




实 践
Production of tree seeds for agroforestry: seed sourcing

A seed source is a group of trees growing together from which one can collect seed for multiplication. This may be an identified number of trees in a landscape-farmland/natural forest or a group of trees from which you obtain seeds. A good seed source for trees should provide fast-growing healthy,...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Les préalables à la lutte étagée ciblée (LEC)

Conçue au Benin par le projet Programme de Promotion de l’Agriculture (ProAgri), dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du programme COMPACI chargé de la promotion du secteur du coton en Afrique, la fichier présent illustre les différentes étapes préalables à la lutte étagée ciblée (LEC). La technologie expose...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Seed priming to improve stand establishment and yield in sorghum

Crop establishment is often poor in the semi-arid tropics. However, good crop stand establishment is essential for the efficient use of water and light, and a uniform stand is a pre-requisite for cropping success. Seeds that germinate quickly produce viable seedlings that are not dependent on rapidly declining moisture in...
Pakistan - Zimbabwe
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Africa/FWO: Women marching on!

Milestones in CAOPA’s march for the rights of women in African artisanal fisheries. On 19 March 2010, in Banjul, The Gambia, men and women professionals from the artisanal fishing sector from nine West African countries presided over the formation and launch of the African Confederation of Artisanal Fishing Organisations: CAOPA. Ten years...
2020 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Agroecology and markets – stories from the field

Mostly associated with fresh fruits, vegetables, and live animals straight from production zones, African mass markets bring together many people, irrespective of class, religion, or socioeconomic backgrounds. As thriving local economies, mass markets support ecologically-sensitive trading and consumption. It is not by chance that each of the articles in this...
2020 - Alliance for food sovereignty in Africa

实 践
Seed priming to improve stand establishment and yield in maize

Crop establishment is often poor in the semi-arid tropics. However, good crop stand establishment is essential for the efficient use of water and light, and a uniform stand is a pre-requisite for cropping success. Seeds that germinate quickly produce viable seedlings that are not dependent on rapidly declining moisture in...
India - Pakistan - Zimbabwe
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Vicepresidenta del FIDA pone en valor los bienes comunes como las semillas

La vicepresidenta del Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA), Marie Haga, destaca el valor de los “bienes comunes” como las semillas e invita a los países a cooperar más en un mundo tan interdependiente como el actual.
2020 - EFE-AGRO

实 践
Bonnes pratiques de récolte et post-récolte des noix de cajou

La production de noix de cajou de haute qualité dépend de l'application adéquate de bonnes techniques et pratiques de récolte et post-récolte. L’objectif de l’initiative du Cajou Africain (iCA) est d’augmenter la compétitivité de la production de noix de cajou africaine et de réaliser une réduction durable de la pauvreté...
Burkina Faso
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Rainwater harvesting systems for cabbage growing

This technology describes utilizing rooftop water harvesting facilities to increase the availability of water for domestic use and irrigation of backyard cabbage gardens. This measure allows small-scale farmers to harvest rainwater from roofs and store it in tanks, ensuring cabbage production even during the dry season. The combination of rainwater...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Les bonnes pratiques de production du riz de bas-fonds

Des bonnes pratiques de production du riz de bas-fonds au Bénin permet à une récolte plus abondante et un revenu plus important. Ce fichier explique en détail les différentes étapes pour une bonne production du riz de bas-fond. Ces étapes sont les suivantes: le choix du bas-profonds, le choix des...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Webinar: Using technology to increase market and finance access for smallholders

An initiative led by IIED is generating lessons on how rural producers, their associations and wider communities can best empower themselves to articulate their development priorities, make informed choices, and negotiate effectively for equitable partnerships with progressive private sector actors in commercial agriculture. This webinar, part of the 'Empowering Producers In...
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

实 践
Bacterial Black Spot (BBS) identification and control for mango farmers

Growing mango is full of challenges and farmers should know about them to succeed in the mango production. The more farmers know, the better they will succeed. This short film (and its description) deals with a disease called Bacterial Black Spot (BBS). In 2010 it was first identified in West...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Scolarisation des enfants dans les zones Cotonnières "CmiA"

Depuis 2005, une culture durable du coton a vu le jour dans certains pays en Afrique au sud du Sahara. Le Bénin compte parmi ces pays. Cette forme de production cotonnière ayant le souci d’améliorer le revenu du producteur, de préserver son environnement et de prendre en charge l’aspect social...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Conservation agriculture for smallholder farmers in dryland areas

The Laikipia district, in the Rift Valley of Kenya, is located on the plateau north west of Mount Kenya. Due to its leeward position, the district is significantly dry, with aridity increasing from the slopes of the mountain to the dry lowlands. Inadequate rainfall and periods of drought have caused...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

A higher-yield rice variety moves Madagascar further on the path to self-sufficiency

How South-South Cooperation helps ensure food security for family farmers
Madagascar has a rich history of rice cultivation. Outside of Asia, Madagascar has the longest tradition of rice production, and this staple is cultivated in almost all districts of the country. For the Malagasy people, rice is a core part of their diet: many families eat it three times a...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Advancing agroecology and farmer managed seed systems in Limpopo

At a dialogue on farmer-managed seed systems and agroecology, held in Acornhoek, Limpopo on 20-22 January 2020, farmers and support organisations made clear that they want to see more government and policy support for agroecology and farmer-managed seed systems, that they will work together to engage government in this direction,...
South Africa
2020 - African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

Harnessing the power of bees to benefit forest and people

Widespread deforestation, natural disasters and human-wildlife conflict are among factors that have diminished Kenya’s forests. The country’s ‘Greening Kenya’ initiative, launched last year, aims to achieve more than 10% forest cover by 2022. The past has seen Kenya put in spirited efforts to protect its forest lands from further degradation. Nonetheless, the...
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

A Film to Promote Sustainable Food System Practices

This is a film produced by ICENECDEV(International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development) to promote sustainable Food System in the Mount Cameroon Forest Region through Tradition/Indigenous Knowledge, Agroecology and Natural Farming Practices in providing healthy Food to Healthy People. This film is produced to promote cultural and traditional practices...
2020 - International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV )

实 践
Anthracnose control for mango farmers

Growing mango is full of challenges and farmers should know about them to succeed in the mango production. The more farmers know, the better they will succeed. This short film (and its description) deals with a disease called Anthracnose. It is a very wide spread disease in humid environments, like...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Uncle Wiz Farm: organic indigenous produce

Uncle Wiz is a shining example of a thriving smallscale farming and food distribution business that not only farms without chemicals but also focuses on and promotes indigenous food crops. Owners Wisdom and Mpumi Edward live in south Johannesburg and farm on land in Vanderbijlpark. Not only do they grow...
South Africa
2020 - African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)
Total results:3607