




Organic agriculture and stability of food supply

Stability of the food supply is broadly related to the environmental conditions that allow for sustainable food production and encourage productivity as well as to the economic conditions that allow for sustainable supplies at reasonable prices. This paper focuses on the interactions and interdependencies between farming practices and environmental conditions....
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

La agricultura familiar en los países del Cono Sur

Entre los años 2005 y 2006, el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura, IICA, a través de su Especialista Regional en Desarrollo Rural Sostenible, abordó la tarea de realizar en cada país del Cono Sur (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay), un estudio que resumiera y explicara la realidad...
Argentina - Brazil - Chile - Paraguay - Uruguay
2007 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)

Defining smallholders agriculture in Ghana

Who are smallholders, what do they do and how are they linked with markets?
Smallholders in Ghana, as elsewhere, are widely considered to be the largest as well as the most vulnerable component of the rural sector. Ghana professes national development objectives of reducing rural poverty through the increased productivity and commercialization of smallholder agriculture. As a starting point for more detailed discussion of...
2007 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Women farmers’ productivity in sub-Saharan Africa

The need to focus on women farmers' productivity, which can be an effective engine for social change, has become increasingly clear in sub-Saharan Africa. Women have a significant role in farming and post-harvest activities in most countries in the region. Nevertheless, a complex set of rights and obligations reflecting social...
2007 - United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Conservation Agriculture in Africa

Conservation agriculture as practised in Kenya
This case study presents the status of conservation agriculture in Kenya. It is one in a series of eight case studies about conservation agriculture in Africa, which were developed within the framework of a collaboration between CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of...
2007 - African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT)

Газетная статья
Producción integrada. Una estrategia de tránsito hacia sistemas más sostenibles.

La producción integrada, puede servir en los ambientes agrarios mediterráneos, como una estrategia de punto de partida, para una transición agroecológica. Esta transición tiene que abordar importantes retos: recuperar los suelos agrarios deteriorados; mejorar la calidad de las aguas de riego; utilizar variedades adaptadas a las condiciones atmosféricas mediterráneas, especialmente...
2007 - Revista Ecosistemas

Sustainable Future of the Rural Areas of Croatia

Sustainable Future of the Rural Areas in Croatia is a common Dutch-Croatian project which is from 2007. carried out in collaboration with Millieukontakt International, ODRAZ, SMART, CCI and PINS. HMRR was a partner in project from the beginning of 2008 and is part of the activites of the Netwok in 2008...
2007 - Croatian Rural Development Network (HMRR)

Guía del CIAPA: Una introducción al Convenio sobre el trabajo en el sector pesquero de 2007

El objetivo que persigue esta guía consiste en presentar brevemente el Convenio sobre el trabajo en el sector pesquero de 2007, adoptado en junio del mismo año en Ginebra, Suiza, durante la 96ª reunión de la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo (CIT) de la Organización Mundial del Trabajo (OIT). No pretende...

Gender Focus: A collection of articles from Yemaya

Women of fishing communities across the world play vital roles in fisheries, and in sustaining their households, communities, social networks and cultures. While these roles are central to maintaining livelihoods and the very activity of fisheries, they often remain unacknowledged and undervalued. Yemaya, the gender and fisheries newsletter from ICSF...

Buenas prácticas agrícolas para la agricultura familiar

El objetivo de este trabajo es difundir los conceptos básicos de las Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas (BPA), con el propósito de: orientar los sistemas de producción hacia una agricultura sostenible y ecológicamente segura, obtener productos inocuos y de mayor calidad, contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria a través de la generación de...
2007 - Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe (FAO/RLC)

Developing the world's first insurance for African pastoralists

In Kenya's drylands, drought has always been the greatest hazard faced by livestock herding families. Modern pressures are making this situation worse. This film tells the story of a research project started in 2007, which this year introduced a new form of insurance to remote herding peoples who had never...
2007 - International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

The Process of Agroecological Transition – A Case Study from Southern Brazil

This is a participatory case study together with the Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Cetap (Centro de Tecnologias Alternativas Populares) in Brazil and the farmers in two of the groups with whom Cetap cooperates. The objective of the study is to describe and evaluate the process of agroecological transition with the...
2007 - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

Dimitra Newsletter: Information, communication and gender

This 13th edition of the newsletter provides an opportunity for Dimitra and its partners to inform you about their activities over the last six months. It will also present other issues, such as the situation and rights of rural women producers, the right and access to land, food and sustainable...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Madagascar - Niger - Senegal - Uganda
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dimitra Newsletter: Rural women, literacy training and communication

In this latest edition of the Dimitra Newsletter, as in previous editions, we highlight the importance of access by rural populations, and particularly women, to information and communication. The ability to access information and to share it through dissemination and networking is crucial in order to combat inequality, malnutrition and...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - South Africa - Sudan - Uganda - Zimbabwe
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Trees and shrubs of the Maldives

In the Maldives, forests and trees are used by the islanders primarily as a source of timber but also for medicinal and culinary purposes amongst many others. For their effective conservation and sustainable management it is essential that relevant information on the identity, ecology and use of each species be...

Politique et Stratégie Nationalles d’Assainissement (PSNA)

a permis d’accomplir des progrès significatifs dans le domaine. Mais aujourd’hui, les évolutions et réformes institutionnelles dans notre pays rendent nécessaire la relecture de ce document. De plus, l’absence d’une politique nationale en matière d’assainissement constitue un vide qu’il convient de combler. C’est l’objet du présent document qui tire les...
Burkina Faso

Газетная статья
Efecto ambiental y social por la variación de los niveles del lago Junín en las comunidades campesinas aledañas y su efecto en el costo de la energía eléctrica en el Perú

(Páginas 175 - 186 de la publicación). El impacto ambiental producido por las actividades económicas, principalmente extractivas, es estudiado y evaluado en forma conjunta a su impacto social, fundamentalmente en situaciones en que la actividad se desarrolla en un área geográfica poblada o en relación a ésta;  a fin de...
2007 - Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM)

Zambia: Smallholder Agricultural Commercialization Strategy

This report focuses on the potential and opportunities for smallholder commercialization in Zambia. The paper discusses the framework for Zambia's smallholder commercialization strategy, the current state of smallholder agriculture in Zambia, key issues, support from agribusiness to smallholders, and development of potential and opportunities for smallholder commercialization. The paper concludes...
2007 - World Bank

Programme National d’Investissements Agricoles (PNIA)

Programme National d’Investissements Agricoles(PNIA) a été élaboré dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de la déclaration de Paris qui prône l’amélioration de l’efficacité de l’aide et la gestion axée sur les résultats et également dans celui de la mise en oeuvre de la Déclaration des Chefs d’Etat Africains...
Burkina Faso

Газетная статья
Exploración de los principales mercados internacionales para flores tropicales de la provincia del Tequendama

El cultivo de flores tropicales en la provincia del Tequendama (Cundinamarca), ha surgido como una alternativa de producción económica, social y ambientalmente viable, gracias a las ventajas comparativas como competitivas de la provincia. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de la valoración de la producción de flores tropicales en la...
2007 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Total results:19967