




Highlights from FAO results in Africa, 2014

Supporting Sustainable Agriculture Development for a Hunger Free Africa in the next 10 years
This document is a compendium of FAO Africa results in 2014. The results focus on FAO Africa Regional Initiatives which were implemented in alignment with the Organization’s Corporate Strategic Objectives and Country Programming Frameworks, namely eradicating hunger and malnutrition, promoting sustainable and productive agriculture, reducing rural poverty, enabling inclusive and...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

"Proud to be Lucan," Organic Farm Vignola

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2015 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy

Forest communities are heard at the 2015 World Forestry Congress in South Africa

This article resumes the meeting of Indigenous Peoples, local communities and family smallholders during the 14th World Forestry Congress in Durban this week, and their voice was heard. Representing many millions of those who live in and live off the forest, they shared their views at a weekend-long pre-Congress meeting,...
2015 - Tropenbos International - the Netherlands

Uganda: Imagine your life differently

20,000 families in 13 districts of Uganda are now imagining their lives differently. . By creating a shared vision, husbands and wives are not only finding ways to break out of their poverty, but they are discovering the value of equality in their homes.
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

"Free", Paolo Maria Mosca Farm

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2015 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy

Food Security and Indigenous Peoples

The independent, sustainable lives in the mountains of Thailand’s indigenous peoples’ way of life is now under threat. Commercial farming, national boundaries and ‘modern life’ is compromising and taking away their last remaining link to the earth—the very source of their distinct indigenous identities, culture and dignity. Food security is...
2015 - Aisa Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)

Boletín de la Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural (DGDR) n°10

Este número incluye: Más políticas públicas para el desarrollo rural Con una amplia participación se realizó el segundo encuentro de Mesas de Desarrollo Rural en Cerro Largo Más de 1000 mujeres rurales presentes en "Somos Mujeres Rurales" Fueron aprobados todos los perfiles presentados en el "Somos de acá... Ganadero Familiar"  
2015 - Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural (DGDR) - Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca

IYFF+10 Global action for Family Farming - AIAF+10 Impulso global por la Agricultura Familiar

This video shows the intense global campaign coordinated by the World Rural Forum The central objective of the IYFF+10 initiative will remain improving public policy in favor of Family Farming. This campaign, recently launched by the FRM, will have, within its broad framework for action, three main components: promotion of National...
2015 - World Rural Forum (WRF)

Livestock systems, vulnerability and climate change

Insights from the grass roots
Climate change is already happening, and its effects, especially on rural communities in India, are particularly adverse. There is a need to highlight key issues and understand the practical challenges that must be addressed, if India is to build the capacities of its rural communities to robustly adapt to climate...
2015 - WOTR and licensed under Creative Commons

Femme dans l’agriculture:les associations villageoises d’épargne et de crédit (AVEC) au Bénin

Connu sous le nom de Mata Masu Dubara au Niger, le modèle AVEC (association villageoise d’épargne et de crédit) a été repris et développé au Bénin. Les associations villageoises ont pour mission de servir les plus pauvres dont les femmes rurales, ceux dont les revenus sont irréguliers et moins fiables...
2015 - Agrifam agriculture familiale et sécurité alimentaire

WFP Gender Policy 2015–2020

This gender policy builds on WFP’s many successes in the field, where its gender transformative approach to food assistance programmes and policies helps bridge the gender gap in food security and nutrition. As the product of broad consultations with WFP stakeholders, the policy reflects the collective voice of WFP.
2015 - World Food Programme (WFP)

Gestão sustentável na agricultura

A agropecuária brasileira, através de seus contínuos ganhos de produção e de produtividade, vem contribuindo de forma relevante para a segurança alimentar do País e, ao mesmo tempo, desempenhando a função de suprir o mundo com alimentos, biocombustíveis e fibras. Na safra 2013/2014 a produção brasileira dos principais alimentos mais...
2015 - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)

Guía para la integración del enfoque de género en políticas agropecuarias y de cambio climático en América Latina

En este documento se sugieren cinco pasos para integrar el enfoque de género en las políticas públicas agropecuarias y de cambio climático. Cada uno de los pasos representa un momento en la formulación, entendiendo que el enfoque de género debe estar incluido en todas las etapas del proceso. Así mismo,...
2015 - Programa de Investigación de CGIAR en Cambio Climático, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria (CCAFS)

Газетная статья
Transformations agricoles et agricultures familiales

quelques défis mis en lumière durant l’Année internationale de l’agriculture familiale
Ce numéro thématique des Cahiers Agricultures apporte une contribution à les perspectives post-AIAF, en continuité de travaux initiés dès 2008 par l’initiative d’Observatoire des agricultures du monde et d’un séminaire international organisé sur ce sujet lors du 10e symposium de l’International Farming System Association (http://www.worldagricultureswatch.org/events/july-2012-10th-ifsa-symposium), portant sur les enjeux des...
2015 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

Mulheres e Agroecologia

Coletânea sobre estudos rurais e gênero: Prêmio Margarida Alves 4ª Edição
Esta coletânea contém os trabalhos premiados na 4ª edição do Prêmio Margarida Alves de Estudos Rurais e Gênero, realizado pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), por meio da Diretoria de Políticas para Mulheres (DPMR) e do Núcleo de Estudos Agrários e Desenvolvimento Rural (Nead), em parceria com o Instituto Nacional...
2015 - Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário

Exploraciones n°23: roles de género en la actividad pesquera del Lago Titicaca, reflexiones para el pensamiento sudamericano

Estudio de caso de la comunidad Gran Puni
El presente ensayo describe detalladamente la participación de mujeres y hombres en la pesca tradicional de una comunidad a orillas del Lago Titicaca, que comparten Bolivia y Perú. El trabajo fue calificado como tercer premio del Concurso anual de artículos y ensayos sobre agricultura familiar comunitaria, destacando de manera especial...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Peru
2015 - Instituto para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica (IPDRS)

Mujeres rurales en América Latina

A pesar de su contribución a la seguridad alimentaria del planeta, el trabajo de la mujer rural es subestimado y poco remunerado. En la mayoría de los países, las mujeres no son dueñas de la tierra que trabajan, y cuando lo hacen tienden a ser más pequeñas y enfrentan dificultades...
2015 - teleSUR tv

Газетная статья
On Kenya's climate frontline, female farmers are building a secure future

In drought-ridden Samburu county, support programmes are helping women to provide for their families and build communities’ resilience to climate change
2015 - The Guardian

Are women less productive farmers?

How markets and risk affect fertilizer use, productivity, and measured gender effects in Uganda
African governments and international development groups see boosting productivity on smallholder farms as key to reducing rural poverty and safeguarding the food security of farming and non-farming households. Prompting smallholder farmers to use more fertilizer has been a key tactic. Closing the productivity gap between male and female farmers has...
2015 - World Bank

Discurso de la presidenta de la República, Michelle Bachelet Jeria, en celebración del "Día del Campesino"

Discurso de la Presidenta Michelle Bachelet en el marco del Día del Campesino y Campesina, realizado en la comuna de Longaví, Región del Maule, el día 28 de julio de 2015
2015 - Centro de Información de Recursos Naturales
Total results:2172