




实 践
Groundnuts production training manual

Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), also known as peanut, is cultivated in the semiarid tropical and subtropical regions of nearly 100 countries in six continents between 40° N and S of the equator. In Southern and Eastern Africa, peanut is grown at an altitude of over 1500 m, with a rainfall...
2020 - Caritas Switzerland, Advance Afri-ka, Agency for Accelerated Regional Development, and Gulu Women Economic De-velopment and Globalization

Empowering the Youth in the Philippines to Take Centre Stage in Organic Agriculture

Despite Jason’s father, Victoriano I. Tagupa, being involved in organic farming for 30 years at the time, he never imposed his beliefs on Jason, or influenced his career decisions. That is why he was supportive of Jason when he did not choose to work on the farm but instead in...
2020 - Ifoam Organics International

Increasing production of local chickens

Local chickens often produce few chicks because of various reasons. To improve both eggs and chick production, there are some simple measures you can take. By producing more local, healthy chickens, you can better feed your family and make some money.
2020 - Access Agrirulture

实 践
Irish potatoes production training manual

Potato originated in the highlands of South America before Spanish explorers brought the plant to Europe in the late 16th century. Around the turn of the 20th century the plant arrived in Africa where potato has grown in importance over the last years (Biovision). Uganda is the 3rd largest producer...
2020 - Caritas Switzerland, Advance Afrika, Agency for Accelerated Regional Development, and Gulu Women Economic Development and Globalization

Conceptos básicos acerca de los incendios en entornos naturales. Una necesidad para conocer, comprender, planificar y actuar.

Este artículo intenta reflejar el conocimiento construido, a través de investigaciones, acerca de las causas, producción y tratamiento de incendios forestales. En la actualidad estos incendios se suceden en diferentes partes del mundo y, especialmente en Argentina existen ejemplos suficientes y contundentes sobre la ocurrencia de los mismos. Estos incendios...
2020 - Universidad Nacional de Rosario/ Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias


semeando autonomia
Baseado nos saberes e nas trocas de experiências e convivências dentro do contexto rural da Cooperativa dos Agricultores Familiares de Poço Fundo e Região foi apontada pelas Mulheres Organizadas Em Busca de Igualdade (MOBI) a demanda de produção de alimentos para consumo próprio. Além da própria demanda do grupo enquanto...
2020 - Cooperativa dos Agricultores Familiares de Poço Fundo e Região (COOPFAM )

实 践
Local poultry programmed hatching management trainer’s guide

The main target group is para-veterinarians involved in the development of small poultry farm at village level. The intention is that the paravets will extract from the manual the materials they need for training.

Deciphering the Biodiversity–Production Mutualism in the Global Food Security Debate

Increasing demands for agricultural commodities are resulting in more intensely managed landscapes. This is at odds with biodiversity conservation and largely ignores farmland biodiversity’s supporting function for high and stable yields. An overhaul of agroeconomic models to account for the biodiversity-production mutualism is urgently needed to answer a question of utmost...

El boom de ventas de los bolsones de frutas y verduras durante la cuarentena

Crecen los pedidos a las cooperativas agroecológicas
Los pedidos a los productores de la economía popular aumentaron entre el 40 y el 80 por ciento, dependiendo de la organización. El caso de Mercado Territorial, una comercializadora que creció aliada a la Universidad de Quilmes, con una consigna que hoy cobra un valor extra: que la construcción de...
2020 - Pagina 12

Trying it yourself

Helping to write a script for a farmer training video on vermiwash triggered my interest in trying it out myself, as I began to wonder if ideas from tropical India could work in temperate Belgium.  
2020 - Agroinsight

Learning to teach

A really good teacher will teach you both subject matter and how to explain it to others. Elías Sánchez mentored thousands of Central Americans in organic agriculture. He started his adult life as a rural schoolteacher because he wanted to help people. But he soon realized that rural people needed...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - Agroinsight

Custodians of Life: Reviving Culture and Nature in Uganda’s Great Lakes

This is a story of hope and decolonisation in a time of crises. The Indigenous Bagungu People of western Uganda have lived along the shores of Itaka Mwitanzige (Lake Albert) since time immemorial. But for over a century, colonialism and globalisation have damaged and repressed both the Bagungu's traditional, Earth-centred culture and...
2020 - The Gaia Foundation

Eating bricks

In Belgium we have an expression: “all Belgians are born with a brick in their stomach”, meaning that all citizens aspire to build their own house someday. But when bricks are literally eaten, something has gone seriously wrong.  
2020 - Agroinsight

实 践
Agroecological guide for onion production

Onion is a biennial vegetable grown in temperate regions as an annual crop. Onions are especially suitable for smallholder farming in many countries because they require a small amount of initial capital. Onions require a small piece of land and they take a relatively short time to mature. Onions can...
2020 - Caritas Switzerland, Advance Afrika, Agency for Accelerated Regional Development, and Gulu Women Economic Development and Globalization

Food Policy Forum for Change

Join an interactive network of policy makers interested in making our food systems sustainable in the face of current global challenges. Through this network you will have the opportunity to meet, learn and get inspired by other policy makers via peer-to-peer exchanges. Share your experiences, get to know the evidence...
2020 - Biovision

Housing for pigs

Farmers in Uganda started taking care of pigs in their sties because of problems with the pigs that were free roaming. Farmers would not know where the pigs had gone and what they had eaten or whether they had contracted any disease.
2020 - Access Agriculture

Газетная статья
Home gardens’ agrobiodiversity and owners’ knowledge of their ecological, economic and socio-cultural multifunctionality: a case study in the lowlands of Tabasco, México

Home gardens (HGs) are hotspots of in situ agrobiodiversity conservation. We conducted a case study in Tabasco, México, on HG owners’ knowledge of HG ecological, economical and socio-cultural multifunctionality and how it relates to agrobiodiversity as measured by species richness and diversity. The term multifunctionality knowledge refers to owners’ knowledge...
2020 - Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine

Proper handling of baobab fruits at harvest

Baobab fruit juice made from the pulp is very healthy, and can be added to porridge and sauces. However, the quality of the pulp can be greatly affected if fruits are not handled well during and after harvest. When baobab pods are damaged and have splits in the shell, moisture...
2020 - Access Agriculture

As the food supply chain breaks down, farm-to-door Community Supported agriculture (CSA) take off

During the Coronavirus crisis, it has become clear how fragile and vulnerable agro-industrial supply chains can be. However, a movement known as "Community Supported Agriculture" (CSA) is at its peak, a model of local marketing providing healthy and nutritious products from the field to the kitchen. Members buy a share...
United States of America

Sustainable and resilient farming: Inspiration from agroecology

European farmers are faced with increasing challenges, including the effects of climate change. Agro-ecological approaches can help them to develop more sustainable and resilient farming systems that combine stable yields with enhanced biodiversity and ecosystem services. Agro-ecological approaches are inspired by natural ecosystems. They focus on the interactions between plants,...
European Union
2020 - EIP-AGRI
Total results:3980