Codex Contact Point | |
Norwegian Food Safety Authority, PO Box 383, N-2381, Brumunddal | Tel: +47 22 779104 E-mail: [email protected] Website: |
Competent authorities
Name of authority
Norwegian Food Safety Authority
The Norwegian Food Safety Authority is the government supervisory body for food safety.
The authority promotes plant, fish, animal and human health and supervises food" from the farm to the fork", from the fishing boat and the farmer, via abattoirs, dairies and importing agencies to groceries and restaurants.
FSA shall, through supervision, guidance, monitoring and surveillance, and by taking part in the development of regulations, pursue these goals:
ensure safe food and safe drinking water
promote good health in plants, fish and animals
promote good animal welfare and respect for animals
promote health, quality and consumer issues along the whole food production chain
ensure the necessary environment-friendly production
INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point
We are connected to the EU RASFF system. INFOSAN information is provided there.
e-mail: [email protected]
The national Codex programme
National Codex consultative mechanism
CCP organised within the Food Safety Authority. Tasked to arrange pre-meetings with relevant ministries, technical personnel, scientists and relevant stakeholders (industry, consumers etc.).
Providers of scientific and technical input to national consultation on Codex
The Norwegian Scientific Committee (VKM)
Risk Assessments and Scientific Data
National bodies providing risk assessment and scientific advice
The Norwegian Scientific Committee (VKM)
Scientific advisory institutions and central laboratories
The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has approved the use of these Scientific advisory institutions for surveillance programs and has also signed agreements on advisory support with these central laboratories
Norwegian Veterinary Institute www.vetinst.no
Veterinærinstituttet Tel. 23216300
Box 8156 Dep., NO-0033 Oslo
The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi: NIBIO www.nibio.no
Box 115, NO-1431 Ås
The National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research
Nasjonalt institutt for ernæring og sjømat www.nifes.no
Box 2029 Nordnes, NO-5817 Bergen
Norwegian Institute of Public Health www.fhi.no
Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt
Box 4404 Nydalen, NO-0403 Oslo
Norwegian Institute of Marine Research www.imr.no
Havforskningsinstituttet Tel 55238500
Box 1870 Nordnes, NO- 5817 Bergen
Norwegian University of Life Science
Norges Miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet, NMBU
Fakultet for veterinærmedisin og biovitenskap Tel. 22964500
Box 8146 Dep., NO-0033 Oslo
Risk assessment, risk profiles, scientific opinions
Available here:
Official Laboratory
See Q 6
Official Competence
Surveillance of foodborne diseases and monitoring of food contamination
National surveillance systems – foodborne disease in humans
The three main sources of knowledge about the prevalence of food-borne infections in the Norwegian population are:
• for Communicable Diseases ( MSIS )
• The online system for notification of disease outbreaks ( Vesuvius )
• National Reference Laboratory for enteropathogenic bacteria by FHI . The reference laboratory receives and characterizing bacterial isolates , as well as isolates from the food chain.
National monitoring systems – foodborne hazards in the food chain
See above
we also have in place a number of annual monitoring programs.