




Greening the Economy with Agriculture

This document has been prepared with the generous support of the Federal Office for Agriculture of Switzerland. The document includes a series of four working papers seeking to support discussions on the green economy of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) process. The draft papers were presented and...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

European Orchard in the North of Moldova

Although he comes from a family of teachers, and graduated from a pedagogical department, he focused on another field. Like many other Moldovans, he worked for some years abroad. When he returned home, he decided it was time for him to build his future in his own country, closer to...
Republic of Moldova

Газетная статья
El marco institucional de la agricultura familiar en Costa Rica

El propósito de este estudio del universo es responder a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Quiénes son, cuántos y dónde se localizan los agricultores familiares que serán perjudicados y beneficiados por la apertura comercial y por las políticas públicas en el sector?, ¿cuáles son los potenciales impactos que se esperan de la...
Costa Rica
2012 - Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA)

Manejo de enfermedades y plagas en el cultivo de maracuyá amarillo (Passiflora edulis) fo. Flavica O. Deg en el norte del Valle del Cauca

Ola Invernal. Tecnologías para recuperar el sector agropecuario
En el norte del Valle del Cauca el cultivo de maracuyá amarillo ha presentado diferentes problemas fitosanitarios; algunos de estos continúan vigentes después de la temporada de lluvias excesivas que generó el Fenómeno de La Niña y que afectó el suroccidente colombiano durante el segundo semestre de 2010 y primer...
2012 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Inclusión de la agricultura familiar en cadenas de valor

Proyecto Paraguay Inclusivo, informe de diseño del proyecto
El Proyecto “Inclusión de la Agricultura Familiar en Cadenas de Valor” tiene como objetivo: “contribuir a incrementar los activos, los ingresos y calidad de vida de los agricultores familiares campesinos pobres y población rural pobre, mediante su inserción en forma sostenible, y a través de sus organizaciones sociales representativas, en...
2012 - Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería Paraguay

Prosperity was Born in the Country

The one who works with dedication can achieve obvious and valuable results in Moldova as well. The entrepreneur Svetlana Dodon strongly believes in it. She has developed her small family business into a prosperous, promising business. She decided to grow strawberries, because strawberries are always in great demand. And she...
Republic of Moldova

Conservation agriculture: opportunities for intensified farming and environmental conservation in dry areas

A synthesis of research and trials with smallholder farmers in drylands systems; benefits and constraints to adoption. Farmer experiences and potential for uptake in Iraq, Syria, Morocco and Tunisia.
This report presents examples, approaches and evidence on conservation agriculture and its potential for use in low-income countries. It is designed to help policy makers and development partners appreciate the issues and evaluate how conservation agriculture can contribute to rural development and food security goals, paving the way for its...
Australia - Iraq - Morocco - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia
2012 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Consumption and perception of processed fruits in the Western Balkan region

The aim of the study was to gain a better understanding of the consumption and perception of processed fruits in Western Balkan countries in order to support consumer-oriented product development. In-depth interviews (n ¼ 183) were used to explore the consumption of processed fruits, the motives to consume such fruits...
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatia - Montenegro - Serbia - Slovenia - North Macedonia

WFP and GIZ’s integrated approach helps farmers in Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, WFP and the German Government’s development agency, GIZ, are working together to improve the food security of vulnerable people in rural Manicaland. Since 2009, not only has WFP managed the logistics and warehousing of GIZ’s largest agricultural project in Zimbabwe, but recently the project has also adopted WFP’s...
2012 - World Food Programme (WFP)

Sistemas Ingeniosos del Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM). La Agricultura de Chiloé

En este segundo Boletín informativo se seguirá comunicando acerca de activididades y logros del proyecto SIPAM, con la intención de que cada vez más actores del territorio puedan conocer y participar de esta iniciativa.
2012 - Universidad Austral de Chile

Cooperatives in small-scale fisheries

Enabling successes through community empowerment
Cooperatives in the small-scale fisheries sector are a way of maximizing long-term community benefits to deal with the threats of fisheries mismanagement, livelihood insecurity and poverty – harsh realities for many of the world’s small-scale fishers. Communities with successful community-based organizations are better off than those without (Ostrom, 1990). Successful...
Brazil - Mexico
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

实 践
​L’élevage en agriculture biologique

L’intégration de l’élevage dans les exploitations agricoles est l’un des principes de l’agriculture biologique. Dans les zones tempérées et arides, l'élevage des animaux joue un rôle important dans le recyclage des nutriments, alors qu'il est moins souligné dans les tropiques humides. Les soins, la formation et l'alimention des animaux sont...
2012 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Conservation Agriculture With Trees (CAWT) project

Scaling-up the science and practice of conservation agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa
Supported by Sida, the World Agroforestry centre (ICRAF) and the African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT) launched the Conservation Agriculture with Trees (CAWT) pilot project in Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia. The countries were selected as among those in Africa where there was strong evidence of CA up-scaling taking place. The...
Ghana - Kenya - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2012 - African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT)

Patrimonio alimentario de Chile: productos y preparaciones de la Región de Arica y Parinacota

La Región de Arica y Parinacota, concentra la mayor riqueza de recursos genéticos agrícolas del país; de 33 productos de nuestro patrimonio agrícola, 29 están presentes en esta región. Estos productos y la gastronomía en base de ellos son un patrimonio ancestral de las comunidades costeras, de agricultores y pobladores...
2012 - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA)

Patrimonio alimentario de Chile : productos y preparaciones de la Región de Valparaíso

El compendio que presentamos de productos patrimoniales de la Región de Valparaíso constituye el primer esfuerzo, en el país, por comenzar a elaborar un registro del acervo de los llamados "productos de la tierra y el mar". Un registro fundamental para cualquier iniciativa que se emprenda en relación a posicionar...
2012 - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA)

La Canasta

La Canasta es una alternativa novedosa de consumo consciente, responsable y solidario que ofrece un mercado de alimentos frescos, locales y con precios justos, para todas las partes involucradas. Nuestra red apoya procesos agroecológicos de pequeños productores y productoras campesinos; ofrece información sobre los procesos y productos, y permite la participación e interacción de todas las...
2012 - La Canasta

Proyecto de agroforestería para la biodiversidad y servicios ecosistémicos (Proyecto ABES)

Para pequeños agricultores que dependen de agricultura de subsistencia de maíz y frijol, la degradación de los suelos y la consecuente inseguridad de alimentos es un gran problema. Trabajos realizados en Honduras y Nicaragua han demostrado que la agroforestería basada en “poda y cobertura” puede mejorar significativamente el bienestar rural y...
El Salvador
2012 - Programa Salvadoreño de Investigación sobre Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente (PRISMA)

Strategic interventions for Family Poultry– What can be achieved through Research & Development activities. Proceedings of an e-conference held 28 May-15 June 2012

Proceedings of the International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD) e-conference “Strategic interventions for family poultry: What can be achieved through research & development activities” held from 28 May-15 June 2012
2012 - International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD)

Challenges and opportunities: Smallholders and school feeding

Procurement governance for home grown school feeding project
Because developing good programs requires good data, SNV has conducted research to further explore the linkages between smallholder farmers (SHF) and government-led school feeding programs. This report takes a closer look at these linkages in several parts of three countries in Sub-Saharan Africa where SNV is implementing pilots for the...
Ghana - Kenya - Mali
2012 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

实 践
African leafy vegetables for urban supply and sustainable diets

Local leafy vegetables have long been an important part of people's diets in Africa - nutritious, affordable and adapted to local growing conditions and cultural traditions. They are cheap, readily affordable and rich in different micro-nutrients and are therefore crucial for the food and nutrition security of poor families in...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:19095