




14 years of training for endogenous facilitators in agroecology in West Africa

Since 2006, Terre & Humanisme and its local partners have been training agroecology facilitators in several West African countries, the Mediterranean region and France. These facilitators in turn support farmers' organisations and farmers committed to  agroecological approach. Within the framework of the three-year program "Agroecology for Food Sovereignty and Adaptation to Climate Change in...
2020 - Terre & Humanisme

Agroecological practices supporting food production and reducing food insecurity in developing countries

A study on scientific literature in 17 countries
  This report represents the initial effort to structure existing knowledge about agroecology as farming and food system in support of the EC Knowledge Centre on Food and Nutrition Security (https://ec.europa.eu/knowledge4policy/global-food-nutrition-security_en). Scientific literature has been screened on a selection of developing countries in which food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture represent...
European Union
2020 - Joint Research Centre (European Commission)

Alimentos Bonaerenses

Alimentos Bonaerenses es un programa que promueve el desarrollo productivo de cada una de las actividades agropecuarias y de la pesca, mediante el impulso a la producción de alimentos El objetivo es generar valor agregado y empleo genuino, promoviendo el desarrollo local en cada región de la Provincia de Buenos Aires....
2020 - Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

New plant protection products against mildew in organic winegrowing - Practice report

New plant protection products against powdery and downy mildew in vineyards were tested within the EU project "RELACS". In this video, Andi Tuchschmid, vintner of the FiBL (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture) vineyard, gives a testimonial on his observations of the new products in practical use.
2020 - FIBL

Sustainability in global agriculture driven by organic farming

Agricultural practices need to change to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. How to achieve the SDGs is heavily contested. Here we propose a policy framework that triggers the required transition.  Organic agriculture, although not a silver bullet, is a useful component in such strategy.
2020 - Nature Sustainability

Evaluación final conjunta de los proyectos “Fortalecimiento de los procesos de restitución de tierras y territorios” y “Comunidades rurales resilientes para la construcción de paz”

En agosto 2019, la Embajada de Suecia en Colombia solicitó la Oficina de Evaluación de la FAO (OED) a realizar una evaluación final de dos proyectos en forma conjunta para proporcionar recomendaciones que pudieran apoyar tanto a la Embajada de Suecia y FAO Colombia a implementar un nuevo proyecto, “Transformación...
2020 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

La pandemia entre un conflicto en la agricultura familiar y la agroecología: el caso peruano

La vigente crisis sanitaria conlleva a repensar los sistemas de producción local, así como sus beneficios o daños al ecosistema y sus sociedades. En los últimos años, por ejemplo, ha surgido fuertemente el concepto de agricultura familiar para denominar al 70% de aquellos proveedores de alimentos a nivel mundial. Las...
2020 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)

BIOSOCIAL_Small farm organic vegetable production as integrated model between production and local social impact

The proposed operative group (GO) intends to set up a new circular local economy model, which combines the profitability of farms with social productivity: the valorization of horticultural genetic resources will be based on minimum technological input and on production schedule according to the needs of the community expressed by...

BOND's Synthesis Report

Highlighting and harvesting collective action benefits: A synthesis reflection on BOND’s regional reports
This document synthesises the principle outcomes of the four regional BOND reports Biodiversity & Locality (for Poland and the Czech Republic), Policies for Family Farming (for Portugal and Spain), Regenerative Food (for Hungary and Croatia) and Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) (for Romania, the Republic of Moldova and France). These reports above...
2020 - The BOND Project

Surviving Covid-19

The neglected remedy
Covid-19 is a wakeup call to us all. Let’s turn the tide away from over-processed foods that are often grown using chemicals and instead build a healthy norm, by eating a great variety of nutritious, locally produced natural foods, including indigenous crops and vegetables that we have often dropped from...
2020 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

In 2021, Celebrate the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables!

The UN General Assembly designated 2021 as the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV). The IYFV 2021 is a unique opportunity to raise awareness on the important role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition, food security, and health and as well in achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals. Ifoam...
2020 - IFOAM Organics

DUHA Farmers Directory in Czech Republic

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a type of solidarity-based food system introduced to the Czech Republic by Jan Valeška, following the example of other European countries. This video presents key CSA principles, the most common forms that CSA takes in the Czech Republic, as well as the experiences of some...
2020 - Local Food Initiatives Association

Agroecology and natural agriculture could accelerate inclusive economic growth in India

On May 29, the National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayong), the premier policy ‘Think Tank’ of the Government of India, organized a convention with international experts with the aim of promoting agroecological agriculture in India. The experts united on the importance of producing food free of fertilizers, agrochemicals and pesticides,...
2020 - PIB Delhi

Empowering sustainability in Ghana

Sometimes, it is not so easy for people to embrace sustainability instead of some “not so sustainable” practices which could be beneficial as far as their income is concerned.
Without a single doubt, sustainability holds the key to food security along with education, woman empowerment and gender equality. Sulemana Hibbatullah Wunpini is a gender activist fighting for women and girls’ rights while seeking for equality. She constantly seeks for opportunities to speak in public for everything she stands for...
2020 - Food Security Center

Contribution to national policies for a agroecological transition in Senegal

Different actors in agroecology including farmers, grassroots community organizations, communities organizations, non-governmental organizations, researchers and private companies have decided to come together in one framework to contribute to the reflections of the State of Senegal on the question of the agroecological transition referred to as "Dynamic for an AgroEcological Transition in Senegal"(DyTAES). DyTAES aims, in...
2020 - CIRAD

COVID-19 will almost double acute hunger by end of 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic will see more than a quarter of a billion people suffering acute hunger by the end of the year, according to new figures from the World Food Programme (WFP).Latest numbers indicate the lives and livelihoods of 265 million people in low and middle-income countries will be under...
2020 - World Food Programme

Agroecology in Europe and Central Asia - An overview.

This publication aims to provide an overview of actions and initiatives on Agroecology in Europe and Central Asia countries. There is enough evidence that agroecology contributes to more sustainable food systems, in particular to delivering food production while respecting natural resources, ecosystem services and social processes. However, to assure agroecology can...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Innovative cases of organic agriculture in Asia

This book is a product of the Xichong Organic Innovation Committee, a group composed of 9 organic innovation experts from all over Asia. It provides a valuable framework for organic farming stakeholders in Asia and around the world by sharing a selection of best organic practices and innovative cases in production,...
2020 - Universitas Bakrie Press

Ensuring quality seeds when the need is greatest

At an FAO webinar, seed experts discussed the impacts of COVID-19 on seed systems – the primary basis for human sustenance – and potential action to mitigate these. The recording of the virtual event is available online. Food production depends on the availability, accessibility, and quality of seeds. Although the COVID-19 crisis’...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Agroecology and Markets – Stories from the field

How wide are the agroecology ripples?
We cannot talk about food sovereignty without mentioning the role of mass markets on which the majority of people depend on their income and food. These markets have demonstrated their relevance during the COVID-19 era by strengthening rural-urban linkages. Mass markets have been the main avenue through which rural people...
Cameroon - Ethiopia - Ghana - Kenya - Lesotho - Mozambique - Nigeria - Senegal - Sudan - Uganda - Zambia
2020 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty (AFSA)
Total results:4097