




Is indigenous knowledge serving climate adaptation? Evidence from various African regions

Motivation Communities across the global south use their rich indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) to predict weather events and climate hazards. ILK may assist efforts to address climate change challenges in Africa and make subsequent decisions regarding climate adaptation. Purpose The article documents evidence of the ILK's potential in reducing vulnerability to climate...

World Bicycle Relief and Access Agriculture team up to support young changemakers in Uganda

Five teams of Entrepreneurs for Rural Access (ERA) in Uganda are all set to hit the road on their new Buffalo Bicycles carrying their smart projectors to promote videos on agroecology and organic farming in remote villages, thanks to an innovative partnership agreement between the World Bicycle Relief and Access...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Les experts planchent sur le contraste « agro-industrie versus agro écologie » pour l’avenir agricole du Sénégal

Quel avenir et quelles perspectives pour l’agriculture sénégalaise ? La 29ème édition des traditionnelles « Mardi du BAME » tenue ce mardi 16 avril 2024 à l’Institut sénégalais de recherches agricoles (ISRA) à Dakar a été l’occasion pour des experts  de se pencher sur des projections de l’agriculture sénégalaise d’ici à 2050. Répondre aux...

Access Agriculture Panorama - February 2024

Highlights:• New videos: Record-keeping for integrated farming / Tenue de registres pour l'agriculture intégrée• World Bicycle Relief and Access Agriculture team up to support young changemakers in Uganda• From family farm to family firm• Entrepreneurs for Rural Access (ERAs) at work in India• Editor's choice - How to sell ecological food
2024 - Access Agriculture

Le Sénégalais Mouhamadou Kebe utilise l’IA pour offrir aux paysans des informations en temps réel sur leurs cultures

Il met ses compétences en technologie au service des petits agriculteurs afin d’améliorer leur vie. L’impact de ses solutions lui a permis d’obtenir quelques prix et récompenses.  Mouhamadou Lamine Kebe est un entrepreneur sénégalais. En 2018, il a cofondé Tolbi, dont il est le président-directeur général. La start-up, qui veut...

Des étudiants révolutionnent l’agriculture en Ouganda grâce aux technologies et à l’entrepreneuriat

« La mécanisation est l’avenir de l’agriculture, et en tant qu’ingénieurs, nous sommes bien placés pour y contribuer », déclare Samuel Okoci, étudiant en dernière année de licence d’ingénierie électrique et électronique à l’Université des sciences et technologies de Mbarara (MUST) en Ouganda. Animés par une passion commune pour l’aide...
2024 - UNESCO

From Germany to Uganda: Stephan’s Mission to Elevate Robusta Coffee

At the heart of the Slow Food Coffee Coalition, there are individuals—coffee farmers, entrepreneurs, and coffee lovers—each with a remarkable and deeply intertwined story. Their connection goes beyond just signing the Manifesto and embracing the values of the Slow Food network; it’s fueled by a profound passion that fuels a...
2023 - Slow Food

How to manage fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) on smallholder farms

Fall armyworm (FAW), an agricultural pest native to the Americas, was first detected on the African continent in 2016 and has since spread across Africa and Asia. FAW feeds on over 350 plant species but prefers maize and other staples, and hence potentially threatens the incomes and food security of...
2023 - Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry CIFOR-ICRAF

Access Agriculture Panorama No. 32 - March 2023

This monthly e-newsletter gives a bird’s eye view of all the exciting updates from Access Agriculture, a world-leading organisation for quality agricultural training videos in international and local languages, working across the Global South.
2023 - Access Agriculture

Uncovering the intersection of women’s empowerment and gender equality for climate adaptive capacities in climate hotspots in Zambia

Women in agrifood systems in low- and middle-income countries are more likely than mento be adversely affected by climate change. They also have more limited climate-adaptivecapacities due to socioeconomic and cultural factors, such as restricted access to resources,information and technology, discriminatory gender norms, and limited decision-makingpower. This study examines the...
2023 - CGIAR

Food crisis looming in West and Central Africa

Partnerships need to be enhanced to prevent and treat acute malnutrition among children and promote climate-smart programmes that help to reduce the region's high vulnerability to climate shocks and the risk of natural resource depletion. Acute food insecurity is on track to reach a ten-year high in West and Central Africa...

Kinshasa Declaration on reconciling food production with biodiversity conservation and climate emergency in the Congo Basin

AFSA’s trailblazing The Congo Basin Convening, held from 29-31 August, was centered around the theme in “reconciling food production with biodiversity conservation and climate emergency”. This important convening culminated in the release of the Kinshasa Declaration on 31st August 2023. Gathering 230 participants from six countries and various sectors, the...
2023 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Employment in agrifood systems

Agrifood systems directly employ more than one billion people, and almost half the world’s population live in households linked to agrifood systems, a new study shows. Around 1.23 billion people were employed in the world’s agrifood systems in 2019, and more than three times that figure, or almost half the world’s...

Untapped Potential: An analysis of international public climate finance flows to sustainable agriculture and family farmers

Small-scale family farmers are the unsung heroes of the global food system. They produce over a third of the world’s food and are key to climate adaptation, yet new analysis reveals they receive just 0.3% of international climate finance. Climate change is hitting harvests and driving up food prices across the...
2023 - WRF

The African youth statement on the transition to agroecology for healthy and sustainable food systems

AFSA hosted the first African Youth Summit on Food Systems in Kenya on May 27-29, 2023, to offer a vibrant space for African youth to exchange perspectives on sustainable practices, delve into food system challenges, and deliberate on sound solutions. Youth representatives from 24 countries attended the Summit, which concluded...
2023 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Advancing organic agriculture in Africa: New training material published

The series utilises diverse formats to communicate the results from three projects implemented by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL in the tropics – SysCom, ProEcoAfrica and OFSA projects. This was possible within the framework of the GIZ project, KCOA (Knowledge Centre for Organic Africa). Organic agriculture and agroecological approaches...
2023 - The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)

Résilience au changement climatique en Afrique : L’appel à des politiques pertinentes de gestion durable des forêts

L’atelier a permis de générer des connaissances pertinentes sur les enjeux et défis du secteur forestier africain.Les forêts et les arbres hors forêts constituent, à travers les nombreux services écosystémiques qu’ils offrent, un soutien majeur à la résilience des populations et des écosystèmes face aux effets néfastes du changement climatique....
2023 - African Forest Forum (AFF)

Sommet régional sur le Bassin du Congo: Un appel à placer les communautés locales au centre des priorités

Le sommet régional sur le Bassin du Congo, organisé par l’Alliance pour la souveraineté alimentaire en Afrique (AFSA) et ses partenaires, sous le thème : « Réconcilier la production alimentaire avec la conservation de la biodiversité et l’urgence climatique dans le Bassin du Congo », a refermé ses portes le 31 août 2023,...

The smallholder farmers of Uganda

More than 70% of people in Uganda work in agriculture. The country has more than three and a half million family farms, and many of its smallholders are among the poorest people in the world. Ironically and tragically, they are also the people who most often suffer from hunger; 37.5% of the...
2023 - Resilience Food Stories

Apékira Gomgnimbou : l’agroécologiste éleveur de phacochères

Agroécologiste, apiculteur, éleveur d'animaux sauvages, Apékira Gomgnimbou est un défenseur bien connu de la cause du développement durable dans la province du Nahouri, région Centre-Sud. Portrait d'un paysan écologiste, éleveur de tortues et de phacochères, originaire de Pô et nostalgique de la Révolution d'août 1983. Gomgnimbou Apékira est une figure...
Burkina Faso
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