




Газетная статья
Transforming food systems towards agroecology – a critical analysis of agroforestry and mixed farming policy in 19 European countries

Agroforestry (AF) and mixed farming (MF) are two multifunctional land use systems that harbor an untapped potential for future climate mitigation, however, they remain outside of the norm. This review collected and analyzed the policy landscape for AF and MF in 19 European countries. The results show that while the...
European Union
2023 - Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems

From nature-negative to nature-positive production

A conceptual and practical framework for agriculture based on thermodynamics
Following the 2021 United Nations Food System Summit call for implementing nature-positive production, this document provides an overview on the conceptual, theoretical and operational aspects of nature-positive production agriculture. The concept of nature-positive production revolves around the possible synergies between ecosystem restoration and food/biomass production and among biodiversity, nature and agriculture....
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Geodata and technologies for a greener agriculture in Europe

The Geodata and Technologies for the Common Agricultural Policy (GTCAP) team at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) has devoted the last quarter-century developing the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) control mechanisms and assisting with the implementation of compatible innovative technologies for the CAP. In recent years GTCAP’s research and development work...
European Union
2023 - Joint Research Centre (European Commission)

Seeds of Europe

Summer 2023. 2 young filmmakers travelled through Europe visiting seed producers at their workplaces and experiencing first-hand how important it is to preserve this diversity in Europe. The short documentary gives a voice to these small-scale seed producers and seed savers from across Europe, with beautiful footage shot in Ireland,...
2023 - Seeds of Europe

EU support to the livestock sector State of play 2021

As part of its communication material, the European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA) relies on State of Play booklets, which provide a thematic focus on programmes and interventions related to Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) implemented by INTPA F.3. Their purpose is to inform a wider...
European Union
2023 - Directorate-General for International Partnerships (European Commission)

Islands of Reslience Part 2: Land Planning and Biodiversity

German Naturparks and French Parcs Naturels Régionaux (PNR) are project breeding grounds where eco-friendly agriculture, outdoor tourism, and recreational activities can coexist, as we explored in part 1. In this second part, we will discuss the more successful trajectory of certain French PNRs, which, along with some German nature parks,...
2023 - ARC2020

Analysis and synthesis of priority actions for the transition towards sustainable food systems in developing countries . Volume 1

This technical report presents the key policy measures for the transition towards sustainable food systems in 17 developing countries. For each country, the analysis is based on the integrative review of the National Pathways (elaborated in the frame of the United Nations Food Systems Summit - UNFSS) and the Food...
European Union
2023 - Joint Research Centre (European Commission)

EU international partnerships in agri-food systems 2014-2020

This report presents an overview of the European Union’s (EU) international cooperation in the areas of food security, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture during the 2014-2020 Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF). It provides an illustrative insight into over 3,000 EU actions across the globe.
European Union
2023 - Directorate-General for International Partnerships (European Commission)

EU Commission response to European Citizens' Initiative “Save bees and farmers!”

The interlinked crises of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss threaten Europe’s agriculture and long-term food security. No pollinators means no life on the planet. Losing insect pollinators would destabilise the functioning of ecosystems. Since the start of the ECI in 2019, the Commission has taken ambitious actions under the...
European Union
2023 - Directorate-General for Environment (European Commission)

Drought in Europe March 2023 : GDO analytical report

Most of southern and western Europe is affected by substantial anomalies of soil moisture and river flow due to an exceptionally dry and warm winter. The snow water equivalent in the Alps is far below the historical average, and is even lower than that for the 2021-2022 winter. This will...
European Union
2023 - Joint Research Centre (European Commission)

Knowledge hub for water Scientific knowledge, data and web tools supporting EU water policy

Water policy and management needs to take into account and integrate different water uses and the protection of water resources and aquatic ecosystems. Better policy is based on best scientific and technical knowledge. The availability of scientific knowledge is key to integrate environmental, agricultural and other sectoral policy objectives, as...
European Union
2023 - Joint Research Centre (European Commission)

EU rules on producing and labelling organic products (from 2022)

It aims to revise and strengthen the European Union’s (EU) rules on organic production and the labelling of organic products in relation to: the control system; the trade regime; production rules. In this way, it aims to: create a level playing field for operators; harmonise and simplify rules; improve consumer confidence in organic products and in the EU’s organic logo. It repeals and...
European Union
2023 - Publications Office of the European Union

Entrepreneurship in rural areas under RDP 2014-2020

The Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development undertakes activities aimed at the development of entrepreneurship (e.g. improving qualifications and access to the labour market, financial support) under the Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020 (RDP 2014-2020).
European Union
2023 - EU CAP

Rural Inspiration Awards 2022

The theme of RIA 2022 was ‘The Future is Youth’, inspired jointly by 2022 being the European Year of Youth, the long-term vision for rural areas, and the Rural Pact, developed by the European Commission. RIA 2022 sought to promote the importance of European youth to build a better future...
European Union

Газетная статья
The human being at the heart of agroecological transitions: insights from cognitive mapping of actors’ vision of change in Roquefort area

Agroecological transitions aim at developing sustainable farming and food systems, adapted to local contexts. Such transitions require the engagement of local actors and the consideration of their knowledge and reasoning as a whole, which encompasses different natures of knowledge (empirical, scientific, local, generic), related to different dimensions (economic, environmental, technical,...
2023 - Agriculture and Human Values

Highlights from "Advocacy in Eastern Europe for Sustainable Food Systems"​

Does Eastern Europe have a specific dynamic regarding the development of LSPA (Local Solidarity Partnerships for Agroecology)? Together, let’s find different methods and models to build a more sustainable food system. The module is designed for consumers and producers interested in finding out more information about CSA in Hungary and Romania. It may also...
2023 - ASAT, Romania, Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete TVE, Hungary URGENCI, ICLEI

Madagascar signs new ‘sustainable’ tuna deal with the EU

Foreign tuna fishing companies, mostly from Asia, have been exploiting Madagascar’s waters since the 1950s. The bloc that is now the European Union joined the hunt in 1986 and didn’t stop for decades, renewing its deal with Madagascar every few years. Yet when the last Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA), as...
European Union - Madagascar

Soil case studies : land degradation index

This report presents an overview of how data collected under the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy and in particular due to the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) (Sagris et al., 2013). This system can contribute to a better detection of LD drivers. LD is an umbrella term considering soil threats...
European Union
2023 - Joint Research Centre (European Commission)

Agricultural & Rural Convention ARC2020 Newsletter Summer 2023

Agricultural & Rural Convention ARC2020 Newsletter Summer 2023. This summer, find the time to visit a farm, to chat with farmers, to break bread together. And if you are a farmer reading this, and you can find the time  - reach out to people driven by environmental campaigning passion. Bring them to...
European Union
2023 - Agricultural & Rural Convention ARC2020

Letter From The Farm | The More-Than-Human Magic of Transhumance

The transhumance is a privileged moment between shepherd and animal, an experience like no other. Both parties know what is expected of them, coming together as a team, walking towards a common goal in symbiosis. Photo © Claire Jeannerat    
2023 - ARC2020
Total results:2291