




Segurando las semillas

"Esta edición de LEISA está dedicada a tratar la relación entre la agroecología y la salud. En realidad, se trata de volver sobre un tema al que por lo general no se le presta la importancia que merece, aunque la interdependencia entre producción agrícola y salud humana es clara y...
2008 - Asociación Ecología, Tecnología y Cultura en los Andes

El aporte de la naturaleza. Agricultura sostenible y procesos ecológicos

"El suelo, el agua, el aire y sus combinaciones son mucho más que simples elementos a disposición de la humanidad. Cada uno de ellos es, a su vez, un universo de relaciones entre organismos y materiales, y entre sistemas entre sí. La agricultura industrial se ha fundado sobre la capacidad...
2008 - Asociación Ecología, Tecnología y Cultura en los Andes

Land redistribution and poverty reduction in South Africa

The livelihood impacts of smallholder agriculture under land reform
The first objective was to develop a comprehensive picture of each project in terms of its membership, its activities and its internal organisation. The second was to situate the projects within their wider context, which included the local community, local government (represented by officials and councillors of local and district...
South Africa
2008 - Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)

Produtos orgânicos

Sistemas participativos de garantia
A legislação brasileira prevê três diferentes maneiras de garantir a qualidade orgânica dos seus produtos: a Certificação, os Sistemas Participativos de Garantia e o Controle Social para a Venda Direta sem Certificação. Os chamados Sistemas Participativos de Garantia, junto com a Certificação, compõem o Sistema Brasileiro de Avaliação da Conformidade...
2008 - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento

Contradicciones históricas ante la crisis del paradigma agroalimentario postmoderno

Reflexiones desde Guatemala
La visualización mediática de algunos aspectos de la crisis del modelo agroalimentario mundial, catapulta al debate público y a las agendas políticas la urgencia de que los Estados se posicionen respecto a “cómo” asegurar la realización y defensa del derecho humano a la alimentación. Un debate de alcance planetario, al...
2008 - Centro Latino Americano de Ecología Social (CLAES)

El conocimiento andino es clave para enfrentar el cambio climático.

Entrevista a John Earls
Para el antropólogo y físico australiano radicado en el Perú, John Earls, la comunidad campesina andina es dueña de una estructura organizativa que le permite adaptarse y enfrentar el cambio climático global, un escenario caracterizado por su impredictibilidad y la frecuencia de eventos extremos. Esta fortaleza, sin embargo, no es...
2008 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Sin culturas nativas no hay papas nativas

Afirma que una estrategia de conservación efectiva de cultivos "milenarios", como las papas nativas, implica mantener las estructuras sociales y conocimientos ancestrales de las poblaciones rurales.
2008 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Lo pequeño es hermoso: cien números dedicados a la pequeña agricultura

A lo largo de sus primeros cien números, La Revista Agraria ha intentado mostrar la importancia de la pequeña agricultura en el país y la necesidad de que sea apoyada. En el Perú, la tarea implica librar una batalla cuesta arriba, pues los gobiernos y, por extensión la clase política,...
2008 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

El campo es mucho más que una inmensa extensión verde

La necesidad de un enfoque territorial para el desarrollo agrario y rural
El universo rural es mucho más que el sector agropecuario; por tanto, el desarrollo rural excede el desarrollo agrario. Pensar y actuar en consonancia con las múltiples dimensiones del mundo rural implica adoptar una concepción territorial, antes que sectorial.
2008 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Value-adding standards in the North American food market

Trade opportunities in certified products for developing countries
There has been a proliferation of private sector initiatives to set standards and certification programmes for foods since the early 1990s, especially in industrialized countries. A major driving force behind these initiatives has been changing consumer preferences. Rising purchasing power, education level, urbanization and evolving lifestyles combined with the decline...
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Visual Soil Assessment (VSA)

Pastures part 1
Soil type and the effect of management on the condition of the soil are important determinants of the productive performance and quality of pastures, and have profound effects on long-term profits. Land managers need tools that are reliable, quick and easy to use in order to help them assess the...
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Wheat rust disease global programme

Wheat, grown on more than 200 million hectares of land worldwide, is a source of food and livelihoods for over one billion people in developing countries. This important commodity has been greatly affected by recent soaring food prices. Wheat prices have doubled in the last year, largely as a result...
Algeria - Egypt - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Jordan - Lebanon - Libya - Morocco - Oman - Sudan - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - Yemen
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Crisis Management Centre for the Food Chain

Conservation agriculture in the context of emergencies and rehabilitation

In this brief, Conservation Agriculture is explained, including the role the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is undertaking in promoting Conservation Agriculture, especially in developing and emerging economies. 
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Bioseguridad en ganadería ovina de la zona centro-sur perteneciente a la agricultura familiar campesina

La bioseguridad, en producción animal, corresponde a aquellas acciones enfocadas a prevenir el ingreso y diseminación de las enfermedades en un plantel. Este estudio tiene por objetivo medir el actual nivel de bioseguridad, de los pequeños productores ovinos de las Regiones VI, VII y VIII. Se definieron 105 Especificaciones Técnicas...
2008 - Universidad de Chile

Conseil agricole au Cameroun : une pièce maîtresse du développement rural

Article sur une table ronde au Cameroun qui a rassemblé une quarantaine d’acteurs autour de la question « Place et rôle du conseil agricole dans les politiques agricoles ». L’occasion de débats animés et ouverts, où ont été abordés de multiples sujets comme, entre autres, celui de la définition, du rôle,...
2008 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural (IR)

Regional dynamics of rural development and family farming styles

An analysis from Rio Grande do Sul
This thesis has as theme the problematization of the interfaces, relations and determinations that may effect the transformations in household agriculture and, in to which extent that process may cause and/or influence rural development dynamics and the formation of household agriculture styles. The regions and the municipalities which represent them,...
2008 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Family farming and entrepreneurship: a study about the trajectories of young graduates from rural youth development centre (CEDEJOR) in Rio Pardo Valley / Rio Grande do Sul

This thesis aims to analyze the trajectories of the young emerged from the Centro de Desenvolvimento do Jovem Rural (CEDEJOR) and its work in Vale do Rio Pardo/RS. Established in three States southern of Brazil, [the Centro de  Desenvolvimento  do  Jovem Rural (CEDEJOR)], through its alternate pedagogy and Entrepreneurship, offers...
2008 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul

Students for Eco-Education and Agriculture (SEEAG)

SEEAG's Mission is to educate children about the farm sources of their food from  field-to-table while connecting them to the farmland in their own backyard.

IFAD Thematic Priorities for the Near East and North Africa

This paper draws on key recent IFAD documents, evaluations, studies and reviews andalso on workshop findings and discussions related to the Near East and North Africa(NENA) region. The IFAD documents and evaluations consulted are: (a) IFAD StrategicFramework 2007-2010; (b) the 2006 Near East and North Africa Division (PN)self-evaluation report on...
2008 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

What means adapting to wolf reappearance for sheep farmers in French Southern Alps?

Wolves have been coming back for several years in the southern French Alps. In two valleys of the Mercantour national park, they have been present for 15 years. Sheep farmers have to adapt their farming systems to this presence. We carried out surveys among the sheep farmers i) to describe...
Total results:19994