




Supporting vulnerable groups in the Central African Republic

FAO promotes decent employment opportunities for the rural youth.
The events in the Central African Republic (CAR) over the last two years have left more than 2.5 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. Thanks to funding received in 2014, FAO and partners managed to contain a major food crisis but overall agricultural production is still nearly 60 percent...
Central African Republic
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The Caribbean-Pacific Agri-Food Forum: innovative solutions for small island states

An opportunity not to be missed takes place in Bridgetown, Barbados next month. Some 250 leaders, decision-makers and agrifood actors will be gathering for the first Caribbean-Pacific Agri-Food Forum. A key event for both regions, the forum will be held from November 2 to 6, an action-packed week devoted to...
Barbados - Jamaica - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
2015 - Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)

Factsheet on 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme for Hungary

The Rural Development Programme (RDP) for Hungary was formally adopted by the European Commission on 10 August 2015, outlining Hungary's priorities for using the € 4.2 billion of public money that is available for the 7-year period 2014-2020 (€ 3.4 billion from the EU budget and € 740 million of...
2015 - European Commission

L’agrobusiness est-il en train de tuer l’agriculture familiale ouest-africaine ?

Inter-réseaux a animé début 2015 un débat ayant abouti à la rédaction d’un Bulletin de synthèse qui visait à décortiquer quelques affirmations souvent rebattues sur l’agriculture familiale. Cet article est une contribution du sociologue Loïc Barbedette à ce débat.
2015 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural (IR)

Declaration de Montpellier- terres et changement climatique

Plus de 300 participants d’organisations de la société civile, scientifiques, autorités locales, officiels de rang ministériel de gouvernements et bail leurs de fonds, et de responsables d’organisations internationales ou multilatérales de 57 pays se sont rencontrés à Montpel lier du 10 au 13 juin 2015 dans le cadre du Forum...
2015 - Forum International Désertif'Actions

Knowledge for Young Farmers

The aim of the conference is to present the needs of young farmers, provide an overview of existing exchange schemes for young farmers throughout EU 28, and also outside Europe, and launch the guide for successful exchange schemes, which has been produced as part of the study. The conference is aimed...
2015 - The European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Agricultura familiar y circuitos cortos. Nuevos esquemas de producción, comercialización y nutrición

Memoria del seminario sobre circuitos cortos realizado el 2 y 3 de septiembre de 2013. El objetivo de este seminario fue analizar esas experiencias de acercamiento entre productores y consumidores. Para tal efecto se analizaron cómo se han diseñado las políticas sectoriales y los proyectos que buscan promover los circuitos cortos...
2015 - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

Agricultural Diversification and Poverty in India

As stress on Indian agriculture increases because of several reasons, such as continuous fragmentation of landholdings and climate change, there is a serious threat to livelihood based on farming. This is particularly true for small farmers. Growing rural populations and constrained employment opportunities in the nonfarm sector have caused subdivision...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Du nouveau pour la sécurisation foncière des agricultures familiales ?

Cet article analyse les avancées obtenues pour les exploitations familiales en matière de sécurisation foncière en Afrique. Il identifie plusieurs défis à venir, comme la régulation des investissements à grande échelle, le renforcement des acteurs de la société civile ou  encore l’élargissement de l’offre de sécurisation foncière.
2015 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural (IR)

Gestión comunitaria del diseño en la agricultura familiar

Instalaciones porcinas
El objetivo de este trabajo es favorecer la cadena de valor de la producción porcina semintensiva y contribuir, desde el Diseño Industrial, a la resolución de problemas de instalaciones (corrales) que mejoren la sanidad animal, las actuales condiciones de trabajo y la competitividad del proceso productivo. A partir de la...
2015 - Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar Región Pampeana

Kyrgyzstan adopts national food security, nutrition programme

The national food security and nutrition programme just adopted by Kyrgyzstan is expected to serve as a road map to fulfilling people’s rights to food, healthy nutrition and development. The programme, which springs from the country’s National Sustainable Development Strategy, was developed over the last two years by Kyrgyzstan with substantial...
2015 - UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) REU

Cultivo en terrazas, un modelo indígena de seguridad alimentaria

Los cultivos en terrazas de los pueblos originarios andinos representan un aporte a la seguridad alimentaria por aportar una estrategia de adaptación a un medio de difícil características y complejidades geográficas para la producción de alimentos nutritivos. Esta ancestral técnica prehispánica de cultivo, que aún se practica en vastos territorios del...
2015 - Inter Press Service

Processor Driven Integration of Small-scale Farmers into Value Chains in Eastern Europe and Central Asia - A Synthesis Paper

During the transition process in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, relationship along the whole food chain- from farm suppliers to retailers – have broken down. The result has been disruptions in supply and inferior-quality food products.
2015 - Food and Agriculture organization of United Nations

Titularización de tierras y su impacto en los jóvenes campesinos

Dos estudios de caso en el Chaco argentino
Este trabajo indaga en estos procesos en dos casos paradigmáticos donde se han obtenido importantes resultados, como la promulgación de una ley que reconoce derechos de propiedad por residencia prolongada (20 años). Los casos seleccionados en este proyecto focalizan en estas experiencias. Al respecto, interesa tanto la descripción del proceso...
2015 - Fundación para el Desarrollo en Justicia y Paz (FUNDAPAZ)

Entrevista al Diputado José Carlos Cardoso – Alianza Parlatino, FPH y FAO

El Diputado de la República Oriental de Uruguay Jose Carlos Cardoso, Coordinador del Frente Parlamentario de Uruguay y Presidente de la Comisión de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca del PARLATINO, realiza una breve descripción sobre los esfuerzos de FAO, PARLATINO y los Frentes Parlamentarios contra el Hambre hacia un fortalecimiento de...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Small-scale fisheries and the zero discard rate

Discarding was considered by the European Commission a serious problem in European fisheries and one which must be addressed as a high priority. The aim of the present study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the discard problem on small-scale fisheries in Europe in order to put forward recommendations...
European Union
2015 - European Union - European Commission

Estudio de las mesas de desarrollo rural en Uruguay como innovación institucional para la participación y la inclusión

Durante 2014 se realizó el “Estudio de las Mesas de Desarrollo Rural en Uruguay como innovación institucional para la participación y la inclusión” como parte del Convenio con la DGDR-MGAP, siendo ésta una Dirección relativamente nueva dentro del Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca (MGAP) de Uruguay. Se estudió el...
2015 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)

Sustainable natural resource management through enhanced integrated agricultural production systems

Smallholder farmers in the Arabian Peninsula region are severely constrained by the region’s extreme aridity, scanty water resources and erratic rainfall. Conditions have become even more challenging as over 95% of the region’s land area now faces some form of desertification from wind and water erosion, and salinization. The increasing...
Bahrain - Kuwait - Oman - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - United Arab Emirates - Yemen
2015 - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Training 30,000 Kenyan farmers in Sustainable Land Management

The Kenya Sustainable Agriculture Land Management Project has helped small-holder farmers build smart agriculture skills. This in turn has led to higher crop yields, increased income and food security, and resilience to a changing climate. The project has been implemented with support from the Swedish nongovernmental organization, Vi Agroforestry, on...
2015 - World Bank

Gender Differentials and Agricultural Productivity in Niger

In Niger, as in many other African countries, productivity is even lower among female peasants. To build policy interventions to improve agricultural productivity among women, it is important to measure the potential gap between men and women and understand the determinants that explain the gap. This paper uses the Oaxaca-Blinder...
2015 - World Bank
Total results:19471