




Газетная статья
Food prices and the wages of the poor: A cost-effective addition to high-frequency food security monitoring

The affordability of nutritious food for “all people, at all times” is a critically important dimension of food security. Yet surprisingly, timely high-frequency indicators of food affordability are rarely collected in any systematic fashion despite price volatility emerging as major source of food insecurity in the 21st Century. The 2008...
Ethiopia - Myanmar - Sri Lanka
2024 - IFPRI

All-women cooperative transforming cocoa waste into energy in Ghana

In a groundbreaking move, as part of MoMo4C, Tropenbos Ghana has launched a Waste-to-Energy pilot project in the Sefwi Wiawso Juaboso Bia (SWJB) landscape with an all-women cocoa cooperative. By turning cocoa waste into a valuable resource, this model aims to create new avenues for income generation, livelihood diversification, and...
2024 - Tropenbos International

Газетная статья
Exploring climate change impacts on rural livelihoods and adaptation strategies: Reflections from marginalized communities in India

Climate change and variability affect virtually everyone and every region of the world but the effects are nowhere more prominent than among rural marginalized communities that rely heavily on agriculture and fishing for a living and they face numerous livelihood challenges including risk posed by variability of climate. Using phenomenological...

Appropriation du numérique dans l’agriculture ouest-africaine, quelles réalités derrière les promesses ?

Comment les productrices et producteurs d’Afrique de l’Ouest s’approprient-ils les outils numériques ? Pendant 2 ans, le projet Fracture numérique a étudié trois filières dans trois pays. La présente fiche rend compte de l’influence du numérique sur la gestion de la cacaoculture dans les exploitations familiales en Côte d’Ivoire. Les résultats...
2024 - CIRAD

Sistema alimentar e da agricultura familiar

Projeto Boa Vista Acolhedora: um modelo de economia circular, regenerativa e inclusiva
O Projeto Boa Vista Acolhedora: um modelo de economia circular, regenerativa e inclusiva busca o fortalecimento da sociedade civil no processo de desenvolvimento equitativo, sustentável e inclusivo na região da Amazônia Legal, em contexto de multiculturalidade e recuperação pós pandemia COVID-19. Atua no fomento e na implementação de novos modelos de negócio baseados...
2024 - Fundación Avina

Peru: We are artisanal fishers, not criminals

The small-scale fishers of a famous beach in Peru defend the ecosystem and its biodiversity through responsible and sustainable selective fishing
I am a small-scale fisherman working the beach of Bujama Baja. It lies in Mala district of the Canete province in Peru’s Lima department. I have been plying my trade for 34 years, fully engaged in the only livelihood I was given by God: the sea. I am registered with...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

World Agriculture Watch operational guidelines

This technical book provides operational and simple guidelines to produce data sets at farm/household level to characterize the diversity of family farms. It is structured around three main sections. The first section presents the World Agriculture Watch (WAW) harmonized analytical framework to characterize the diversity of family farms including a...
2024 - FAO

Rural radio: Voices for change

The Global Family Farming Forum (GFFF), organized at the FAO Headquarters in Rome from October 14-18, 2024, gathers global food champions and activists to mark the Mid-Term of the UN Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF 2019-28). A key element of this event is the model rural radio station, a fully...
2024 - FAO

How farming can be a force for change

Dr Charlie Taverner on how a new government can help farming work for climate, nature and people
It’s easy to paint farming as a fringe issue. A tiny proportion of the voting public have a direct tie to agriculture. Most voters won’t make up their minds based on parties’ plans for the future of the farm support budget (for England a little over 1% of what the government spends...
2024 - Food, Farming & Countryside Commission

Série de témoignages d’experts sur le thème “Transformer les agricultures : le défi du financement”

Dans le prolongement de la dernière conférence internationale de FARM du 13 février 2024 sur le thème “Transformer les agricultures : le défi du financement”, la fondation propose une série de témoignages d’experts de ces questions. “Pourquoi et comment financer les exploitations familiales ?”  à travers le témoignage de Jyotsna Puri,...
2024 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)

实 践
12 Best Agroecological Practices

For over 25 years, PELUM Kenya has been in the fore front advocating for Good Agro-ecological practices. This is in a bid to ensure that the message on the benefits of Agro-ecology, are known far and wide, across Kenya and beyond. This publication is a result of research and collaborationsbetween...
2024 - Pelum Kenya

VIII Global Conference Family Farming: Sustainability of our Planet

Since its establishment, the World Rural Forum has held 8 Global Conferences on Family Farming, attended by hundreds of the highest-level representatives from governments, international organizations, research centers, family farmers’ organizations, cooperatives and NGDOs from 5 continents. The generated debates have served to set and highlight action priorities in favor...
2024 - World Rural Forum

Газетная статья
A cog in the capitalist wheel: co-opting agroecology in South India

The Andhra Pradesh Zero Budget Natural Farming project was implemented by India’s State of Andhra Pradesh in 2016 and renamed AP Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF) in 2020. APCNF is recognised as a sucessful example of peasant-led agroecology by social movements, multilateral UN bodies, governments, and researchers. We offer more...
2024 - Kudali Learning Center, India

Газетная статья
Rural development opportunities through contextual interventions

A systemic review
Classic technical assistance to local resource users in tropical agrarian frontiers has shown important successes but also has been criticized for being expensive, dependency creating, and destructive to traditional social-ecological systems. Alternatively, supporting rural families by improving their contexts might have the potential to more effectively unlock the individual and...
2024 - University of Freiburg,

Practical Guide for drying and storing vegetable seeds in organic small-scale and on-farm seed production

The germination rate and vigour of seeds affect how well a crop emerges and establishes. They are a crucial aspect of seed quality, as poor seed vigour will result in seedlings that are more sensitive to abiotic stress (for example soil compaction or drought) and biotic stress (pathogens, especially soil...
2024 - LiveSeeding

Alvaro Lario: “Without family farming, we would not have eaten today”

An interview with the President of IFAD
During the interview, Alvaro Lario, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), shed light on the pressing challenges facing family farming, particularly in the context of climate change. Lario underscored the essential role of small-scale farmers in global food security, highlighting their contributions to feeding billions of people...
2024 - Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA)

Farms. Food. Future. Regenerative agriculture, from soil to sustainability

58 episode of Farms. Food. Future – a podcast proposed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Despite being a major contributor to global emissions, farming might just hold the key to solving the climate crisis. When agriculture is regenerative, it becomes a win-win for people and planet, increasing food security...
2024 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Collective Responsibility In Family Farming for Rural & Urban Connectivity

The family is deeply involved in organic farming, with all three members actively participating. Effective farming is a collective effort, and without my family's support, it would be impossible to achieve our goals. My husband fully supports my farming endeavors, making their work both productive and fulfilling. They directly deliver...
2024 - DHAN Foundation

Responsible Investments in Agriculture in Uganda

Assessing the country’s Potential and Effectiveness in Implementing and Domesticating International Frameworks on Land and Investments
This report is a synthesis of Uganda’s potential and effectiveness in implementing and domesticating international frameworks on responsible investments. The key international frameworks assessed were VGGT, CFS-RAI, Agenda 2030, AfCFTA and CEDAW. To understand their domestication, the study analyzed the national policies, treaties and structures set in the country and...
2024 - ESAFF Uganda

Impact of agroecological practices on farm performance in Botswana

Despite the potential of agroecological practices to promote sustainable agrifood systems, their adoption among farmers is limited, and there is insufficient information regarding their impact on farm performance. This study evaluates the adoption of agroecological practices and their impact on farm performance among vegetable farmers in Botswana. The multivariate probit...
2024 - Cambridge University Press
Total results:3260