




实 践
Management of cotton bollworns using predators ants

Insect pests are the most important production constraints in Uganda. American bollworms, spiny boll worms and pink boll worms are among the ten insect pests, which are feeding and damaging flower buds, flowers, and young and maturating bolls. This is causing plant abortions, amounting to up to 87 percent resulting...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Communities Regreen the Sahel

Many African countries, including Burkina Faso, Niger and Senegal, closed their international borders and areas around the big cities because of the global pandemic. This meant that our partners could not leave their own region or city for months. As frustrating as this was, our partners kept finding ways to...
2020 - IED-Afrique

实 践
Tsetse control with a "Nzi" trap

Tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) infest over 11 million sq km of Africa, and are vectors of Trypanosomosis (or Trypanosomiasis) in both man and domestic livestock. For example, it is estimated that tsetse cover over 7 percent of Zimbabwe and 60 percent of Tanzania and Trypanosomosis has an important negative impact on livestock...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

实 践
Grow epuripur sorghum

Sorghum is the third most important staple cereal food crop in Uganda after maize and millet occupying 285 000 ha of arable land. It is mainly used for food and brewing. In an attempt to improve food security and incomes among the rural poor households, The Serere Agricultural and Animal...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Pastoral women video on COVID 19 in Karamoja

Early this year ALIN Africa received small funding support from AfriFoods and Euro Afri Link to reach out to pastoralists in manyattas and kraals. It was such a great experience meeting pastoralists able to respond quickly to the sensitization message. Despite limited access to water, detergents like soap, sanitizers, untranslated pandemic information pastoralist are...
2020 - Arid Landscape Initiative (ALIN Africa)

Ecological Organic Agriculture - Kitchen Gardening

This video shows how small scale farmers can grow organic vegetables and other crops for both domestic use and market in small gardens around their homes.   To learn more about our work on promoting organic agriculture, please visit: https://organic.esaffuganda.org/
2020 - ESAFF Uganda

实 践
Improved cattle breeds zero grazing with drought tolerant fodder

This technology describes the introduction of improved cattle breeds in Uganda. The improved breeds are more productive and resistant to diseases and are managed by applying the zero grazing production system. This is a type of production system where the animals are kept in an enclosure to control input use...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Shrubs for Change

In the Shrubs for Change project, 300 ‘trainers of trainers’ learn how to get more milk from dairy cows by feeding them nutritious leaves from shrubs. These trainers will in turn train and support 120,000 dairy farmers in Kenya and Malawi to start growing shrubs in their own gardens. Research has...
2020 - Vi Agroforestry

Sustaining the traditional production and conservation of Creole rice seeds in Guinea Bissau

In order to preserve their tradition, the Manjaq communities have embarked on a process of preserving local rice varieties essential for the organization of certain traditional ceremonies. Faced with these challenges, they have rebuilt their seed capital by making an inventory of all traditional seeds and their importance in traditional...
2019 - Cooperativa agro-pecuária de jovens quadros (COAJOQ), Guinea-Bissau

Farmers inspiring farmers to save seeds in Kenya

Food insecurity and reduced food sovereignty is rampant in Kenya. This can be attributed to a new era of industrial agriculture resulting in genetic erosion of local crops, monoculture, high seed prices, and excessive use of chemicals. As a remedy, Kenya Seed Savers Network empowers farming communities to develop a...
2019 - Seed Savers Network, Kenya

Cereal banks improving food security and incomes in Guinea-Bissau

In Guinea-Bissau, the intensifi cation of cashew monoculture and the decline in yields of rice and other staple cereals is a common issue that puts the population in an unprecedented state of food insecurity. Organisations such as CAURAL REMOBE have tried to fi nd a solution to this problem. The...
2019 - ONG Guiarroz, Guinée-Bissau.

How agroecology can respond to a changing climate and benefit farmers

Current food systems are at a crossroads. There is a strong need for transforming food production and consumption patterns in a sustainable way. One where farmers adapt and build resilience to the increasing challenges from climate change and where nutritious food is available for all. Agroecology provides one solution towards...
Brazil - Niger
2019 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Seed fairs in post-conflict situations

As part of its food security and livelihood programs, Action Against Hunger (ACF-USA)* has organized seed fairs in rural areas of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo to provide farmers with seeds. The fairs have been widely spread and had a great number of direct beneficiaries and vendors, successfully...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Uganda
2019 - The Oakland Institute

Resilience analysis of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in South Sudan’s cross-border areas with Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda

“Strengthening the Livelihoods Resilience of Pastoral and Agropastoral Communities in South Sudan’s Cross-border Areas with Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda” is a three-year project funded by European Union that aims to improve governance and conflict prevention to reduce forced displacement and irregular migration in the cross-border areas of South Sudan....
Ethiopia - Kenya - Sudan - Uganda
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Becoming an agroecologist – fostering social learning and responsible action for sustainable food systems

This brief is based on experience gained from the Master’s Programme in Agroecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in particular, and on contributions from our partner programmes at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and Martyrs University in Uganda (UMU). The brief provides an overview of agroecology,...
Ethiopia - Uganda
2019 - Stockholm Environment Institute, Master’s Programme in Agroecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI)

Les batailles du consommer local en Afrique de l'Ouest

 En Afrique de l’Ouest, la forte croissance démographique et l’urbanisation rapide ont changé les caractéristiques démographiques de notre population : en 1961, 80 % des 70 millions d’ouest-africains étaient paysans ; en 2011, ils n’étaient plus que 56 % des 342 millions ; en 2050, ils pourraient n’être que 37...
2019 - CFSI

The Good Cocoyam Seed Initiative

Indigenous cocoyams in Burundi have the potential to increase food and nutrition security and contribute to improved livelihoods, but farmers’ capacity to meet the growing demand for them has been constrained by a lack of good quality seed and technical knowhow. The Good Seed Initiative targeted both seed and cocoyam...
2019 - ESAFF Burundi

Paysans et finance agricole au Niger

Ce film illustre une expérience pilote (2016-2018) de renforcement des compétences de 12 organisations paysannes du Niger en finance agricole afin d’améliorer leur accès au financement de leurs activités économiques.
2019 - SOS Faim luxembourg

Scaling Agroecology in the Sahel

Groundswell International and Cultivate! publish this new briefing on how to upscale and outscale agroecology in the Sahel in West Africa.  The briefing starts from an integrated approach, combining agroecology with women’s self-empowerment, nutrition, equity and governance. It outlines concrete steps in three general strategies for how civil society organisations can successfully support processes to scale up...
Burkina Faso - Mali - Senegal
2019 - Groundswell West Africa and Cultivate

Marché à bétail autogérés

Le Réseau Billital Maroobé (RBM) a engagé un travail de capitalisation des acquis des éleveurs en matière d’organisation des marchés à bétail en Afrique de l’Ouest. Cette vidéo met en avant des enseignements tirés des formes d’organisation des marchés à bétail dans les différents pays. Si de nombreux efforts sont...
2019 - Réseau Billital Maroobé (RBM)
Total results:3610