




Opinion: 5 demands for more climate-resilient food systems in 2023

The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), a group made up of over 200 million farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk, Indigenous peoples, and women's and youth movements, is calling for a wide-scale shift to agroecology in order to build a resilient food system on the continent. AFSA's Program Coordinator, Bridget Mugambe,...
2023 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Газетная статья
Why and how do farmers’ organizations get involved in the promotion of agroecological techniques? Insights from Burkina Faso

Agroecological techniques (AET) have been recognized by many farmers, NGOs, and farmers’ organizations (FOs) as a promising solution for slowing down the persistent soil fertility degradation in West African drylands. In the context of Burkina, the promotion of AET is the result of the interactions between NGOs and farmers’ knowledge...
Burkina Faso

One Million Voices of Agroecology

Discover and share valuable resources and knowledge, find agroecological practices near you and connect with a like-minded community. Create a profile, explore, be found.
2023 - One Million Voices of Agroecology

Sustainable bioenergy potential from crop, livestock and woody residues in Rwanda: An integrated bioenergy and food security approach

Access to sustainable energy is essential for development, poverty reduction and food security. Rwanda, like many other developing countries, is working on identifying sustainable energy solutions to ensure access to energy. Bioenergy is one possible form of renewable energy that countries are looking at to supply part of their energy...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Building subnational capacities in animal health to deliver frontline cross-sectoral health services in Kenya

Operationalizing effective subnational veterinary services as major contributor to disease surveillance, reporting, diagnoses and One Health requires resources and mindset change. Here we describe workforce capacity building in animal health in Kenya and an approach that can be used to skill-up this workforce to respond beyond animal health challenges to...
2023 - Frontiers in Veterinary Science

Moving towards stronger and healthier shrimp fishery in Cameroon

Efforts to keep shrimp catches in Cameroon at current levels while strengthening the shrimp fishery were in the spotlight today at the handover of a report by the global fish value chain development program FISH4ACP that is helping the country to make its shrimp sector stronger and to lessen its...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Ingénierie de la formation agricole et rurale

Ce mémoire réalisé dans le cadre du master MIFAR cherchait à comprendre ce que font les jeunes formés quand ils s’installent, comment ils s’installent (en développant quelles activités, avec quels moyens, quels appuis, quels parcours), quels résultats ils obtiennent, quelles difficultés ils rencontrent ? Une étude qualitative a été menée...
2023 - Réseau International Formation Agricole et Rurale (FAR)

Agricultura Regenerativa: transición a una gestión ecosistémica de la agricultura

La agricultura pasa por tiempos de gran complejidad, enfrenta grandes retos, ante la preocupación por la seguridad alimentaria, la necesidad de prevenir la degradación ambiental y mejorar las condiciones de la tierra para la producción agrícola, así como condiciones climatológicas adversa, escases o ineficiencia en el uso del agua, complicaciones...
2023 - Proyecto Puente

Historias de cambio: conectando el conocimiento tradicional y las innovaciones para sistemas alimentarios justos y sostenibles

La Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre Agricultura Familiar en colaboración con Barefoot Guide Connection organizó una serie de “talleres de escritura”, para ayudar a los profesionales a escribir sus propias experiencias, generando conocimientos que destaquen las prácticas, cambios, innovaciones e impactos de lo que hacen en apoyo a la agricultura familiar. Estos...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Ecuador - Peru - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Газетная статья
Participatory future visions of collaborative agroecological farmer-pastoralist systems in Tanzania

Agroecology is increasingly promoted as a way to create just and sustainable farm- and food systems. Although there are multiple initiatives to scale up agroecology, current socio-political structures often hinder its potential to transform food systems. This study uses participatory approaches to create paintings that envision agroecological futures in the...
United Republic of Tanzania

Grandma and the Bees: My connections to Agroecosystems

I spent my summer vacations at my grandma’s after my 6th-grade examinations. Grandma lives in a small village in Kerala in India. It was always fun to be at her place, spending my days playing, helping in the kitchen and feeding the cows. I rarely visited grandma every year as...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

4th Global Conference of the One Planet Network Sustainable Food Systems programme

This conference aims to make a substantial contribution to the UN Food Systems Summit’s follow-up process, in view of the first Stock-Taking Moment that is tentatively scheduled for June/July 2023 (TBC). It will build on the past fruitful collaborations of the SFS Programme with the UN FSS Secretariat and the current...
2023 - One Planet handle with care

Harvesting the benefits of nutritional research to address global challenges in the 21st century

Over the past 20 years, substantial progress has been made in improving feeds and feeding technologies for most aquaculture species. Notable improvements in feed conversion efficiency (through a better understanding of requirements and improved feed management) and ingredient sustainability (through increased capability to use a wider range of ingredients) have been...
2023 - World Aquaculture Society

The Land Degradation Surveillance Framework Field Manual

The LDSF is a comprehensive method for assessing soil and land health, from the field to the use of new and advanced data analytics. Land health generally refers to the degree to which the integrity of the soil, vegetation, water and air, as well as ecological processes, are balanced and...
2023 - World Agroforestry

实 践
Farm gate nutrient budgets for organic farming

Farm gate nutrient budgets are an easy and efficient tool to assess the main nutrient flows in and out of the farm. They can reveal whether there is a nutrient surplus or deficit.
2023 - RELACS

Un México sin transgénicos: hacia una propuesta trinacional. Regeneration International

La Campaña Nacional sin Maíz no hay País convocó a una conferencia de prensa con participantes de Estados Unidos y Canadá, con miras a construir estrategias conjuntas trinacionales para alcanzar la meta de un México sin transgénicos.
2023 - Regeneration International

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Opportunities and challenges of bio-based fertilizers utilization for improving soil health

Bio-based fertilizers (BBFs) have been promoted as a solution to help manage bio-waste problems and improve soil health conditions. Their potential is to replace mineral fertilizers due to nonrenewable energy dependency and the accumulation that threatens environmental issues. Currently, laboratory and field-based literature have been growing since European Union (EU)...
2023 - Organic Agriculture

EU support to the livestock sector

State of play 2021
As part of its communication material, the European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA) relies on State of Play booklets, which provide a thematic focus on programmes and interventions related to Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) implemented by INTPA F.3. Their purpose is to inform a wider...
2023 - Directorate-General for International Partnerships (European Commission)

Letter From The Farm | The More-Than-Human Magic of Transhumance

The transhumance is a privileged moment between shepherd and animal, an experience like no other. Both parties know what is expected of them, coming together as a team, walking towards a common goal in symbiosis. Photo © Claire Jeannerat    
2023 - ARC2020

Programme Agroécologie de la Cedeao : Une Etude sur les mécanismes de financement de la transition agroécologique bientôt validée

Pour la mise en œuvre du Programme Agroécologie en Afrique de l’Ouest par son Agence Régionale pour l’Agriculture et l’Alimentation (ARAA), la Cedeao a réalisé une étude  visant à identifier et analyser les instruments et mécanismes de financement permettant d’accompagner les producteurs dans la transition agroécologique et l’intensification durable de...
2023 - Agence Régionale pour l'Agriculture et l'Alimentation (ARAA)
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