




Improving the resilience of family farmers to climate change

FAO, IFAD and national governments are supporting family farmers from West and Central Africa to adapt small-scale irrigation systems to climate change to be more resilient. A survey was carried out among 691 households in 21 sites in this region, to assess how farmers are coping with climate change. Watch...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Towards stronger EU-Africa cooperation

With a population expected to double by 2050 from 1.2 billion to around 2.5 billion predominantly young people, the African continent will need to foster job creation and economic growth through sustainable development. The agricultural sector can play a key role in this, having the capacity to provide jobs and growth...
2018 - European Commission

Agricultural services and digital inclusion in Africa

On the occasion of the conference "Youth employment in agriculture as a solid solution to ending hunger and poverty in Africa" (Kigali, Rwanda, 20−21 August 2018), FAO showcased a digital service portfolio, consisting of 10 innovation projects. This factsheet presents four new apps bring agricultural services closer to farmers, providing...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Knowledge politics in participatory climate change adaptation research on agroecology in Malawi

Climate change is projected to have severe implications for smallholder agriculture in Africa, with increased temperatures, increased drought and flooding occurrence, and increased rainfall variability. Given these projections, there is a need to identify effective strategies to help rural communities adapt to climatic risks. Yet, relatively little research has examined...
2018 - Cambridge University Press

Forest and Farm Facility: Kenya factsheet

The factsheet gives some highlights of the impact of FFF support in Kenya, as well as some achievements by the numbers, and some lessons learnt. Summary of the impact in Kenya: •46 percent to 65 percent jump in average incomes for hundreds of thousands of forest and farm producers through strengthened Forest and Farm...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Country factsheet on small family farms: Ethiopia

The Smallholder Farmers’ Data portrait is a comprehensive, systematic and standardized data set on the profile of smallholder farmers across the world. This Factsheet generates an overview on how small family farmers in Ethiopia live their lives by using the Data Portrait, putting an emphasis on the constraints they face, the...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

More market power for Kenya's farmers

Boosting Kenyan farmers’ income and production through farmers’ groups and collective marketing
More and more farmers in some of the poorest areas of southern and central Kenya are working their land and selling their produce as a group, based on agreements with buyers. This way of farming gives poor farmers more negotiating and market power, and helps them better plan what and...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Promoting decent rural youth employment in agriculture

This video describes the Integrated Country Approach, an FAO’s youth project in Uganda which provides strategic technical support to the government of Uganda in developing youth inclusive National Policies and Strategies for Youth Employment in Agriculture. The project also supports evidence generation, dialogues and training. Through capacity building, the ability...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Газетная статья
Securing Sahelian pastoralism by using a remunerated workforce for livestock keeping activities: the ambivalence of commodification

Sahelian pastoralists use mobility, diversification, and even pluriactivity as main adaptation strategies to the asymmetrical distribution of multifaceted resources. Complex relations vis-à-vis this risky environment hide slowing transitions from a traditional inward-looking to an outward-looking economy, which is characterised by increasing use of a remunerated workforce. The growing commodification of...

Agriculture support services in Malawi

Direct effects, complementarities, and time dynamics
Using a randomized controlled trial, we examine the impacts of cash and input transfers, and a cross-randomized program of intensive agricultural extension over two years. We find large effects on the total value of agricultural production from the transfers (both cash and inputs) in both years. Gains to production are...
2018 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

The impact of a farmer business school program on incomes of smallholder farmers

Insights from central Malawi
Various models and approaches are being implemented to provide technical assistance and support to improve smallholder farmers’ incomes and welfare in Malawi. This study evaluates the impact of farmer business schools (FBS) on crop incomes of smallholder farmers in Dedza district in central Malawi. The FBS approach, which has been...
2018 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Leaving no one behind: Empowering Africa's rural women for Zero Hunger and shared prosperity

This brochure presents the key findings and recommendations of the study entitled “the Regional Outlook on Gender and Agri-food Systems,” which was jointly conducted by the FAO and the African Union Commission. The brochure describes gender gaps in (i) access to and control over productive resources and opportunities, (ii) influence...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Influence of nutrition-sensitive interventions on dietary profiles of smallholder farming households in East and Southern Africa

This paper aims to explore the influence of nutrition-sensitive interventions on dietary profiles of the beneficiaries of IFAD-funded projects. Drawing on a desk review of 37 IFAD funded projects in the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region, the study used a cross sectional survey data from a purposive sample from selected...
2018 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

The real seed producers

Small-scale farmers save, use, share and enhance the seed diversity of the crops that feed Africa
This report unpacks and explores farmer-managed seed systems and their contribution to food and seed sovereignty, including the benefits they provide to farming communities as a part of their sociocultural, economic, spiritual and ecological livelihoods. The report highlights, exposes and explores how these systems work. It builds on reports of...
Ethiopia - Mali - Senegal - Uganda - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2018 - AFSA

Country factsheet on small family farms: UGANDA

The Smallholder Farmers’ Data portrait is a comprehensive, systematic and standardized data set on the profile of smallholder farmers across the world. This Factsheet generates an overview on how small family farmers in Uganda live their lives by using the Data Portrait, putting an emphasis on the constraints they face, the...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Country factsheet on small family farms: TANZANIA

The Smallholder Farmers’ Data portrait is a comprehensive, systematic and standardized data set on the profile of smallholder farmers across the world. This Factsheet generates an overview on how small family farmers in Tanzania live their lives by using the Data Portrait, putting an emphasis on the constraints they face, the...
United Republic of Tanzania
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Agroecology Case Studies

This website from the Oakland Insitute collects thirty-three case studies on the success of agroecological agriculture in Africa. They demonstrate with facts and figures how an agricultural transformation respectful of the farmers and their environment can yield economic, social and food securit benefits while also fighting climate change and restoring soils...
2018 - Oakland Institute

Eastern Africa Peer Review Mechanism on ending hunger in the Horn of Africa

A factsheet outlining the rationale for an effective approach to ensure that the fragmented implementation and institutionalization of Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) policies are coordinated in a harmonious way in East Africa. For this purpose, an Eastern Africa Peer Review Mechanism (EAPRM) is proposed at national and regional levels...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Mechanized: Transforming Africa’s agriculture value chains

The current report—Mechanized: Transforming Africa’s Agriculture Value Chains—summarizes the findings of a systematic analysis of what countries at the forefront of progress in mechanization have done right. It analyzes which policy decisions were taken and which interventions were implemented to substantially increase the uptake of mechanization. The report takes a...
2018 - The Malabo Montpellier Panel

Pastoralism in Africa’s drylands

Reducing risks, addressing vulnerability and enhancing resilience
Pastoral livestock production is crucial to the livelihoods and the economy of Africa’s semi-arid regions. It developed 7,000 years ago in response to long-term climate change. It spread throughout Northern Africa as an adaptation to the rapidly changing and increasingly unpredictable arid climate. It is practised in an area representing...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
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