




No seeds, no future

For many generations subsistence farmers have successfully grown their own fruits and vegetables, and reared their own livestock. KwaHhohho in Mtubatuba, KwaZulu-Natal, has a rich history of these traditional farming practices. But these are under threat, and this small farming community is fighting to save their natural seeds and traditional...
South Africa
2014 - Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR)

Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics

Agriculture accounts for roughly 40% of the EU budget. It is the only policy almost entirely funded from the EU budget, where European spending is largely complementary to national spending. The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2014–20 demonstrates the central role of statistics and the need for a solid knowledge...
2014 - European Union

Rural reality check in Serbia

Serbia is still a mainly rural country. 65% of its national territory is in farmland, a further 30% in forestry. Of its 7.2 million people, 58% live in rural areas, and about two thirds of these rely wholly or partly on agriculture or forestry for their livelihood. These industries produce...
2014 - EU Agriculture and Rural development

Agriculture and livestock survey A1 farms 2012

This Report presents the results of the 2011-2012 Agriculture and Livestock Survey (ALS) in A1 Farms conducted by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency.
2014 - Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency

Kalna Dambrāni Farm

The farm Kalna Dambrāni is located in Viesīte County, Viesīte Rural municipality. Farm owners Iveta Tīrumniece and Ivars Tīrumnieks manage a total of 600 ha land and their main activity is dairy farming. The farmland is part of the basin of river Lielupe. The farm Kalna Dambrāni was established in...
2014 - Baltic Deal

CYPRUS - Common Agricultural Policy

During the next 7 years, the new CAP is going to invest more than EUR 485 million in Cyprus's farming sector and rural areas. Key political priorities have been defined at European level such as: jobs, sustainability, modernization, innovation and quality. In parallel, flexibility is given to Cyprus to adapt...
2014 - European Commission

El modelo de Agencia de Desarrollo Rural (ADR) del Proyecto Estratégico de Seguridad Alimentaria (PESA)

Esta presentación de Julio Rosette, de la Unidad Técnica Nacional del Proyecto Estratégico de Seguridad Alimentaria (PESA), explica el modelo de este proyecto, su cobertura y alcances.
2014 - Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT)

In the words of family farmers: Guatemala

In Guatemala, many women, like weaver Ana Maria Gonzalez, depend on off-farm income to survive.
2014 - International Fund for International Development (IFAD)

Community Garden in Dangarandove, Zimbabwe: Women making a difference (3' 35")

In a dry, thorny, remote village about 200 km south of Zimbabwe’s capital Harare, a group of women have transformed an abandoned piece of land into a flourishing community garden, growing enough fresh, nutritious vegetables to supply nearby towns and villages, while boosting the health and income of their own community.
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Land, territorial development and family farming in Angola

A holistic approach to community-based natural resource governance: The cases of Bie, Huambo, and Huila Provinces
This FAO paper from the Land and Water Division (NRL) aims to take account of the recent history of Angola in relation to its land tenure and natural resource management issues and the approaches that have evolved as a result of FAO’s continuous support and partnership with the government of...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)

Газетная статья
Constraints to women smallholder farmers’ efforts in ensuring food security at household level

A case of Msowero Ward of Morogoro region, Tanzania
Women smallholder farmers (WSFs) play great roles in ensuring food security at household level as a poverty reduction strategy, but they are faced with a number of constraints that deprive them from fulfilling their potential as farmers, food producer, provider and entrepreneur. In evaluating the constraints on WSFs toward ensuring...
United Republic of Tanzania

Estudio sobre alternativas de protección jurídico – normativa y de otra índole para semillas y prácticas tradicionales relacionadas con la agricultura, utilizadas y mantenidas por agricultoras y agricultores de nuestro país

Para el desarrollo de este estudio, se realizó un levantamiento de las normativas legales nacionales e internacionales vigentes en relación a la protección, conservación y uso de semillas y sus prácticas tradicionales y un análisis comparado de ambas normativas. Por otra parte, se presentan propuestas de alternativas de protección jurídica...
2014 - Oficina de Estudios y Políticas Agrarias (ODEPA)

Ksavera Stirbienė farm

The farm is located in Silutes district municipality, Galnės village wayside Šilutė – Vainutas, south-western part of Lithuania. During the farms territory the river Šyšale crosses and cultivable lands are bordering with Vainuto forest biosphere polygon, which is published as the protection of birds important area, so in the farm...
2014 - Baltic Deal

Livestock Systems and Farming Styles: Grassland Management, Landscape and Biodiversity, Veneto Region, Ne Italy

Traditional farming systems have been abandoned to the favor of intensified agricultural practices, due to environmental, structural, economic, and sociopolitical constraints. Consequently, mountain landscape and biodiversity were seriously affected. The aims of this PhD thesis were to study the widespread of the abandonment phenomenon, in particular in the Alpine area,...

EIP-AGRI Brochure Soil organic matter matters

Soil organic matter content is vital for a healthy and high-quality soil. This brochure highlights methods to improve soil organic matter content which can help ensure adequate soil functionality and soil fertility. It also offers a number of solutions for common soil challenges, which are especially critical in Mediterranean regions....
2014 - EIP-AGRI Network

Veterinary help for livestock herders brings relief to Angola

The European Union and FAO are working together to strengthen food security in Angola by boosting its veterinary services.
Food security and animal health in Angola, Africa’s second biggest oil exporter, remain  as some of the biggest challenges the country is facing. The Strengthening of Livestock Services in Angola (SANGA) project, led by FAO and co-funded by the European Union (EU) and the Institute of Veterinary Services (ISV) of...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

CFS 2014/41/4 Rev.1, Committee on World Food Security, The principles for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems, Forty-first Session, "Making a Difference in Food Security and Nutrition", Rome, Italy, 13-18 October 2014

The Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems were approved by the41st Session of CFS on October 15, 2014. The Principles address all types of investment in agriculture and food systems - public, private, large, small - and in the production and processing spheres. They provide a framework that...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Perspectives of Agricultural Cooperatives in Romania

Due to concentration or development strategies, in recent years, worldwide, farmers are faced with a fundamental strategic decisions, namely to choose how to act better, in conditions of uncertainty, to make farms viable, profitable, resistance to competition, with markets and efficiency in accessing financial funds. Alternatively, farmers realize different forms...

Nourrir les villes, défi de l'agricultureure familiale.

Des innovations locales et paysannes en Afrique de l'Ouest
La Fondation de France et le Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale (CFSI) ont lancé le programme Promotion de l’agriculture familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest (PAFAO) en 2009. Centré sur la question « Comment une agriculture familiale durable peut-elle nourrir les villes ? », il accompagne les productrices et les...
2014 - Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale (CFSI)

Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar: retrospectiva y prospectiva

El objetivo de este documento es hacer una restrospectiva del Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar en el contexto de la institucionalidad surgida para el sector en América Latina y el Caribe, revisando los logros alcanzados a partir del AIAF 2014.
2014 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA),
Total results:19118