




Fincas agroecológicas en el bosque seco de Honduras

Este trabajo se propone caracterizar la situación de un grupo de agricultores que utiliza prácticas agroecológicas como enfoque alternativo a la agricultura convencional. La idea de realizarlo surgió en la Asociación Nacional para el Fomento de la Agricultura Ecológica (ANAFAE), que se prepara para participar en un evento nacional, presentando...
2013 - Asociación Nacional para el Fomento de la Agricultura Ecológica (ANAFAE)

Bjarteyjarsandur Farm in Iceland

Bjarteyjarsandur Farm is northwest of Reykjavík in Hvalfjörður Iceland.  It is nestled on the north side of a mountainous fjord between acres of rolling hills and the mussel-filled coastline. María Reynisdóttir Kynningarstjóri, the Communications Manager at Icelandic Farm Holidays, suggested Bjarteyjarsandur as the perfect place to learn more about Icelandic farm...
2013 - Farm-Based education network

Alianzas público-privadas para el desarrollo de agronegocios – Informe de país: Colombia

Es ampliamente conocido que se necesitan altos niveles de inversión para impulsar el potencial de la agricultura para el desarrollo sostenible y la reducción de la pobreza en los países en desarrollo. No obstante, en las últimas décadas muchos países han reducido las asignaciones presupuestarias al sector agrícola, mientras que...
2013 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Mountain farming is family farming

A contribution from mountain areas to the International Year of Family Farming 2014
Mountain farming takes many forms – forms as diverse as the world’s mountain landscapes – yet largely remains family farming. These mountain farming activities have traditionally fedand supported individual households although, today, they have begun to expand increasingly toward global markets. Yet, mountain farmers still tend to be driven by...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Potentially Important Food Plants of Mozambique

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Theme overview - Ten qualities of family farming

Even in the International Year of Family Farming there is confusion about family farming. What is it, and what distinguishes it from entrepreneurial farming or family agribusiness? The confusion tends to be highest in places where the modernisation of agriculture has led society further away from farming. Jan Douwe van...
2013 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Alianzas público-privadas para el desarrollo de agronegocios – Informe de país: Ecuador

Es ampliamente conocido que se necesitan altos niveles de inversión para impulsar el potencial de la agricultura para el desarrollo sostenible y la reducción de la pobreza en los países en desarrollo. No obstante, en las últimas décadas muchos países han reducido las asignaciones presupuestarias al sector agrícola, mientras que...
2013 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Small-holdings and sustainable family farming in Galicia and Ireland. A comparative case study

This paper presents the results of an economic, social and cultural study relating to family farms in two cooperatives: Feiraco in Galicia, Spain and Drinagh, County Cork in Ireland. The research is focused mainly on the production and analysis of the results of a specialized survey that dealt with the...
Ireland - Spain
2013 - Norois

Rural development support

Rural development support from the European Union is governed by REGULATION (EU) No 1305/2013 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 17 December 2013on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005, which is implemented into...

The mother of our breath

In the westernmost region of the Caroline Islands of Micronesia lies the Republic of Palau. Palauan traditional farming shows how agriculture, family values and culture are interconnected. Despite these connections, family farms are facing challenges. By joining forces, the small-scale family farms of these islands are standing up for their...
2013 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Organic Farming and Agricultural Movements in Spain

In 2011 Spain was the number one EU Member State concerning the number of hectares dedicated to organic farming. It increased by 11.76% that year and now includes 1,845,039 hectares. Almost all Spanish regions show increases in the area dedicated to this type of farming. The number of organic farmers...

Social analysis for agriculture and rural investment projects

The course provides guidance on how to introduce social analysis into investment programmes and projects. In particular, it describes how to use social analysis in the project cycle, the sustainable livelihoods framework, the main entry points for conducting social analysis, and how to integrate the findings into the project design....
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Typology and indicators to characterize agricultural holdings for improved policy formulation

Overview of typologies of agricultural holdings in different geographical areas and focus
The current report constitutes an extended version of the literature review which notably built the Chapter 2 of the main WAW report “Typology and Indicators to Characterize Agricultural Holdings for Improved Policy Formulation” (available on the WAW Website). The purpose of the latter is to present an overview of the...
2013 - World Agriculture Watch (WAW)

Brussels and Wallonia: Green pioneer projects in sustainable food systems

As a major European capital, Brussels may not be the first place one would think of when discussing sustainable food systems. However, it is full of crucial actors of the transition: consumers. In the face of an increasing discrepancy between the supply of sustainable food products and demand (e.g. demand...

Desarrollo tecnológico y agricultura familiar

Una mirada desde la investigación acción participativa
El interés de abordar esta temática desde el enfoque de la Investigación Acción Participativa surge a partir del relevamiento de demandas y necesidades de los agricultores familiares, realizado en el año 2006 por los IPAF de las regiones NOA, NEA y Pampeana. A través de dicho relevamiento, se pudo visualizar...
2013 - Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Pequeña Agricultura Familiar (CIPAF)

Essai de typologie des exploitations agricoles axée sur le financement de la production agricole au Bénin

Le présent article s’est intéressé à analyser la dynamique du financement de la production agricole en lien avec le type d’exploitation agricole. Cet essai de typologie est fait à l’aide d’une méhode statistique basé sur l’analyse multi-variée et spécifiquement une analyse en composantes principales (ACP). Cette analyse a été appliquée...

Finland, land of developing agriculture

Urbanisation is a global phenomenon that has long affected Finland. People are moving to towns and cities with an ever diminishing number working in agriculture. In Finland in the 1940s, agriculture employed about half the work force, today it employs fewer than 4%. At the same time the number of...

Kunisaki Peninsula Usa Integrated Forestry, Agriculture and Fisheries System

The proposed GIAHS in the Kunisaki Peninsula Usa area is a system where forestry and agricultural production are made possible and are sustain by the connected system of Sawtooth Oak forests and multiple interlinked irrigation ponds.
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Previsiones legales para el acceso a tierras de parte del campesinado y los indígenas

El presente material es un breve compendio de las leyes y normativas vigentes, que regulan el acceso a la tierra por parte de la población, con particular detalle en el caso de los campesinos y campesinas. En el caso de las comunidades indígenas, se hará una breve mención a la...
2013 - Movimiento regional por la tierra

Changing Agrarian Labour Relations after Land Reform in Zimbabwe

The agrarian labour relations generated after the ‘Fast Track’ Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) tend to be neglected in most literature after 2000. This neglect largely resulted from the dismissal of the redistributive nature of the FTLRP and changing patterns of agricultural production by some studies (see Marongwe 2009; Masiiwa and...
2013 - Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
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