




Les savoirs paysans dans le continuum Recherche – Conseil – Formation

Comment faire dialoguer des approches de recherche et de terrain en matière de transition agroécologique? Comment définir les savoirs paysans et quelle place leur donner dans les dispositifs de FAR? Quelles conditions réunir pour rendre effectif un continuum Recherche – Conseil – Formation? Voici entre autres les enjeux abordés dans...

Agroecological approaches to the use of nutrients and the maintenance of soil health

Agroecological approaches to the use of nutrients and the maintenance of soil health: Fergus Sinclair at Agroecology Europe Forum 2023 In this video made for Agroecology Europe Forum 2023, which is taking place on 16-18 November 2023 in Hungary, Fergus Sinclair (Chief Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF and Co-convenor, Agroecology TPP), lays out...

Mapa de Feiras Orgânicas

O Mapa de Feiras Orgânicas é uma ferramenta de busca, idealizada pelo Idec (Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor), com o objetivo de estimular a alimentação saudável e sustentável em todo o Brasil e mostrar que os produtos orgânicos e agroecológicos podem ser mais acessíveis aos consumidores. O Mapa visa a...
2023 - Mapa de Feiras Orgânicas

Rainforest Alliance Prohibition of Paraquat: Farmers' Experiences with Integrated Weed Management

The Rainforest Alliance prohibited paraquat in its first sustainable agriculture standard, published in 1993. Since then, and in close collaboration with farmers who participate in the Rainforest Alliance Certification Program, we have shown that key crops can be grown without paraquat in tropical agriculture supply chains. More generally, phase outs...
2023 - Rainforest Alliance

Contexto de cadena hortalizas - lechuga

En esta ficha de contexto se mencionan los aspectos importantes de la cadena de hortalizas - lechuga enfocados a su marco productivo, regional, económico, comercio internacional, así como sus perspectivas y tendencias frente al mercado, dando a conocer su entorno de Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación.
2023 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey

(Monsoon 2023): Farming environment and farm commercialization
We have analyzed the farming environment and farm commercialization situation for the 2023 monsoon season from the Myanmar Agriculture Performance Survey (MAPS), conducted at the beginning of 2024. This survey encompassed almost 4,400 crop producers in the monsoon, distributed across all states/regions of the country. Our findings reveal: The security situation...
2023 - IFPRI

FAO launches bilingual training course on Lumpy Skin Disease preparedness for NENA region

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Virtual Learning Center for the Near East and North Africa (VLC-RNE), has designed an an online training course on Lumpy Skin Disease. The training is designed to support governmental and private veterinarians and specialist staff. . Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

'A shared human endeavour': Farmer Participation and Knowledge Co-production in Agroecological Research

Farmer participation in the co-production of knowledge has been claimed to have many benefits, including its capacity to address the knowledge intensiveness and ecological specificity that underpins agroecology. The complexity of agroecological knowledge systems have until now presented considerable challenges to researchers looking to develop research practices adaptable to and...

Enabling women producers’ successful engagement in agribusiness

This course looks closely at the gender issues that are central to the substantially lower rate of engagement of women farmers, compared with men, in inclusive agribusiness. It provides direction on gender-responsive and transformative approaches to ensure that women and men access and benefit from profitable markets and business opportunities...
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Yemaya Newsletter March 2023 ISSUE - 66

The 8th Global Conference on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries held in India in November 2022 raised several important issues for gender-just and sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. A running theme in the discussions was the importance of both strengthening the capacity of women fish workers to organize, and developing new...
2023 - the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers Trust

Agro-tourism development in Indonesia

The case of Yogyakarta and Bali
Agricultural development currently focuses primarily on increasing the production of food crops. However, horticultural agriculture is essential in producing and supplying other goods besides main food crops such as rice, corn, and soybeans. This condition causes agricultural development to not fully optimize its potential because each region has varying characteristics...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Газетная статья
Can healthy diets be achieved worldwide in 2050 without farmland expansion?

This paper analyses to what extent it would be possible to ensure food availability to the world population by 2050 with two objectives: healthy diets and no farmland expansion. Assumptions were made to project exogenous demand and supply variables. Climate change impacts on crop yields, grazing use intensities and maximum cultivable areas...
2023 - CGIAR

Organic policies in Denmark

Thematic Group on Strengthening the position of farmers in the Organic Food Supply Chain
Denmark has the highest market share in the world of organic food and beverages (13,0% in 2021). Danes are proud to have a shared vision to be the world leaders in developing sustainable organic production. Denmark is a small country with a high proportion of agricultural land (good soil, good...
2023 - EU CAP Network Thematic Group on Strengthening the position of farmers in the Organic Food Supply Chain

The idea of a Liberation Agriculture and the rise of a new food system

From the 1960s and onwards we witnessed the rise of the liberation theology movement. This movement emphasized the need for social justice and a critical and affirmative stance towards oppression and marginalization. The church during this time was enamoured by celebrity preachers and aligned to an oppressive status quo. Jesus,...
2023 - iZindaba Zokudla

Social protection and rural transformation in Africa

This article develops a conceptual framework on pathways through which non-contributory social protection can contribute to a resilient and inclusive agricultural growth in rural Africa. It draws insights from a review of rigorous empirical evidence on the impacts of cash transfers and multifaceted cash plus programs on range of relevant...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Can Agroecological Living Landscapes (ALLs) solve Food, Land and Water system challenges?

Globally Food, Land, and Water Systems (FLWS) are being degraded rapidly. Indian agriculture is heavily dependent on natural resources. Agriculture plays a significant role in India’s $3.5 trillion economy, employing 43% of the available labor force. The share of agriculture and allied sectors in total gross value added (GVA) of the...

Community-based natural farming outshines other farming practices in Andhra Pradesh

A study in Andhra Pradesh compares three prevalent farming methods, analysing their overall benefits such as production, economic impact and social and health implications.The study concludes that community-based natural farming offers superior benefits in terms of higher yields, crop diversity and income for farmers.While natural farming is being increasingly adopted...

The Climate change atlas for Africa of tree species prioritized for forest landscape restoration in Ethiopia: A description of methods used to develop the atlas

This working paper describes the methods used to develop the online Climate change atlas for Africa of tree species prioritized for forest landscape restoration in Ethiopia. The purpose of the atlas, available at http://atlas.worldagroforestry.org/, is to indicate how climate change is likely to affect the locations where particular tree species can grow...

Reflecting on the present and envisioning the future: Agroecology TPP holds its first annual Members Forum meeting

Recently, institutional members of the Agroecology TPP came together to discuss progress and set priorities for the future in the first Members Forum meeting – an annual gathering in which representatives of key stakeholder groups and institutional members of Agroecology TPP examine the latest research findings and key knowledge and...
2023 - Global Landscape Forum

Importance of investing in agriculture in emergency contexts

Context At the end of 2022, nearly 1 million people faced starvation – almost double the numbers of 2021. Across the world, 222 million people are experiencing high acute food insecurity, almost one in five of whom are struggling to access enough food to survive the day. Food security outlook The...
Afghanistan - Ethiopia - Haiti - Somalia - Yemen
2023 - FAO
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