




Organic and Biodynamic Viticulture: Adapting the Vine in a Changing Climate

How is a new generation of French winegrowers responding to the extreme temperatures and droughts becoming more pronounced in recent years? This summer, Adèle Pautrat visited Sainte Marie des Crozes, an organic and biodynamic Domaine in the village of Douzens in southern France. Winery Manager Christelle Alias and her team...
2022 - ARC2020

Webinar: Applying the elements of agroecology to agroforestry

As a mode of production and an agricultural system that utilizes land and natural resources in a fundamentally different way than industrial agriculture, agroforestry is a key example of agroecology in practice and represents an important solution for the transformation of food systems. On 25 April 2022, FAO's Forestry and...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

AGRI challenge: young entrepreneurs

Ricardo Soares, a Portuguese apple and pear grower, is a young innovator. He has brought many innovations to his farmer colleagues. As a young farmer, he also encountered some obstacles and found some solutions to overcome them.
2022 - EIP-AGRI Support Facility

Informe sobre el uso del Instrumento para la Evaluación del Desempeño de la Agroecología (TAPE) en Argentina Resultados y discusión desde el Área Metropolitana de Rosario

A medida que la agroecología se ha incluido cada vez más en el diálogo internacional sobre el futuro de la alimentación y la agricultura, ha habido llamados para producir las evidencias de su desempeño en las múltiples dimensiones de la sostenibilidad y de su capacidad para lograr múltiples ODS. En...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

AGRI challenge: sustainable pome and stone fruit

Costantino is one of the farmers in the Operational Group SISCCCA. The project develops sustainable integrated systems to control the brown marmorated stink bug.
2022 - EIP-AGRI Support Facility

FiBL Newsletter October 2022

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL October 2022 Newsletter News highlighting FiBL’s research, training and advisory services
Austria - European Union - France - Germany - Switzerland
2022 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

Report on the use of the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE) in Lesotho in the context of the Restoration of Landscape and Livelihoods Project (ROLL)

Results and analysis
As agroecology has increasingly been brought into the international dialogue on the future of food and agriculture, there have been calls for building the evidence base of its performance across the multiple dimensions of sustainability and its capacity to achieve multiple SDGs. In response to this need, FAO coordinated the...
2022 - FAO, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Rural Self-Help Development Association (RSDA) for the implementation of the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE) in Lesotho

Газетная статья
Levers for the agroecological transition of tropical agriculture

To promote greater sustainability in agriculture, development of agroecology is increasingly being invoked. What are the conditions for establishing agroecological production in tropical regions? Based upon case studies in several tropical areas, we provide here some answers to this question. We review the “pillars” (i.e. principles) and the “implementation levers”...

Discussing the role of citizen science in agroecology

Citizen science is a somewhat familiar term - but what does it entail in practice, and how can it be applied in the context of agroecological transitions?  The focus of a recent presentation entitled One Million Voices initiative: Introducing Citizen Science for Agroecology – held on 28 February – was to answer that exact...
2022 - GLFx

Maasai women embracing new farming methods

In areas ravaged by droughts intensified by climate change, women from traditional cattle farming communities in Kenya are expanding their knowledge and skills so that they can get climate smart and adapt to an increasingly arid environment.

EIP-AGRI Workshop Conversion to organic farming: Innovative approaches and challenges

The European Farm-to-Fork strategy considers organic farming as a core element for improving agricultural sustainability, due to manifold best practice examples for sustainable farm management. Conversion to organic farming requires comprehensive knowledge about organic production practices, and good understanding of the conversion process itself and the related rules and regulations....
European Union
2022 - Eip Agri

En Casamance, le pari de l’agroécologie pour endiguer l’exode de la jeunesse

À force de travail acharné, Ousmane Sambou a réussi un pari que beaucoup pensaient impossible : transformer 1,5 hectare de friche stérile en un verger verdoyant et productif. Les limettiers et les orangers sont encore juvéniles, mais ils assureront bientôt un revenu stable pour le jeune homme, son épouse et leur...
2022 - The Conversation

Rural youth as leaders of change

Europe needs the vision, engagement and participation of all young people to build a better future that is greener, more inclusive and digital. In the words of the European Commission’s President, Ursula von der Leyen, “Our Union needs a soul and a vision [young people] can connect to”. The EU...
European Union
2022 - European Network for Rural Development

Portrait series: Faces of Organic Cotton

Eleven people give an insight into their joys, their worries and their personal values in the environment of organic cotton production. The series "Faces of Organic Cotton" shows a new portrait every week until mid-December. It was created as part of FiBL Switzerland's SysCom (Farming Systems Comparison in the Tropics)...
2022 - FiBL Switzerland

Agroecological systems for food security, climate mitigation, adaptation, biodiversity conservation

Emile Frison is a member of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems. His entire career has been focused on international agricultural research for development. He was Director-General of Bioversity International from 2003 to 2013 and is the lead author of the IPES-Food report From Uniformity to Diversity: a paradigm shift from industrial agriculture...

Газетная статья
Organic maize and bean farming enhances free-living nematode dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa

Despite their important ecological roles for soil health and soil fertility, free-living nematodes (FLN) have received relatively limited research attention. The present study evaluated the community structure and diversity of FLN in a field setting. The experiments were conducted in on-farm and on-station field plots sown to maize (Zea mays) and...
2022 - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

Rural African women embrace agroecology: FAO

Despite their crucial role in agrifood systems, women are faced with enormous challenges, including exclusion from decision-making, denial of essential productive resources such as land, water, credit, information, and technologies, and disregard for their deep knowledge of local contexts. A key ally in empowering these women to continue working the...
2022 - https://farmersreviewafrica.com/

Politiques favorables à l’agroécologie : avancées et défis

La plateforme partenariale pour la transformation agroécologique vient de publier son premier rapport. Un examen des différentes mesures politiques menées à travers le monde pour soutenir l’agroécologie. Les avancées récentes et les défis restants sont passés aux cribles des expertes et experts de la plateforme.
2022 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

Innovations numériques au service de la transition agro-écologique au Bénin

Face au défi alimentaire et aux instabilités climatiques, l’agriculture du Bénin doit accroître ses performances économiques, sociales et environnementales, en particulier par le développement de l’agroécologie. Le numérique est souvent cité comme un levier majeur de la transition agroécologique, mais les innovations numériques en agriculture au Bénin restent peu visibles....
2022 - CIRAD

African Agroecological Entrepreneurship & Territorial Markets Convening

From May 24th to 26th, 2022, the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) has teamed with partners to host the first trailblazing three-day continental convening on AFRICAN AGROECOLOGICAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND TERRITORIAL MARKETS in Munyonyo, Uganda. Over 130 people in person and 80 virtual participants attended the event, which brought...
2022 - AFSA
Total results:4096