




Farmers improve food and nutritional security through agroecology in Mozambique

For over a decade ActionAid Mozambique (AAMoz) has worked with strategic partner organisations in the south and north-east of the country to promote agroecology initiatives with 80 farmers’ associations consisting of over 8000 farmers. 96% of the members are women and 30% of them young people, cultivating an average of...
2017 - ActionAid

A case for institutional demand as effective social protection: supporting smallholders through procurement and food assistance programmes

This paper focuses on the rationale for state-based market interventions to support smallholder production along with some case studies that follow the evolution and impact of what we call ‘institutional demand’ policies. Institutional demand is an intervention that aims to improve regional markets by establishing coordinated purchases for regional distribution,...
2017 - International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG)

A partnership between Europe and farmers

The EU has 500 million consumers and they all need a reliable supply of healthy and nutritious food at an affordable price. The economic environment is set to remain uncertain and unpredictable. Moreover, there are many current and future challenges including global competition, economic and financial crises, climate change and...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Plano Safra da Agricultura Familiar 2017-2020

Fortalecer o campo para o desenvolver o Brasil
A agricultura familiar é um importante segmento para o desenvolvimento do Brasil. São aproximadamente 4,4 milhões de famílias agricultoras, o que representa 84% dos estabelecimentos rurais brasileiros. A agricultura familiar é econômica, vem dela 38% do valor bruto da produção agropecuária e o setor responde por sete em cada dez postos...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Access to land and Community Supported Agriculture: Stories from Europe

Access to agricultural land has become a major issue throughout Europe - we are witnessing loss of land, land degradation, land concentration, land price increases and speculation. Yet the growing demand for local, fair and organic food cannot be met without the land and the committed farmers. Community Supported Agriculture has...
European Union
2017 - Access To Land

Coloquio Internacional “Gobernar la tierra en igualdad”

La FAO organiza el coloquio internacional: Gobernar la tierra en igualdad, en el marco de la iniciativa regional “Acceso de mujeres a tierra: autonomía económica, igualdad de derechos y seguridad alimentaria” junto a ONUMUJERES, buscando intensificar el diálogo con los gobiernos, organizaciones de sociedad civil, sector privado y academia, que...
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Free Prior and Informed Consent

An indigenous peoples’ right and a good practice for local communities
This Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Manual is designed as a tool for project practitioners of a broad range of projects and programmes of any development organization, by providing information about the right to FPIC and how it can be implemented in six steps. In an FPIC process, the “how”, “when” and...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Estudio para determinar las pérdidas en poscosecha en la cadena agroalimentaria del frijol

Los resultados y recomendaciones de este estudio realizado en la cadena agroalimentaria del frijol apuntan a fortalecer la colaboración entre los sectores público y privado (especialmente las universidades, los actores de la cadena y el sector público agrícola) para abordar los retos y riesgos a los que se enfrentan los...
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

A política nacional de agroecologia e produção orgânica no Brasil

Uma trajetória de luta pelo desenvolvimento rural sustentável
Este livro retrata um pouco da história, dos percalços e das conquistas que marcaram o processo de construção da Política Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica no Brasil (Pnapo) – uma política que nasceu das demandas e iniciativas da sociedade civil organizada e foi sendo construída aos poucos, de forma...
2017 - Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)

Inclusión financiera de pequeños productores rurales

En este libro se busca fortalecer el análisis y la formulación de políticas públicas que fomenten un ecosistema diverso de proveedores de servicios fnancieros comercialmente viables, que incrementen el acceso sostenible de los pequeños productores rurales en América Latina a una amplia gama de servicios fnancieros. Para ello, se identifcan...
2017 - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2016

The challenges of building resilience to shocks and stresses
Since 2015, Sub-Saharan Africa has experienced severe climate-induced disruptions as a result of the El Niño weather phenomenon. The severity and extent of the ongoing El Niño, with its related droughts and floods have been considered the worst since the turn of the century, and have affected the livelihoods of...

Integrated Water Resources Management and Sustainable Development Challenges, case of Arid Regions

 Le Congrès GIRE3D 2017 est une continuité logique des congrès scientifiques antérieurs  (Marrakech 2006 et 2014, Agadir 2010), organisés par le CM-AIH, autour de la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau et Développement Durable. L’édition 2017 du Congrès GIRE3D sera dédiée aux régions arides et offrira une opportunité à tous les acteurs de...
2017 - Comité Marocain de l’Association Internationale des Hydrogéologues (CM-AIH)

Questões agrárias, agrícolas e rurais

Conjunturas e políticas públicas
A coletânea de artigos que compõe a presente publicação tem origem no projeto desenvolvido pelo Observatório de Políticas Públicas para a Agricultura (Oppa)2 em conjunto com o Núcleo de Estudos sobre Agricultura e Desenvolvimento (Nead) do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA),3 que contou com apoio da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Agricultura...

How a dairy cooperative in Slovenia became one of the leading producers of high quality fresh milk and cheese

A dairy plant in Slovenia created a local mountain supply chain with high added value that resulted in having a positive impact on the local economy and promote the long tradition of the area in dairy production. By modernizing and improving its production technology, the dairy effectively transformed the plant...
2017 - Euromontana

Газетная статья
Dinamización económica incluyente de los territorios rurales

Alternativas desde los Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados y los Circuitos Cortos de Comercialización
En este trabajo se analiza la contribución de los Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados y los Circuitos Cortos de Comercialización a la dinamización económica incluyente a partir del estudio de seis casos de activación de recursos específicos en concentraciones de Agroindustrias Rurales con enfoque Sial, en territorios rurales de América Latina y...
2017 - Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México

Orgânicos: modismo ou fato?

Não podemos deixar de reconhecer, que mais uma vez, a pujança do mercado de orgânicos nos países como Estados Unidos e países da Comunidade Européia, que representam 80% do mercado global de quase US$ 90 bilhões/ano, seja o entendimento das tendências de consumo e lifestyle vindas de lá. O mercado global de...
2017 - Revista Globo Rural

Symposium on Agroecology and Family Farming

The video provides a brief summary about the First Symposium on Agroecology and Family Farming that took place in Santiago (Chile). Organized by the Institute of Agricultural Development (INDAP, for its Spanish acronym) and FAO's Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Symposium brought together agroecological practitioners, representants from...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Producción de proteína en una cuenca del sur de Santa Fe, Argentina

El concepto de cadena agroalimentaria se utiliza para describir un sistema que agrupa actores económicos y sociales interrelacionados, y que participan articuladamente en actividades que agregan valor a un bien o servicio, desde su producción hasta que este llega a los consumidores, incluidos los proveedores de insumos y servicios, transformación,...
2017 - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

National statisticians of Europe, Central Asia gear up for agricultural censuses

Reliable, comprehensive statistics take the guesswork out of decision-making, and nowhere is this truer than in the agricultural sector. Beginning today, national statistical experts from 20 countries of the region are in Budapest for a week-long roundtable introducing FAO’s new guidelines and data-collection methodologies for the World Programme for the...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

GEOPOS: livestock geo-localisation through satellite

Due to the mountainous topography of the Basque Country, livestock breeders often lose a lot of time by going to seek their herd in the mountains every day, which is especially stressful for part time farmers. Thus, the livestock breeders expressed a need for change in the livestock management. This...
2017 - Euromontana
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