




Balance social 2022

Con el Balance Social de AGROSAVIA del año 2022 se completan seis ediciones consecutivas de este instrumento de análisis del impacto de la Corporación, que se constituye en un elemento clave para hacer seguimiento al cumplimiento de nuestro propósito superior institucional: “Transformar de manera sostenible el sector agropecuario colombiano con...
2023 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Consolidation of School Feeding Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean

The project Consolidation of School Feeding Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean is carried out by the Brazil-FAO International Cooperation Program, through the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC/MRE), the National Fund for the Development of Education (FNDE/MEC) and the FAO. The project has the participation and continuous support of countries that have requested technical cooperation actions,...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Foresight: European Chemical Pesticide-Free Agriculture in 2050

The impacts of chemical pesticides on the environment, including biodiversity, water, air and soil, and on human health, have become a major concern for civil society and consumers. They are also a major issue for the sustainability of agricultural systems. Recently, the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity European strategies set...
2023 - INRA

Why one of the oldest agricultural research centres in the world is researching silvopasture design

The Devon Silvopasture Network are undertaking a 12 year trial in which six farms and a research farm are being supported to design and implement the integration of trees into their livestock farms. The trial has a mixture of cluster planting, regular spacing and shelterbelts being planted. Little research has...
2023 - Innovative Farmers

Balance Social 2022 (video)

El Balance Social 2022, un elemento clave para hacer seguimiento al cumplimiento de nuestro propósito superior institucional: “Transformar de manera sostenible el sector agropecuario colombiano con el poder del conocimiento, para mejorar la vida de los productores y consumidores”.
2023 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Can innovations in agri-food systems deliver gender equity and resilience?

Agri-food systems constitute a huge proportion of global jobs and economies, but are failing to provide healthy diets, equitable livelihoods and sustainable practices. Women in rural areas are highly prominent in the sector and most vulnerable to climate impacts. Co-designing and bundling innovations could offer significant opportunities to achieve better outcomes....
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Agroforestry in England: policies, land ownership and a just transition

Right now, agroforestry makes up only 3% of the UK's land use. For a better climate, this needs to be scaled up. But first we need effective policies. To accomplish that, AGROMIX hosted a policy workshop in England this past January with farmers, policy makers and major landowners. Watch this...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2023 - AGROMIX Project

​Activity Book – Climate action

Maria's story
This edition of the Activity Book is designed for children aged 5 and above to be encouraged to play an active role in building a sustainable world. The book introduces the problem of climate change, focusing on the need to implement alternative solutions and projects so that communities are able...
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Boletín Agroclimático Regional: mesa técnica agroclimática de Arauca junio 2023

Mayo fue un mes de pocas precipitaciones (seco) en la zona oriental del departamento (parte de Arauca y Cravo Norte). En los municipios del piedemonte, por el contrario, (Tame, Fortul y Saravena) llovió un poco más de lo normal, razón por la cual se presentaron crecientes en algunos ríos. En...
2023 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Functionally diverse cover crops support ecological weed management in orchard cropping systems

Diverse agricultural management practices are critical for agroecosystem sustainability, and cover crops provide opportunity for varied management and increased biodiversity. Understanding how cover crops fill open ecological niches underneath the trees, interact with weeds, and potentially provide ecosystem services to decrease pest pressure is essential for ecological agricultural management. The...

Un mundo mejor para la población migrante en América Latina y el Caribe

Este libro es el resultado de una iniciativa de investigación conjunta del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) para mejorar las condiciones de bienestar de la población migrante en América Latina y el Caribe, y contribuir a facilitar su integración...
2023 - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)

Forests and Trees for Human Health: Pathways, Impacts, Challenges and Response Options

A Global Assessment Report
The United Nations estimates that less than half of the global population is covered by essential health services. Adding to the low rate of coverage, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused further healthcare disruptions that could reverse decades of improvements. Moreover, in recent years, there has been a surge in...
2023 - International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

Action to impact: IIED annual review 2022

Spiralling inequality was just one obstacle blocking action on climate, nature and development in 2022. Uneven COVID-19 recovery, rising sea levels, conflict, catastrophic flooding in Pakistan – every blow struck the least powerful communities hardest. Meanwhile, global summits offered uncertain spaces for change. But in this complex landscape, IIED can...
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

Trabajando juntos para las transiciones agroecológicas

Este informe está dirigido a los actores y organizaciones que buscan apoyar transiciones agroecológicas y facilitar transformaciones sociales necesarias para que la agroecología prospere. Este informe explica cómo las transiciones agroecológicas son procesos complejos de múltiples escalas que se desarrollan en las comunidades y territorios de los proveedores de alimentos,...
2023 - Programa CCRP

Hen's story: why are we researching silvopasture design?

The Devon Silvopasture Network are undertaking a 12 year trial in which six farms and a research farm are being supported to design and implement the integration of trees into their livestock farms. The trial has a mixture of cluster planting, regular spacing and shelterbelts being planted. Little research has...
2023 - Innovative Farmers

How to promote biodiversity in orchards: Flowering strips, hedges, anchor plants

Fruit grower Clemens Köster and consultant Bastian Benduhn (Öko-Obstbau Norddeutschland) present measures to increase biodiversity in organic orchards. 00:00 Introduction 00:22 Flowering strips 01:38 Hedges 02:27 Anchor plants
2023 - ÖON - Öko-Obstbau Norddeutschland https://www.oeon.de/

Boletín Agroclimático Regional: mesa técnica agroclimática de Casanare abril 2023

Abril terminó seco y es muy probable que la temporada de lluvias de inicio en la última semana de este mes (después del 25). En general, se esperan condiciones climáticas similares a las que año a año se presentan en el territorio durante mayo y junio. Esto quiere decir que...
2023 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Défis sud 140 – Biodiversité et dignité agricole

Avec le réchauffement climatique, le déclin de la biodiversité représente sans conteste l’un des plus grands enjeux environnementaux de notre époque. La mise en place d’aires protégées est de plus en plus plébiscitée. Mais est-elle réellement pertinente ?
2023 - https://www.humundi.org

Guidelines for African swine fever (ASF) prevention and control in smallholder pig farming in Asia

Monitoring and surveillance of African swine fever
Since its incursion to Asia and the Pacific region, African swine fever (ASF) has shown impacts on food security and economics as the virus is expanding towards more areas and countries in the region. As the disease continues to expand into new territories, preparedness and control activities need to be...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Agrobiodiversity — the way to save earth’s skin

Humans depend on a thin planetary ‘skin’ made up of life in all its diversity: biodiversity. Agriculture now covers the largest portion (46%) of the global land surface area; its ecological health and resilience in the face of changing climate is therefore critical to human survival. The biodiversity found within...
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development
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