social and economic development when the circumstances are right. This issue of Unasylva examines the conditions and support that make it work. We don’t define “small” by numbers, but use the...
Burkina Faso - China - Finland - Guatemala - Japan - Lithuania

Establishing a Tree Nursery

Many people in Eastern Africa depend on forests and trees to meet various needs. With growing populations, these resources are being rapidly depleted. Many farmers want to plant trees but cannot readily obtain high-quality tree seedlings. Establishing a tree nursery can help to meet this demand and provide you with...
2007 - The ACP-EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)

Diretrizes e Prioridades do Plano de Ação para Implementação da Política Nacional da Biodiversidade

A proposição de um mecanismo de gestão sustentável da biodiversidade deve considerar as características específicas do país: sua dimensão territorial; extensão e complexidade de sua biodiversidade; volume de recursos financeiros necessários à conservação e à utilização sustentável desse patrimônio; diversidade étnica e cultural; distribuição de renda; e divisão de competências...
2006 - Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA)

Mecanismo de financiación para promover Agricultura de Conservación con pequeños productores de la cuenca de la laguna de Fúquene.

Su diseño, aplicación y beneficios.
En este documento se sistematiza el proceso de creación y aplicación de un fondo de crédito para fomentar el cultivo de abonos verdes, con el fin de promover y aumentar el área en la cuenca bajo prácticas de agricultura de conservación. Así mismo se describen los beneficios y lecciones aprendidas...

In search of excellence

Exemplary forest management in Asia and the Pacific
This publication reflects the outcome of an ambitious initiative to identify instances of exemplary forest management in the region and examine the core components of high quality forest management in an effort to illustrate good forest management to a wide audience and encourage others to take up some of the...
Australia - Cambodia - China - Fiji - India - Indonesia - Japan - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Malaysia - Nepal - New Zealand - Philippines - Republic of Korea - Sri Lanka - Vanuatu - Viet Nam
2005 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Semillas que germinan

Experiencias comunitarias en la costa
El presente documento recoge de manera sintética los criterios y procesos expuestos y descritos con mayor detalle en los informes de seguimiento (6), en los talleres de evaluación e intercambio de experiencias (2), en las diferentes jornadas de capacitación y en las actividades desarrolladas en torno al congreso-feria de proyectos...
2005 - Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones - PNUD/FMAM

Газетная статья
Feasibility of rural tourism in a forest property of Comuna de Valdivia: Alternative of sustainable resource management

The project was developed in a forest property in Calfuco, a coastal part of the Valdivia region, in which the resources were being exploited. Specific options of sustainable production that were different and complementary to those currently being carried out were identified, taking into consideration the current state of the...
2004 - Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh)

The scope of organic agriculture, sustainable forest management and ecoforestry in protected area management

Reconciling food production and nature conservation is a challenge shared by all. This document stresses the need to maximize the contribution of protected areas to food security and poverty alleviation through soundlymanaged agriculture. Farmers and forest dwellers, including a large proportion of indigenous people, are the main inhabitants and users...
2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Towards sustainable agriculture and rural development in the Ethiopian highlands

The Ethiopian highlands comprise nearly 45 percent of the total land area and support over 85 percent of the country's 64 million people that are overwhelmingly rural. The highlands are the centre of economic activity of the country and are characterized by enormous ecological, environmental, agricultural and cultural diversity. The...
2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Workshop on tropical secondary forest management in Africa: reality and perspectives

Secondary forests in Africa Tropical secondary forests are those forests that have developed after clearance (usually by humans) of the original natural forest. Although not appearing as such in statistics, tropical secondary forests occur throughout the tropics, including Africa, and the area is extensive and increasing rapidly. Tropical secondary forests are usually...
2003 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Soil fertility and land productivity

A guide for extension workers in the eastern Africa region
The eastern Africa region faces serious and worsening problems of food security, decreasing per capita food production and massive poverty. Agriculture in this region is dominated by smallholder farmers. Yield levels on these farms are generally very low for a variety of reasons. One important reason is the declining soil...
Ethiopia - Kenya - Rwanda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zimbabwe
2003 - Regional Land Management Unit (RELMA)

The culture of access to mountain natural resources

Policy, processes and practices
The Livelihood Support Programme (LSP) evolved from the belief that FAO could have a greater impact on reducing poverty and food insecurity, if its wealth of talent and experience were integrated into a more flexible and demand-responsive team approach. The LSP, which is executed by FAO with funding provided by...
Total results:1033