




实 践
Cultura intensiva de arroz

The demand for rice on the world market is constantly growing. However, despite the Green Revolution, production levels are insufficient to meet demand. Irrigated rice production is carried out by millions of farmers around the world. The technique is based on an almost permanent flooding of rice paddies, which makes...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

In Search of Common Ground

Mbororo Social & Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA) is the largest membership-based association of the ethnic Mbororo pastoralists of Cameroon. Its mission is to contribute to the human, economic, social and cultural empowerment of the ethnic Mbororo pastoralists of Cameroon. In 2006 MBOSCUDA organized a series of consultation meetings with a...
2020 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

实 践
Bonnes pratiques de transformation du soja en fromage

Conçue au Bénin par le Programme de Promotion de l'Agriculture au Bénin (ProAgri) en partenariat avec le projet Competitive African Cotton Initiative - COMPACI, la technologie souligne les étapes nécessaires requises pour transformer le soja en fromage. L’illustration met en exergue deux étapes principales à savoir la production du lait...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA


Situated at the end of Zambia’s Great Rift Valley, the Luangwa Valley has ecological riches but pervasive poverty. Poaching and subsistence farming of maize and sorghum are the main livelihoods. Increasingly, families are also relying on cash crops, such as cotton and tobacco, rendering them less able to meet their...
2020 - e Oakland Institute and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA

Webinar - FAO Brussels Dialogue on Opportunities for Recovery: Creating jobs for young people in Africa

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic together with the socio-economic crisis, lack of employment and high food prices have already aggravated food and nutrition security in many parts of Africa. A green and inclusive recovery should ensure that no one is left behind. Governments, resource partners, the private sector and...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

实 践
Evergreen agriculture: the use of fertilizer trees in maize production

As supplementary technology in evergreen agriculture, agroforestry technology will focus on the concept of simultaneous intercropping of proven fertilizer trees in replenishing soil fertility and increasing crop yields. Simultaneous intercropping is an agroforestry technique whereby nitrogen fixing woody trees are simultaneously grown with annual crops on the same piece of...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Making banana chips and flour

Bananas are a staple food in many parts of Eastern Africa. Currently, there is very limited commercial processing of bananas. Most people consume bananas fresh, steamed or boiled. During bumper harvests, farmers sell bananas at give-away prices and many go to waste. A detailed process of making banana chips and...
United Republic of Tanzania
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Evergreen agriculture: conservation agriculture in maize production

Evergreen Agriculture is a combination of conservation agriculture and agroforestry practices within the same spatial and temporal dimensions. In other circles, evergreen agriculture is referred to as agroforestry based conservation agriculture or Conservation Agriculture With Trees (CAWT). Evergreen agriculture is being tested by The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) in conjunction...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Sand dams bring water and food security to Southeast Kenya

Sand dams are a simple and cost-effective rainwater-harvesting technique which can provide a lifetime supply of clean water within 30 minutes of people’s homes. They can save up to 11.5 hours each day (otherwise spent on collecting water) in periods of drought. A sand dam is a reinforced stone masonry...
2020 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

Securing the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia

Water is one of the most scarce resources for African farmers. Access to enough water in semi-arid regions is a huge challenge and shortages can lead to the loss of lives and livelihoods in times of drought. With climate change, water conservation will only become more imperative. Ethiopia has one...
2020 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

实 践
Establishing a tree nursery

At present the need to plant trees on farms is on the increase. It is difficult, however, for smallholders to access – at the right time, in the right quantities and of high quality – the trees that they want to plant. In order to meet present and future demand...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Vegetative tree propagation in agroforestry

This technology describes the various stages in the vegetative propagation of trees (from tree nursery management to cuttings, grafting, and layering). It is targeted at helping field technicians and nursery managers active in tree propagation research or development. The concept of vegetative propagation is that an exact copy of the...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
African Leafy Vegetables (ALV) for urban supply and sustainable diets

Local leafy vegetables have long been an important part of people's diets in Africa. They are nutritious, affordable and adapted to local growing conditions and cultural traditions. They are cheap, readily affordable and rich in different micro-nutrients and are therefore crucial for the food and nutrition security of poor families...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Les bonnes pratiques oasiennes en vidéo 1/5 - système d'irrigation "californien" - Mauritanie

Dans l'oasis de Teyert à l'oued d'Adrar en Mauritanie, les agriculteurs ont mis en place une technique d'irrigation innovante : le système "californien". Explications. Pour diminuer l'utilisation de la nappe phréatique et mieux gérer les ressources en eau venant des pluies rares et concentrées en période hivernale, les agriculteurs pratiquent...
2020 - RADDO

实 践
Agroforestry coffee cultivation in combination with mulching, trenches and organic composting

This technology describes a combination of good practices for soil and water conservation that were introduced to coffee farmers in the central cattle corridor of Uganda. Its aim is to enhance their resilience to dry spells, pests and diseases, as part of the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) project on...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Tsetse control using Epsilon trap made in Botswana

Tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) infest over 11 million sq km of Africa, and are vectors of Trypanosomosis (or Trypanosomiasis) in both humans and domestic livestock. For example, it is estimated that tsetse cover over 7 percent of Zimbabwe and 60 percent of Tanzania, and Trypanosomosis has an important negative impact on livestock...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Les bonnes pratiques oasiennes en vidéo 2/5 - préserver les semences locales des oasis - Tunisie

Dans l'oasis de Chenini en Tunisie, la conservation de l'oasis passe par la préservation des semences locales au profit des agriculteurs locaux. Le manque d'accès à l'eau et l'accès difficile aux marchés de semences poussent les agriculteurs locaux à produire leurs propres semences locales. Permettant une préservation d'anciennes espèces et...
2020 - RADDO

Ecological Organic Agriculture - Production of biogas using organic materials

This video shows how small scale farmers can produce biogas at home. It explains the steps taken in the production of biogas and also highlights the benefits of biogas production. To learn more about our work on promoting organic agriculture, please visit: https://organic.esaffuganda.org/
2020 - ESAFF Uganda

实 践
Assessing losses in the fish supply chain: questionnaire loss assessment method (QLAM)

Planning and policy-making for the development of the post-harvest fisheries sector has been hampered by the lack of practical tools to understand post-harvest fish losses. The Questionnaire Loss Assessment Method (QLAM) is based on a formal questionnaire survey approach to post-harvest loss assessment. Enumerators interview a population sample using a...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

2019 Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition

Containing the damage of economic slowdowns and downturns to food security in Africa
In the 2017 and 2018 editions of the Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition, FAO reported that the prevalence of undernourishment was rising in the region. The latest data shows that the deterioration has slowed, but there remain 256 million hungry people in Africa today. The report further...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:3607