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Amendments to the Procedural Manual

CAC Year Agenda Item Nº Amendments Ref.
CAC43 2020 #4 CAC43 noted that there were no proposed amendments to the Procedural Manual.
CAC42 2019 #3 There were no amendments to the Procedural Manual.
CAC41 2018 #3

Risk Analysis Principles applied by the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods

    14.   In response to a request to refer the proposed amendment to CCGP and defer a decision until CAC42, the Secretariat of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) clarified that the proposed deletion would not modify the intent of the work or the safety evaluation for residues of veterinary drugs in foods, but serve instead to clarify how CCRVDF could approach its proposed work to develop extrapolation of MRLs as a risk-management decision. The Codex Secretariat confirmed that, procedurally, there was no need to refer the matter to CCGP, and noted that, until such an amendment as proposed was made, MRLs for minor species already requested by developing countries would not be available.
    15.   The Commission:
      (i) adopted the amendment as proposed by CCRVDF, noting the reservation of the Dominican Republic;
      (ii) noted that Costa Rica would join the EU as co-chair of the electronic working group (EWG) of CCRVDF on extrapolation, thereby facilitating greater participation of Spanish-speaking countries